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158 lines (106 loc) · 4.7 KB

Reqs for insitutype:

Insitutype performs unsupervised clustering, or semi-supervised clustering if provided with reference profiles. It uses an Expectation_maximization (EM) algorithm based on a negbinom distribution. Insitutype coordinates calls to nbclust(), which runs the EM algorithm.

  • an expression matrix (cells * genes)
  • a vector of mean negprobe values
  • for semi-supervised learning, a matrix of reference profiles
  • additional arguments for finer control

A list, with the following elements: \enumerate{ \item clust: a vector given cells' cluster assignments \item prob: a vector giving the confidence in each cell's cluster \item logliks: Matrix of cells' log-likelihoods under each cluster. Cells in rows, clusters in columns. \item profiles: a matrix of cluster-specific expression profiles \item anchors: from semi-supervised clustering: a vector giving the identifies and cell types of anchor cells }

Reqs for insitutypeML:

Insitutype performs supervised cell typing using a Bayes classifier based on a negbinom distribution.

  • an expression matrix (cells * genes)
  • a vector of mean negprobe values
  • for semi-supervised learning, a matrix of reference profiles
  • additional arguments for finer control

A list, with the following elements: \enumerate{ \item clust: a vector given cells' cluster assignments \item prob: a vector giving the confidence in each cell's cluster \item logliks: Matrix of cells' log-likelihoods under each cluster. Cells in rows, clusters in columns. \item profiles: a matrix of cluster-specific expression profiles }

Reqs for updateReferenceProfiles

Update reference profiles from alternative platforms to better fit the spatial platform. Uses pre-specified anchor cells, or if no anchors are specified, by first choosing anchor cells.

  • reference profiles
  • spatial data: counts matrix, negmean values
  • additional arguments for finer control
  • An updated reference matrix
  • A vector storing the anchor cells used

Reqs for refineClusters

A function for refining the output of insitutype and insitutypeML. Can delete clusters, merge/rename clusters, or sub-cluster clusters.

  • Results from an insitutyle/insitutypeML run
  • If subclustering further, counts data

A list in the format of insitutype results with updated cluster assignments.

Reqs for chooseClusterNumber

A function to run insituytpe across a range of cluster numbers and identify the best fit

  • The standard insitutype inputs
  • A range of cluster numbers
  • A suggested cluster number, plus metrics for comparing cluster numbers.

Reqs for get_anchor_stats

Function to calculate the summary stats used by anchor cell selection. Results are meant to be fed to choose_anchors_from_stats().

  • The same expression data used by insitutype.
  • Reference profiles
  • A matrix of cosine distances of cells * cell types
  • A matrix of log likelihood ratio scores for cells * cell types

Reqs for choose_anchors_from_stats

Chooses anchor cells given cosine distances and log likelihood ratio scores output by get_anchor_stats.

  • A matrix of cosine distances of cells * cell types
  • A matrix of log likelihood ratio scores for cells * cell types

A vector of anchor assignments.

Reqs for find_anchor_cells

Complete anchor cell selection workflow. Calls get_anchor_stats and choose_anchors_from_stats.

  • The same expression data used by insitutype.
  • Reference profiles

A vector of anchor assignments.

Reqs for flightpath_layout

A function to define the layout for a flightpath plot. Uses UMAP to place cluster centroids, then places cells based on their posterior probabilities of belonging to each centroid.

  • A matrix of cell * cluster log-likelihoods (output by insitutype)
  • A matrix of cluster profiles
  • xy placements for cluster centroids
  • xy placements for individual cells

Reqs for flightpath_plot

Makes a ggplot object holding a flightpath plot. Uses UMAP to place cluster centroids, then places cells based on their posterior probabilities of belonging to each centroid.

  • Path 1: input an insitutype/insitutypeML result, and it will call flightpath_layout()
  • Path 2: input a flightpath_layout result.

A ggplot object

Reqs for fastCohorting

Quickly clusters data from alternative sources like immunofluorescence and spatial context.

  • A matrix holding alternative data (cells * variables)
  • Arguments for finer control

A vector giving each cell's cohort assignment.