Date: 20.05.2021
- Computer Vision Toolbox - SURF features
- VLFeat Toolbox - SIFT features VLFeat Toolbox installation guide for MATLAB
- Download the binary package of
to the current directory from VLFeat - Dowload page - Unpack the file.
Terminal(bash) command to do so on Linux systems is
tar -xzvf vlfeat-0.9.21-bin.tar.gz
- Execute the following command in the
MATLAB Command Window
with the current directory as the workspace directoryrun('./vlfeat-0.9.21/toolbox/vl_setup') vl_version versbose
Note: vlfeat-0.9.21 - the version number might be different on basis of future updates to the toolbox. Personal recommendation to follow VLFeat Toolbox installation guide for MATLAB
- ex-12--image-mathcing-using-sift-features-and-surf-features.pdf: Problem Statement for this Lab experiment
- SIFT.m: MatLab code to extract SIFT features for a given image
- SURF.m: MatLab code to extract & visually annotate the SURF feeature & keypoints
Output of SURF.m
Output of SIFT.m
- Open file selection dialog box - MATLAB uigetfile
- How to change the window title of a MATLAB plotting figure? - StackOverflow
- How can I customize the text of the figure window title in MATLAB? - MathWorks
- Error:
Function IMRESIZE expected input number 2, MAP, to be a valid colormap. Valid colormaps cannot have values outside the range [0,1].
Solution - MathWorks