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Seminar on User-centred Collaborative Design, Ethics in Software Architecture, and the Value in Interdisciplinary Research |
Friday 26 April, 2024, 13.30-15.00 |
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Seminar: Three international Speakers on User-centred Collaborative Design, Ethics in Software Architecture, and the Value in Interdisciplinary Research
When and where:
Date: Friday 26 April, 2024
Time: 13.30-15.00
Room: NU-4A.45 (NU Building)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Monica Landoni (USI, Switzeland)
Title of Talk: Connecting the Dots: User-centred Collaborative Design of Inclusive Technology
Abstract: This talk provides a overview of my current research by highlighting the projects I've worked on that all center on participatory design using a user-centered approach to create inclusive technology.
Short Bio: Monica Landoni is a professor at the Faculty of Informatics (USI, Zwitzerland) where she leads the Laboratory of User Experience, Interaction & Accessibility (LUXIA). She holds a PhD in Computing and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Scotland. She has been involved in a number of projects, including the JISC Project "EBONI", Electronic Books ON-screen Interface, EU Projects: STAMP, PENG, REVEAL-THIS and PuppyIR. Together with SNSF sponsored: SOL, TADAA, BEST, DEDUCE, and HEBE, and Hasler funded PADS. She is also member of the EUGAIN COST ACTION: European Network for gender balance in Informatics. Her research interests lie mainly in the field of Human Computer Interaction with particular attention to understudied user groups as children and people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities.
Speaker: Dr. Maryam Razavian (TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Title of Talk: What makes a successful software architect?
Abstract: The new digital business models have increased demand for delivering high-quality software more quickly. This has created a shift in the role of the architect, primarily the technical decision maker, to covering more business, social, and technical aspects, aka, behavioral competencies. This explorative study examines which behavioral competencies are essential for a software architect and how they lead to success.
Short bio: Maryam Razavian is an Assistant Professor of human aspects of software design at Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research focuses on social-aware software design including behavioral aspects in software systems and value-centered software design. She received her PhD in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ita Richardson (U. of Limerick & Lero, Ireland)
Title of Talk: The value in doing Interdisclipinary Research
Abstract: There is much value to be achieved through doing interdisciplinary research, considering topics where disciplines intersect. We often think of interdisciplinarity as bringing together topics which might be seen as miles apart from each other, an example being healthcare and software engineering. But, I will also discuss interdisciplinarity as it pertains to topics in which the knowledge is more closely aligned, an example being agile methods and global software development. I will present examples of research from the interdisciplinary environment which has helped to move disciplines forward. During COVID-19, for example, we saw how healthcare changed due to software. Implementation of e-Pharmacy systems could not have happened without prior research on how pharmacy works in practice combined how regulations on security and privacy should be implemented in software. Apart from the research itself, there is other value achieved from interdisciplinary research - such as working with researchers outside our immediate field and publishing in interdisciplinary venues.
Short Bio: Prof Ita Richardson is Professor of Software Quality in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Limerick, Deputy Director of Lero – the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, and a Principal Investigator in the Ageing Research Centre in UL. She leads projects on Connected Health, Global Software Engineering, and Gender issues in STEM. Ita has over 200 publications, has supervised 23 PhD students to completion. She has received funding for her research from a variety of agencies including Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Research Council, European Union and Enterprise Ireland. Her collaborators have included IBM, Ocuco and Johnson & Johnson, and public bodies such as University Hospital Limerick Group and the Irish Health Service Executive. She led the University of Limerick Equality and Human Rights portfolio from 2017-2020. Website: Ita Richardson