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Towards an updated PAHFIT Model/Interface

Based on discussions of the April 4th PAHFIT all-hands workshop.

Instrument/Science Packs

Separating the concerns of instrumental artifacts and scientific model details is important. Hence we have proposed separate “instrument” and “science” packs. Internally, information from these two types of packs is combined into a pahfit.features table, which is used both for setting up the models, inspecting model results, or altering details of the fit.

Some definitions

A feature is one component of the PAHFIT model, such as a single emission line like [NeII], or a single dust feature.
Feature Group(s)
A group of features that are conceptually related. For example a group of sub-features for a composite dust feature (e.g. PAH77).
Some value used to define a feature, e.g. wavelength for a line.
Information about a parameter, such as its value or bounds.

Instrument Packs

The primary information an instrument pack can convey to the model is:

  • The wavelength range of validity of a given spectral segment/channel/order.
  • The Gaussian full-width of the line spread function at any valid wavelength, and its uncertainty (if any).

Other instrumental details could be implemented, which are “uninteresting” scientifically. Since instrument packs are “fixed”, and implicitly determine which instruments PAHFIT supports, and since different instruments may have different degrees of complexity in their underlying calculations of line widths, a simple class structure for each fully distinct instrument or configuration will suffice. Example:


Each such class inherits from the pahfit.instruments.Instruments class, and defines two simple methods:

  • fwhm(wavelength) returns a tuple of the full-width-half maximum of an unresolved line at that rest wavelength, and the width uncertainty (fwhm, fwhm_unc). fwhm_unc is ideally None.
  • wavelength_range returns a (wave_low, wave_high) range of validity, which may not encompass the entire spectral range on the array (trimming the bad ends).
  • All wavelengths are in microns.

Science Packs

Science packs contain all the scientific model configuration details for building a PAHFIT model. These include the list of features present, and the range of values their underlying parameters take. PAHFIT will distribute a few carefully vetted science packs, but anticipate users may make small alterations to these, or create their own. The heart of PAHFIT is its science packs. To offers a flexible format for defining packs, including grouping and identifying components for easier use, PAHFIT employs a simple YAML heirarchical plain-text format, similar to many configuration file formats. Note that internally, science packs are converted into a pahfit.features tabular format.

An outline of the syntax of a PAHFIT’s YAML science packs:

  • Top level: a named set of individual features (like a single line), or groups of features (like a set of lines, continuum components, etc.)
  • Elements: Each group or feature element consists of a name key, and associated attribute info. The name is just a handy means of selecting and working with a feature or a group, and is never interpreted. All top-level names in a model must be distinct, but otherwise, can be anything.
  • Each feature or group can have several other associated keys:
    • kind: The kind of a feature. Current kinds, with description and the feature’s format:
      kind Description Underlying Model
      starlight_continuum continuum from starlight emission Blackbody
      dust_continuum underlying dust emission continuum Modified Blackbody
      line individual molecular/ionic emission lines Gaussian
      dust_feature resolved dust emission features Drude (possibly modified)
      attenuation bulk attenuation, including silicate bands named model
      absorption individual absorption bands, such as H20 Drude
    • Other attributes, specific to each feature kind (see below).
  • In addition, groups can have the following keys:
    • kind: When set on a group, kind is inherited by all features in the group.
    • features: A named set of features in a group, each with their own attributes.
    • ‘attribute’s (note plural): A list or named set of a particular attribute for a group (e.g. wavelengths). If names are not included, they are generated from the group name. If multiple attribute lists are included in a single group, they must have the same length, and names (if any) are taken from the first named set mentioned.

Parameters by kind

Note: Any parameter which is left unspecified in a science pack is allowed to vary, with a default lower bound of 0, and no upper bound (~[0, null]~). This would typically include line and feature power, continuum τ, and

The parameters available depend on the feature’s kind. All features have an implicit name (from the key atop the feature). All features have a kind, taken from a fixed set (see above), which can be inherited from their group.

