Nodepool resources limits
+Limit resources to control usage and avoid unexpected costs.
+Operates every day, 24 hours a day
+ + Define when consolidation occurs to optimize resource usage by reducing the number of active nodes. + +Stable nodepool
+ + Used for single instances and internal Qovery applications, such as containerized databases, to maintain + stability. + +Default nodepool
+ + Designed to handle general workloads and serves as the foundation for deploying most applications. + +
setResourcesData: mockSetResourceData,
resourcesData: {
instance_type: 't2.medium',
- disk_size: 50,
cluster_type: 'MANAGED',
nodes: [1, 3],
karpenter: {
@@ -84,28 +83,24 @@ describe('StepResourcesFeature', () => {
it('should submit form and navigate', async () => {
- const { baseElement } = render(
+ renderWithProviders(
label: 'Managed K8S (EKS)',
value: 'MANAGED',
- },
- {
- label: 'BETA - Single EC2 (K3S)',
- value: 'SINGLE',
+ description: 'Multiple node cluster',
- fromDetail: false,
+ fromDetail: true,
cloudProvider: CloudProviderEnum.AWS,
@@ -87,13 +84,12 @@ describe('ClusterResourcesSettings', () => {
it('should render 2 radios, 1 select, 1 input and 1 slider', () => {
- wrapWithReactHookForm
- Instance type to be used to run your Kubernetes nodes. -
- {warningInstance && ( -Instance type to be used to run your Kubernetes nodes.
+ {warningInstance && ( +{`min ${watchNodes[0]} - max ${watchNodes[1]}`}
- )} -- Cluster can scale up to “max” nodes depending on its usage -
-{`min ${watchNodes[0]} - max ${watchNodes[1]}`}
+ )} ++ Cluster can scale up to “max” nodes depending on its usage +
} {description &&