in ./server/ FFlask server on localhost ( and port 8080 it responds to index file with route ('/', GET) and with route ('/recieve', POST)
route ('/', GET) gives you the file in ./server/templates/hello.html which displays I squared for testing
route ('/recieve', POST) does the simplest json convertion and returns the time of the json file if it exists otherwise it prints an error to the screen
venv directory created which is needed by the flask framework to store the virtual environment
.gitignore file created to ignore the venv directory so it doesnt get pushed
added a index html file so you can push a button that shows the last seven humidity data values in a graph
added a database file on the route ./server/measurements.db
added databae files coded with the sqlite3 library on route ./server/ and contains three functions: - initialize the database: def initialize_db(): - add data to the database: def add_row(uuid: str, id: str, timestamp: int , temp: int, humidity: int, red: int, green: int, blue: int): - delete a row in the databse: def delete_row(row_uuid):
two more function are added in the are commented out because they are not finished
these function are not used yet but are implemented to be used later on
added function for calculating ripeness in percentage
added matplotlib diagram creation for moisture of last 7 days
The sensor is producing an anlog output signal between 0V and 3V. This analog signal is digitalized via an analog digital converter (ADC) of the ESP32. For the ADC, the ADC1 of the ESP32 is used, since it does not intefere with the WIFI Signal of the chip.
The ESP32 is connected with PIN 0.