  • Continua (starlight and dust_continuum) have:
    • temperature - BB temperature, in Kelvin degrees
    • tau - the emission strength of the continuum component (f_ν units, normally unspecified)
  • Resolved features (line, dust_feature) have:
    • wavelength - wavelength, in microns
    • fwhm - full-width at half-maximum, in microns
    • power - total integrated power or intensity (normally unspecified). Unit depends on units of input spectra (Hz * [unit])
  • Attenuation can have:
    • tau (normally unspecified)
    • model - a name of the attenuation model to use
    • geometry - name, currently mixed or screen, of the attenuation geometry to use. If unspecified, mixed is assumed.
  • Absorption features have:
    • tau - (unitless, maximum optical depth at feature center)
    • wavelength
    • fwhm
    • geometry

A proposed but not yet implemented parameter for dust features:

  • mod_asym - modified Drude asymmetry parameter (unitless, proposed)

Feature parameter format

Feature attributes can be included in one of several related formats, here illustrated with the “wavelength” parameter:

  1. A simple value (fixed, with bounds allowed):
    wavelength: 9.7
  2. A list of simple fixed values, in a group (note plural wavelengths):
        wavelengths: [9.7, 10.2, 15.8]
  3. A named set of values, inside a group (note plural):
            line1: 9.7
            other_line: 10.2
  4. With explicit parameter attributes:
                    value:  12.813
                    bounds: [-10%, 1%]
                wavelength: 1.44444

    The latter is the only means of setting all attributes for a parameter. See below for more information on available parameter attributes.

Parameter attributes

Each feature parameter can be set to a value directly, or have the following associated information:

  • value - the (single) value of the parameter.
  • bounds:
    • a list of bounds [low, high]
    • each of low or high can be:
      • a number
      • null for no bound
      • A percentage, interpreted as a percent offset from value. E.g. [-10%, 10%] for 10% range on either side of value, or [-5%, 0%] for a lower bound up to the value. As a convenience, if the either bound is a percentage, a plain 0 in the other bound will be interpreted as a hard stop at the value itself, i.e. the [-5%, 0] is equivalent to the above.
    • By default there are no bounds, i.e. the parameter is fixed at its given value.
    • Including the bounds [null, null] means the parameter will freely vary.
    • bounds can also be set at a group level for groups specifying only a single parameter, to set the common bounds for that parameter for all features in the group.

Proposed, but as yet unimplemented parameter attribute information:

  • tied - (proposed, unimplemented) Another name of a parameter to which this parameter is tied.
  • ratio - (proposed, unimplemented) If tied is set, the ratio (single value, fixed) or ratio bounds (two element array, varying; see bounds) of this parameter’s value to the tied parameters’s value. Use this to tie two lines or features together with a fixed or modestly varying ratio, typically of power or wavelength.

Example science pack

An example of the science pack format, with several groups, and all parameter kinds:

# Starlight continuum [parameters: tau, temperature]
starlight:  # Blackbody
    kind: starlight_continuum
    temperature: 5000

# Dust continuum [parameters: tau, temperature]
dust_cont: # Modified Blackbodies
    kind: dust_continuum
    # shorthand for a group of unnamed dust_continuum features.  Naming is automatic.
    temperatures: [300, 200, 135, 90, 65, 50, 40, 35]

# Unresolved Lines [parameters: wavelength, power]
H2:  # simple line group, with common bounds for all lines
    kind: line # Gaussians
    bounds: [-0.1%, 0%] # bounds can be set for the entire group, here leftward only
    # Shorthand for a group of named lines.  
        H2_S(7): 5.5115 
        H2_S(6): 6.1088

# An explicit group of unresolved lines
    kind: line 
    # Full form of lines [parameters: wavelength, power]
                value:  12.813
                bounds: [-10%, 1%] # fractional bounds for wavelength
            wavelength: 15.555
                tied: NeIII        # experimental/unimplemented
                ratio: [3, 5]

# A group of dust (sub-)features [parameters: wavelength, power, fwhm, mod_asym]
    kind: dust_feature # Drude profiles
            wavelength: 7.42
            fwhm: 0.935
            wavelength: 7.60
            fwhm: 0.3344
            wavelength: 7.85
                value: 0.416
                bounds: [-5%, 15%]
            mod_asym: 0.25 # indicates a modified/enhanced-asymmetry Drude profile.

# Attenuation [parameters: tau, extinction_model]
    kind: attenuation
    extinction_model: kvt

# Absorption [parameters: tau, wavelength, fwhm
    kind: absorption
            wavelength: 3.05
                value: .406
                bounds: [-1%, 10%]

Example Usage

Some example usage for preparing and interacting with a model in this UI.

Use Spectrum1D for inputs:

PAHFIT can operate on raw Spectrum1D objects (or iterables of such objects), as long as each is tagged with meta information identifying the instrument, e.g. instrument.jwst.nirspec.R1000. Such instrument names key directly into pahfit.instruments, which provide relevant instrument information to include in the model.

Once the joint-fitter is working, a single model can be created and updated with multiple Spectrum1D objects, from different instruments (see advanced examples, below).

