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Prosimio edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 32 revisions

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FluoPi is a project funded by the OpenPlant synthetic biology center (Cambridge). We are a team of scientists and engineers from Universidad Catolica de Chile (Fernan Federici, Juan Keymner, Tim Rudge, Isaac Nuñez, and Tamara Matute), Backyard Brains Chile (Tim Marzullo and Roberto Pellizzari). The scope is designed to take timelapse images of fluorescence at macroscopic scale, from individual colony level to whole petri dishes (plates). Using consumer materials and LEDs, combined with new fluorescent proteins, the system can image at least 3 colors of fluorescence without changing filters. Also is possible use it as a blue light transilluminator (e.g. to see electrophoresis gel), recording images with raspicam or a cellphone camera.

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