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asofold edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 14 revisions

Table of context

Shortcuts Gives permissions to
nocheatplus.shortcut.monitor Gives permissions for
nocheatplus.shortcut.safeadmin Gives permissions to
nocheatplus.shortcut.bypass Gives permissions to bypass all checks.


nocheatplus.checks Will be exempted from all checks
nocheatplus.checks.<Check category here> Exempts from all checks of a given check category
nocheatplus.checks.<Check category here>.<Check name here> Exempts group of this check. Example: nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativefly will exempt from creativefly.


nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.break.liquid Is allowed to break water/lava


nocheatplus.bypass.denylogin Exempts from login denial


nocheatplus.command.commands Can view all NC+ commands with /ncp commands
nocheatplus.command.exempt Can exempt players from checks with /ncp exempt
nocheatplus.command.exemptions Can list all check exemptions of a player with /ncp exemptions Can view check violations of a player with /ncp info
nocheatplus.command.inspect Can retrieve player status data with /ncp inspect
nocheatplus.command.lag Can view server lag spikes with /ncp lag
nocheatplus.command.log Can access internal debug data with /ncp log nocheatplus.command.notify Can toggle on/off in-game cheat notifications (includes permission nocheatplus.notify) for /ncp notify command)
nocheatplus.command.reload Can reload NC+ to re-read configurations and permissions with /ncp reload
nocheatplus.command.removeplayer Can remove a players violation history with /ncp removeplayer
nocheatplus.command.unexempt Can unexempt a player from checks with /ncp unexempt
nocheatplus.command.version Can view the version information with /ncp version

Auxiliary commands

nocheatplus.command.allowlogin Can remove temporary kicked players with /ncp allowlogin
nocheatplus.command.ban Can ban players with /ncp ban
nocheatplus.command.delay Can delay command execution with /ncp delay
nocheatplus.command.denylogin Can temporary kick players with /ncp denylogin
nocheatplus.command.kick Can kick players with /ncp kick
nocheatplus.command.kicklist Can view all players that have been temp-kicked with /ncp kicklist
nocheatplus.command.tell Can send private messages to players using /ncp tell

Client modifications

With those permissions you can decide which mods should not be disabled on login.

nocheatplus.mods.cjb Allows all CJB mod features. Allows to use the fly mod.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radar Allows to use the radar/minimap.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray Allows to xray.

nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave Enables cave rendering.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar Enables all radar features.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.animal Enables the animal radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.player Enables the player radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.mob Enables the mob radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.other Enables radar for "other" entities.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.slime Enables the radar for slimes.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.squid Enables the squid radar.

nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving Enables all smart movement featuers.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbing Enables climbing.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawling Enables crawling.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flying Enables flying.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumping Enables jumping.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.sliding Enables sliding.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimming Enables special swimming.

nocheatplus.mods.zombe Enables all featuers of the zombe mod.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheat Enables the cheating parts. Enables flying.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclip Enables nocliping.

nocheatplus.mods.journey Enables all Journey map featuers.
nocheatplus.mods.journey.radar Enables the radar.
nocheatplus.mods.journey.cave Enables the cave redering.

(I think one is missing here hmm...)

Miscellaneous and parent permissions

nocheat.admin Gives access to all NoCheatPlus commands including Auxiliary ones
nocheatplus.notify Will receive hack notifications over in-game chat

Commands for which the permission got set by the protection features (hide plugins), might have altered default permissions or NoCheatPlus may have set a filter permission 'nocheatplus.filter.command.COMMAND_NAME', for the case the command was allowed to be run by everyone.


  • By default NoCheatPlus assigns all permissions and gives full rights to players that have been /op-ed on your server. If you don't want to give OPs full access to all NoCheatPlus features then take a look in the configuration of your permissions plugin (Example with PermissionsEx: allowOps: false).


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