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Exhibitor Info and FAQ |
Exhibitor Information and Frequently Asked Questions |
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exhibitor_faq |
We will have a small hall with tables available for exhibitors. There are several sponsorship levels for commercial enterprises, and free tables available for local non-profit or educational organizations. Please see our [sponsors page](/sponsors/{{ site.custom.year }}) for details.
We open the exhibit hall for setup at 8:30 am on both Friday and Saturday.
We close the exhibit hall for cleanup at 5:30 pm on both Friday and Saturday. We have a hard deadline of 6 pm for everyone to be out of the building.
We don't mind if you leave things in the exhibit hall overnight, however we don't recommend you keep expensive items, cash, or credit card numbers of any form in the expo hall overnight.
Please check in at the registration table in the exhibit hall. A map can be found [here](/maps/{{ site.custom.year }}).
Tables are first come, first serve. Just pick an empty table and setup!
Tables are standard 30"x72" folding tables. We will also have folding chairs available behind them.
Yes there will! At the registration table, we will have power strips and extensions cords to share the power between tables. We ask that you bring your own power strip if you need more than an outlet or two for your booth.
There will! The password will be written on the whiteboard at the end of the expo hall.
Yes! During the keynotes from 9:30am to 10:30am on both Friday and Saturday, the expo hall will be closed. We want to encourage everyone to take a break and attend the keynotes. Also, we will be having a daily coffee between 9am and 9:30am and a break from 3:00pm to 3:30pm each day. These are a great times to interact with our attendees! We will also be having lunch provided on Saturday from noon to 1pm in the expo hall. This will be another great time to interact with our attendees!
Please join us in Matrix or IRC.
Please feel free to email the SeaGL staff at {{ }}.