diff --git a/specification/level-1-version-4/jib-submission-2021/sedml-l1v4-jib-cover-page.tex b/specification/level-1-version-4/jib-submission-2021/sedml-l1v4-jib-cover-page.tex index 54054cf..27d177c 100644 --- a/specification/level-1-version-4/jib-submission-2021/sedml-l1v4-jib-cover-page.tex +++ b/specification/level-1-version-4/jib-submission-2021/sedml-l1v4-jib-cover-page.tex @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ % Please make sure to use unique footnote characters for each author \jibauthor{% - Matthias K{\"o}nig\iref{humboldt} + Matthias K{\"o}nig\iref{humboldt}, Frank T. Bergmann\iref{heidelberg}, Lucian P. Smith\iref{uw}, Alan Garny\iref{auckland}, @@ -51,14 +51,13 @@ } %\addjibinstitution{imbio}{IMBio, Ralf Hofest\"adt, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Technology, Bioinformatics Department, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany, \url{http://www.imbio.de}} -\addjibinstitution{heidelberg}{BioQUANT/COS, Heidelberg University, Germany} \addjibinstitution{humboldt}{Humboldt University Berlin, DE} +\addjibinstitution{heidelberg}{BioQUANT/COS, Heidelberg University, Germany} \addjibinstitution{uw}{University of Washington, US} - \addjibinstitution{auckland}{Auckland Bioengineering Institute, New Zealand} +\addjibinstitution{greifswald}{University of Greifswald, Germany} \addjibinstitution{nebraska}{University of Nebraska, USA} \addjibinstitution{sinai}{Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA} -\addjibinstitution{greifswald}{University of Greifswald, Germany} \end{jibtitlepage} @@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ SED-ML encodes in a computer-readable exchange format the information required by MIASE to enable reproduction of simulation experiments. It has been developed as a community project and it is defined in a detailed technical specification and additionally provides an XML schema. -SED-ML Level~1 Version~4 covers the description of time course and steady state simulations, parameter estimation experiments, and introduces a generic construct to allow new experiments to be described without the need to update this core specification. For all descriptions, SED-ML provides a way to define the data, models, modifications, simulations, analyses, and results of each experiment it describes. These descriptions are independent of the underlying model implementation. SED-ML is a software-independent format for encoding the description of simulation experiments; it is not specific to particular simulation tools. Other materials and resources are available from the SED-ML project website at \url{http://sed-ml.org/}.} +SED-ML Level~1 Version~4 covers the description of time course and steady state simulations, parameter estimation experiments, and introduces a generic construct to allow new experiments to be described without the need to update this core specification. For all descriptions, SED-ML provides a way to define the data, models, modifications, simulations, analyses, and results of each experiment it describes. These descriptions are independent of the underlying model implementation. SED-ML is a software-independent format for encoding the description of simulation experiments; it is not specific to particular simulation tools. Additional materials and resources are available from the SED-ML project website at \url{http://sed-ml.org/}.} %\end{adjustwidth} % please do not change %LS NOTE: 'adjustwidth' not recognized in my setup.