This shows how to implement reactjs in creating landing pages
#How To Set your local development and clone this project to run it ?
In your local machine am on windows, cd into where you want to setup your project and create a folder in our case we shall create a folder named ReactApp
cd into react app and follow the below guidance:
#First of all let us know about node_modules folder : This contains all necessary packages that supports the installation of our React app project.
# Remember Remember Remember about this:
The node_modules directory is not a part of a cloned repository and should be downloaded using the npm install
command to download all the direct and transitive dependencies mentioned in the package.json file:
# make sure that you are in the root directory of the project, use" pwd" or "cd" for windows
cd RepoName : This is just a c folder where you want to install and run your react app. Check the above part of this description ^^
npm install
It will take some time to download all the dependencies into a node_modules directory, and after the download completion, run the project:
run this command:
npm start
#This starts your local development server
# A node_modules directory can take up more than 200MB, so it should not be a part of a repository.
#If node_modules is already a part of a repository then it can be removed using git rm -r --cached node_modules command,
# though make sure to commit and push the changes to the remote server first.