Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | Option<String> | The name of the Kubernetes version | [optional] |
label | Option<String> | The label of the Kubernetes version | [optional] |
region | Option<String> | The region in which this version is available | [optional] |
available_cnis | Option<Veccrate::models::ScalewayPeriodK8sPeriodV1PeriodCni> | The supported Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins for this version | [optional] |
available_ingresses | Option<Veccrate::models::ScalewayPeriodK8sPeriodV1PeriodIngress> | The supported Ingress Controllers for this version | [optional] |
available_container_runtimes | Option<Veccrate::models::ScalewayPeriodK8sPeriodV1PeriodRuntime> | The supported container runtimes for this version | [optional] |
available_feature_gates | Option<Vec> | The supported feature gates for this version | [optional] |
available_admission_plugins | Option<Vec> | The supported admission plugins for this version | [optional] |
available_kubelet_args | Option<crate::models::ScalewayK8sV1VersionAvailableKubeletArgs> | [optional] |