Stage#1 JavaScript. Evolution
- JavaScript History
- Standardisation
- Evolution
- TC39
- JavaScript is everywhere
- Node.js
- The State Of JavaScript
- ES2015
- Arrays
- Using the array spread operator
- Destructuring arrays
- Searching arrays with the .includes function
- Objects
- Enhancing object literals
- Creating objects with the spread operator
- Destructuring objects
- Iterating with the for/of loop
- Complex Types of ES2015
- Maps
- Sets
- Symbols
- Arrays
- NPM & package.json
- What are packages and npm?
- Getting Started with npm
- Initializing a package.json file
- Adding node packages
- Managing global directory
- Updating a package
- Removing a package
- Semantic versioning
- Introduction to package-lock.json
- Advanced Subjects
- Working with a npm cache
- Scripting in package.json
- Introduction to npx
3 часа
- // TODO
- ES6 по-человечески - 1 час