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+= pepper
+Pepper stands for "Plan Progress Review", a project management tool
+Pepper is a web application based on (https://www.eclipse.org/sirius/sirius-web.html[Eclipse Sirius-Web])
+It allows to create data related to your project and represents the data with Gantt, Form and boards for Daily, Kanban or OKR
+Follow the link for more details link:#functionalities[the functionalities].
+This repository is a mono repo containing both frontend and backend components.
+To test _Pepper_ you have two possible options:
+. If you just want to run an already built version of the example application, follow link:#quick-start[the Quick Start].
+. If you want to _build_ the application yourself, follow link:#build[the complete Build instructions].
+== Quick Start
+If you want a quick overview of how Pepper looks and feels like without building the sample application yourself, you will simply need:
+* Java 17
+* Docker, or an existing PostgreSQL 12 (or later) installation with a DB user that has admin rights on the database (those are needed by the application to create its schema on first startup).
+To actually run the application:
+1. Pepper uses PostgreSQL for its database. For development or local testing, the easiest way is to start a PostgreSQL instance using Docker.
+[#docker-db, reftext=Docker command]
+docker run -p 5439:5432 --name pepper-postgres \
+ -e POSTGRES_USER=dbuser \
+ -e POSTGRES_DB=pepper-db \
+ -d postgres
+If you do not have Docker or want to use an existing PostgreSQL installation, adjust the command-line parameters below and make sure the DB user has admin rights on the database; they are needed to automatically create the DB schema.
+2. Start the application:
+java -jar deeplab-application-{$version}.jar \
+ --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5439/pepper-db \
+ --spring.datasource.username=dbuser \
+ --spring.datasource.password=dbpwd \
+ --spring.liquibase.change-log=classpath:db/changelog/pepper.db.changelog.xml
+3. Point your browser at http://localhost:8080 and enjoy!
+WARNING: The initial version of Pepper has some known issues with Firefox.
+It is recommended to use a Chrome-based browser until these are fixed.
+NOTE: Do not forget to stop the PostgreSQL container once you are done: `docker stop pepper-postgres`.
+== Building
+=== Requirements
+To build the application yourself you will need the following tools:
+* Git, and a GitHub account
+* To build the backend components:
+** https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/[Java 17]
+** https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.6.3/binaries/[Apache Maven 3.6.3]
+** https://www.docker.com/[Docker] must be installed and running for some of the backend components tests to run.
+* To build the frontend components:
+** LTS versions of https://nodejs.org/[Node and NPM]: in particular, Node >= 18.7.0 is required along with npm >= 8.15.0.
+WARNING: Note that there are issues with npm under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If you use WSL and encounter error messages like _"Maximum call stack size exceeded"_ when running NPM, switch to plain Windows where this should work.
+For Windows users: Due to the Maximum Path Length Limitation of Windows, you may exceed the limit of 260 characters in your PATH. To remove this limitation, apply the https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation?tabs=powershell[this procedure] with this command line in PowerShell (`New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force`), then active the longpath option in Git in a command line with administrator rights (`git config --system core.longpaths true`).
+=== GitHub Access Token
+The backend of _Pepper_ depends on https://github.com/eclipse-sirius/sirius-emf-json[`sirius-emf-json`] and https://github.com/eclipse-sirius/sirius-web[`sirius-web], which is published as Maven artifacts in _GitHub Packages_.
+To build `pepper` locally, you need a _GitHub Access Token_ so that Maven can download the artifacts.
+. Create a personal token with a scope of `read:package` by following https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token#creating-a-personal-access-token-classic[the GitHub documentation] if you do not have one already.
+WARNING: Once generated, a token cannot be displayed anymore, so make sure to copy it in a secure location.
+. Create or edit `$HOME/.m2/settings.xml` to tell Maven to use this token when accessing the Sirius EMF JSON repository:
+ github-sirius-emfjson
+ github-sirius-web
+Be sure to replace `$GITHUB_USERNAME` with your GitHub user id, and `$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` with the value of your acess token done in the previous step.
+IMPORTANT: The `id` used in your `settings.xml` *must* be the ones mentioned above to match what is used in the POMs.
+. Create or edit `$HOME/.npmrc` and add the following line:
+Again, be sure to replace `$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` with the value of your access token.
+=== Build Pepper application
+Build steps:
+. Clone the Pepper repository https://github.com/ObeoNetwork/pepper[pepper]
+. Build the frontend ([.small]#from the `frontend` subfolder of Pepper main location#):
+npm ci
+npm run build
+NOTE: In case of npm ERR! Lifecycle script `format-lint` failed with error, try to run from the frontend subfolder the following command:
+`npx prettier --write .` (don't forget the final dot)
+. Install the frontend artifacts as static resource to be served by the backend. From the root directory of the repository:
+mkdir -p backend/deeplab-frontend/src/main/resources/static
+cp -R frontend/deeplab-web/dist/* backend/deeplab-frontend/src/main/resources/static
+. Build the backend ([.small]#from the `backend` subfolder of Pepper main location#):
+mvn clean verify
+The result is a ready-to-run, Spring Boot "fat JAR" in backend/deeplab-application/target/deeplab-application-.jar. Refer to the instructions in the "Quick Start" section above to launch it.
+=== Development environment
+Here are instructions that new Pepper developer could follow in order to set up the development environment.
+The set up of the Github token is required for setting up back end and front (see <>)
+==== Backend set up
+. Download your preferred Java IDE
+. Clone Pepper repositories: https://github.com/ObeoNetwork/pepper[pepper] repository
+. Import Pepper projects in workspace
+. For windows users, please set your git configuration to:
+* git config core.autocrlf true
+* git config core.eol lf
+* git config user.name "$FirstName $ SecondName"
+* git config user.email "$email"
+. Set up your IDE with
+** Checkstyle configuration.
+** Editor configurations
+[#backend-launch-config,reftext=Launch configuration]
+. Create Launch Configuration for Pepper server
+* Start the server with `DeeplabWeb.java` class.
+* For debugging, add the following environment variable `spring.profiles.active=dev`
+==== Frontend set up
+. Open the `frontend` folder in VSCode
+. Install dependencies using `npm install` in the terminal
+==== Launch Application as a developer
+. Run database docker image (see <>)
+. Launch backend from your Java IDE (see <>)
+. Launch frontend `npm start`
+== License
+Everything in this repository is Open Source. Except when explicitly mentioned otherwise (e.g. for some resources likes images), the license is Eclipse Public License* v 2.0.
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-# pepper
-Pepper stands for "Plan Progress Review", a project management tool