An example of creating a simple random Spectrum1D with tagged instrument:

from specutils import Spectrum1D
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
import astropy.units as u
import pahfit

# Get yerself a Spectrum1D object somehow
redshift = 0.05
flux = np.random.rand(N)*10 * u.mJy
flux_unc = StdDevUncertainty(flux/(5+10*np.random.rand(100)))
wav = np.linspace(5,28,N)*u.micron
spec = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wav, flux=flux, uncertainty=flux_unc,
                  redshift = redshift, meta={"instrument": "jwst.miri.MRS.segment1"))
spec = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=wav, flux=flux, uncertainty=flux_unc,
                  redshift = redshift, meta={"instrument": "jwst.miri.MRS.segment1"))

Building a model:

A model is created by combining one or more instrument packs and a science pack. The instrument pack(s) are inferred directly from the input data: a Spectrum1D (or list of Spectrum1Ds), whose metadata knows what instrument/mode the spectrum pertains to.

# Pick desired sci-pack. Creates an underlying params pahfit.features table.
scipack  = 'extended_exgal.yaml'

# Create a model, from the instrument-tagged spectra and science packs.
mymodel  = pahfit.model(spec, scipack)

Estimating parameter starting guess

Once a model is created, its starting point can be estimated (guessed). An advantage of separating this step is it’s easy to override, e.g. for cubes (where “borrowing” an average starting position will speed convergence).

mymodel.plot(spec) # Plot the "guess", with the data

Performing the fit

Can provide updated model results during the fit., plot_progress=True)

Inspecting/altering parameter information

As noted above, creating a PAHFITModel internally creates an astropy.features object, which extends astropy.Table. After any fit, it also includes the model-estimated covariance information (if any), and can combine arbitrary combinations of features (with uncertainties, of the covariance is available). Since it is also an astropy.Table, all the group_by etc. functionality of that class can be employed. It also offers its own simple convenience selection functionality for group and kind.

# Get feature Table
fts = om.features # all features as a table
om.get_features('NeIII') # By name (same as fts[fts['name'] == 'NeIII'])
om.get_features(group='H2') # same as fts[fts['group'] == H2']

pah77 = om.get_features(group='PAH77').power # integrated intensity and estimated uncertainty, from covariance
total_lines = om.get_features(kind='line').power 

Plotting models

Any model can plot itself, with or without underlying data. Each model knows the (possibly disjoint) range of wavelengths to which it applies, and can sample the model with samples points over that range (for smoother plots)_.

The plot will contain a simple widget for toggling on/off by kind and group.

nsamp = 2000
mymodel.plot(samples = nsamp)  # plot, without data!
mymodel.plot(spec, samples = None) # Plot with data at same wavelength positions

mymodel.plot(include = ("continuum","lines"))

Saving/restoring models from disk

Models can be saved in any format astropy.Table supports, though the covariance can only be saved to formats that support metadata (like asdf and ecsv).

# Save to an ASDF (aka FITS TNG) file'my_PAHFIT_model.asdf')

# Or save the table representation to a plain text file'my_PAHFIT_model.ecsv')

# Restore a model from disk and plot it
om = pahfit.model.restore('another_older_model.ipac')

Inspecting model results

Separating out components of the model spectrum is easy. This can be done at any time, before or after the model has initial starting feature parameters estimated, or is fit to data.

Note that all returned model spectra are masked arrays, over relevant parameter bounds only. These model results could be Spectrum1D objects (or a lightly overloaded version that uses microns for the wavelength by default!).

Same samples keyword as for plotting.

# Model "spectrum"
model_fit = om.model # full model spectrum
pahh11 = om.get_model('PAH11.0', samples = nsamp) # Model of individual feature, by name

# Grouped features are specified in the sci-pack.  
pah7 = om.get_fit(group='PAH77') # w/ default sampling
all_lines = om.get_fit(kind='line')
h2lines = om.get_fit(group='H2') # All H2 lines (by group)
neIII = om.get_fit('NeIII', samples=nsamp) # Just one line, by name

# Refer to individual components by name
cont = om.get_fit(spec, kind='continuum') # at same sampling as the spectrum
starlight = om.get_fit('starlight') # default sampling

# Directly use the lower-level plot engine for plotting any arbitrary model combinations
pahfit.plot(spec, cont+starlight+neIII)

More advanced examples

Fitting spectra from multiple instruments at the same time (may include multiple segments/channels of the same instrument).

fts= mymodel.features
print('Model table: ',

# Advanced: do stuff to the underlying astropy.Table if you are
# feeling cheeky
long_lines = fts['kind'] == 'line' & fts['lam_r'] > 15.
fts['amp'][long_lines] *= 1.1

# Create a model to simultaneous fit with multiple different instruments
my_combo_model = pahfit.model((specNS, specMRS), scipack)
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