@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ limitations under the License.
options: this.configuration,
theme: this.theme,
userId: this.userIdParam,
+ handleRouteChanged: (newPath) => { this.skillsDisplayRouteChanged(newPath); },
this.clientDisplay = clientDisplay;
diff --git a/e2e-tests/cypress/e2e/my-progress_breadcrumb_spec.js b/e2e-tests/cypress/e2e/my-progress_breadcrumb_spec.js
index dc60b2912b..1bcf5e90e0 100644
--- a/e2e-tests/cypress/e2e/my-progress_breadcrumb_spec.js
+++ b/e2e-tests/cypress/e2e/my-progress_breadcrumb_spec.js
@@ -27,7 +27,18 @@ const timeFromNowFormatter = (value) => dayjs(value)
const testTime = new Date().getTime();
const yesterday = new Date().getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
+const getIframeBody = () => {
+ // get the iframe > document > body
+ // and retry until the body element is not empty
+ return cy
+ .get('iframe')
+ .its('0.contentDocument.body')
+ .should('not.be.empty')
+ // wraps "body" DOM element to allow
+ // chaining more Cypress commands, like ".find(...)"
+ // https://on.cypress.io/wrap
+ .then(cy.wrap);
describe('My Progress Breadcrumb Tests', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
@@ -1041,5 +1052,176 @@ describe('My Progress Breadcrumb Tests', () => {
+ it('navigate through and validate breadcrumbs', function () {
+ cy.visit('/');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=project-link-proj1]')
+ .click();
+ cy.wait('@pointHistoryChart');
+ cy.dashboardCd()
+ .contains('Overall Points');
+ cy.get('[data-cy="breadcrumb-Progress And Rankings"]')
+ .should('be.visible');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-proj1]')
+ .should('be.visible');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-proj1]')
+ .should('exist');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-proj1]')
+ .should('not.have.attr', 'href');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-bar]')
+ .contains('Project: proj1')
+ .should('be.visible');
+ // click on subject
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('.user-skill-subject-tile:nth-child(1)')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('Subject 1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 3);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Subject: subj1');
+ // click on skill
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy="skillProgress_index-0"] [data-cy="skillProgressBar"]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('Skill Overview');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 4);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Subject: subj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(3)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Skill: skill1');
+ // back to subject page
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-subj1]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('Subject 1');
+ // click on rank
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=myRank]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('My Rank');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 4);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Subject: subj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(3)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Rank');
+ // back to home page
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-proj1]')
+ .click();
+ cy.dashboardCd()
+ .contains('Overall Points');
+ // click on rank
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=myRank]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('My Rank');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 3);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Rank');
+ // back to home page
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-proj1]')
+ .click();
+ cy.dashboardCd()
+ .contains('Overall Points');
+ // click on my badges
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=myBadges]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('My Badges');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 3);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Badges');
+ // click on badge
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=earnedBadgeLink_badge1]')
+ .click();
+ getIframeBody()
+ .find('[data-cy=title]')
+ .contains('Badge Details');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .its('length')
+ .should('eq', 4);
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Progress And Rankings');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Project: proj1');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Badges');
+ cy.get('[data-cy=breadcrumb-item]')
+ .eq(3)
+ .should('contain.text', 'Badge: badge1');
+ });