A capital gain tax calculator for crypto traders or investors. This is just a toy script, not a mature product. Please notice following known limits of it:
- cannot process raw logs from any exchanges, you need to transform your trading logs into pycgt's format before using it
- limited currency types
- supported cryptos: BTC, ETH, LTC, NMC
- supported fiats: USD, AUD
- limited trading pairs
- supported pairs: btcusd, btcaud, ltcusd, nmcusd, xethxxbt, xethzusd, ethusd, xltczusd, xxbtzusd, xltcxxbt
- designed for Australian tax return, e.g. assuming financial year end between June and July
A csv file with following column:
- Type
- optional, transaction type
- Exchange
- optional, the exchange where the trade was made
- Datetime
- important, when the trade happened
- Operation
- important, either 'Buy' or 'Sell' if it's a trading transaction
- Pair
- important, one of "btcusd, btcaud, ltcusd, nmcusd, xethxxbt, xethzusd, ethusd, xltczusd, xxbtzusd, xltcxxbt"
- optional, the BTC amount issued with the trade
- optional, the LTC amount issued with the trade
- optional, the NMC amount issued with the trade
- the USD amount issued with the trade
- the AUD amount issued with the trade
- Fee(BTC)
- optional, fees paid in BTC
- Fee(LTC)
- optional, fees paid in LTC
- Fee(NMC)
- optional, fees paid in NMC
- Fee(USD)
- optional, fees paid in USD
- Fee(AUD)
- optional, fees paid in USD
- optional, BTCAUD exchange rate at "Datetime"
- optional, BTCUSD exchange rate at "Datetime"
- optional, LTCUSD exchange rate at "Datetime"
- optional, NMCUSD exchange rate at "Datetime"
- optional, AUDUSD exchange rate at "Datetime"
- Comments
- optional, just any comments
A csv example (see example.csv):
python3 is required, using virtualenv is recommended
python3.x -m venv .virtualenv # install virtualenv
source .virtualenv/bin/activate # activate virtualenv
pip install --upgrade pip # upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt # install required packages
python main.py [csv files] # multiple csv files are supported, use space to seperate them
python main.py example.csv
if everything is ok, the output would be:
gain,1418.53,Yes,420.0,1.0,2015-12-12 09:11:00.711000+00:00,buy,btcusd,0.0,btc,420.0,1.0,420.0,1.0,1.0,1838.53,1.0,2017-07-07 13:40:11.735000+00:00,sell,btcusd,0.0
Tax return report for year: 2016
Gross gains of the year: $0.00 AUD
Discountable gains of the year: $0.00 AUD
Non-discountable gains of the year: $0.00 AUD
Taxable gains of the year: $0.00 AUD
Losses carried from previous year: - $0.00 AUD
Losses of this year only: - $1.61 AUD
Total losses at the end of the year: - $1.61 AUD
Net gains of the year: - $1.61 AUD
Portfolio of the year:
btc: 1.0
ltc: 0
nmc: 0
eth: 0
Tax return report for year: 2018
Gross gains of the year: $1418.53 AUD
Discountable gains of the year: $1418.53 AUD
Non-discountable gains of the year: $0.00 AUD
Taxable gains of the year: $709.26 AUD
Losses carried from previous year: - $1.61 AUD
Losses of this year only: - $0.00 AUD
Total losses at the end of the year: - $1.61 AUD
Net gains of the year: $707.65 AUD
Portfolio of the year:
btc: 0.0
ltc: 0
nmc: 0
eth: 0
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for more information.
Rob Lao - viewpl(at)gmail(dot)com