Here is a story how I use this product to manage my CG libs.
I have a huge collection of lots of CG libs from games and albums. And it keep growing. When I add some standalone image, not identified with the theme or source, to my collection, I want to check whether this image is stored already. When I get a new lib of CG, I need to check whether this lib is saved already.
After PowerShell started, enter these commands:
Loads ImageStore. You may need to change the path to the dll file.
import-module .\ImageStore.dll
Opens database connection. I placed the database file in D:\ImageStoreDatabase and want to use it with Sql Server 2017 LocalDB.
open-ImageStoreDatabase "server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=D:\ImageStoreDatabase\DataStore.mdf;Integrated Security=True"
Makes the outputs on.
Enables cache. D:\ImageStoreDatabase\Cache is created for storing cache files.
SetThumbprintCacheFolder "D:\ImageStoreDatabase\Cache"
To start PowerShell from windows and apply commands above, you can enter this in one line like:
```powershell -noexit -command "import-module .\ImageStore.dll; open-imagestoredatabase \"server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=D:\ImageStoreDatabase\DataStore.mdf;Integrated Security=True\"; $InformationPreference=\"Continue\"; $VerbosePreference=\"Continue\"; SetThumbprintCacheFolder \"D:\ImageStoreDatabase\Cache\""```
I have 4 folders created for managing the collection.
Name | Purpose | Path |
Images | Stores CG libs. | D:\Images |
Standalone Images | Stores images not be identified. | D:\Images\Standalone |
New Libs | Store new collected CG libs temporarily. | D:\New Images |
New Standalone Images | Stores new collected standalone images. | D:\New Standalone Images |
Of course, the first and second folder should be empty at beginning.
Here are the command to create these folders:
$ImagesFolder = Add-ImageStoreFolder -Name "Images" -Path "D:\Images" -IsSealed $true
$StandaloneImagesFolder = Add-ImageStoreFolder -Name "Standalone Images" -Path "D:\Images\Standalone" -CompareImageWith FilesInOtherFolders -IsSealed $true
$NewLibsFolder = Add-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Libs" -Path "D:\New Images"
$NewStandaloneImagesFolder = Add-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Standalone Images" -Path "D:\New Standalone Images" -CompareImageWith FilesInOtherDirectories
Because the 2nd folder is located in the 1st one, I need to ignore the directory from the 1st folder.
Add-ImageStoreIgnoredDirectory -FolderId $ImagesFolder.Id -Directory "Standalone" -IsSubDirectoryIncluded $false
Here are all extensions in my collections.
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "jpg"
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "jpeg"
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "png"
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "mkv" -IsImage $false
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "webm" -IsImage $false
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "gif"
Add-ImageStoreExtension -Extension "mp4" -IsImage $false
Now I can put new collected images into New Libs or New Standalone Images. After that, I need to run Sync-ImageStoreFolder
to sync. If I make some change in the first 2 folders, run Sync-ImageStoreFolder -OverrideSealedFolder
to sync them all.
After sync, measure the new added files by using Measure-ImageStoreFiles
It's a good idea to remove same files before comparing similar files.
First, use Compare-ImageStoreSameFiles
to find all same files.
I want to select all same files located in the New Standalone Images folder and remove them:
$target = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Standalone Images"
$files = Select-ImageStoreSameFile -Folder $target
foreach($i in $files){Remove-ImageStoreFile -Id $}
And do the same thing on the folder New Libs:
$target = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Libs"
$files = Select-ImageStoreSameFile -Folder $target
foreach($i in $files){Remove-ImageStoreFile -Id $}
Finally, remove the obsoleted records:
First to find the similar file relations by running Compare-ImageStoreSimilarFiles
Then run Resolve-ImageStoreSimilarFiles to deal the similar files.
Because too many records may be generated and some of them are by mistake, I strongly recommend you run it with DifferenceDegree parameter increasingly, and disconnect all wrong relations.
For example:
$files = Resolve-ImageStoreSimilarFiles -DifferenceDegree 0.01
foreach($i in $files){Remove-ImageStoreFile -File $i -OverrideSealedFolder}
When you realize there is a full directory should be removed, you don't need to remove all files one by one.
You can choose:
- Remove this directory from file system and then rerun sync command. Or,
- Use Remove-ImageStoreDirectory to remove it.
Finally, move all files from the 3rd and 4th folder into the 1st and 2nd one.
$source = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Libs"
$target = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "Standalone Images"
$files = Search-ImageStoreFolder -FolderId $source.Id
foreach($i in $files){Move-ImageStoreFile -File $i -NewFolder $target -OverrideSealedFolder}
$source = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "New Standalone Images"
$target = Find-ImageStoreFolder -Name "Images"
$files = Search-ImageStoreFolder -FolderId $source.Id
foreach($i in $files){Move-ImageStoreFile -File $i -NewFolder $target -OverrideSealedFolder}
After removing and moving files, there may be some directories are empty.
To remove them, use Clear-ImageStoreEmptyFolders, or remove them directly from file system.
Actually, you dont need to enter the names of parameters in all commands above, starting with hyphen, except switch like -OverrideSealedFolder
. Because those parameters are provided in the right sequence, cmdlet can detect the parameter of them correctly.