Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Option<String> | The unique ID of the namespace | [optional] |
name | Option<String> | The name of the namespace, unique in a region accross all organizations | [optional] |
description | Option<String> | Description of the namespace | [optional] |
organization_id | Option<String> | Owner of the namespace | [optional] |
project_id | Option<String> | Project of the namespace | [optional] |
status | Option<String> | Namespace status | [optional][default to Unknown] |
status_message | Option<String> | Namespace status details | [optional] |
endpoint | Option<String> | Endpoint reachable by docker | [optional] |
is_public | Option<bool> | Namespace visibility policy | [optional] |
size | Option<i32> | Total size of the namespace, calculated as the sum of the size of all images in the namespace (in bytes) | [optional] |
created_at | Option<String> | Creation date (RFC 3339 format) | [optional] |
updated_at | Option<String> | Last modification date, from the user or the service (RFC 3339 format) | [optional] |
image_count | Option<i32> | Number of images in the namespace | [optional] |
region | Option<String> | Region the namespace belongs to | [optional] |