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Additional resources |
- NASA Earthdata: How to Cloud
- USGS Eyes on Earth Podcast: Satellites and Cloud Computing - with Aaron Friesz (LP DAAC!)
- PO.DAAC Cloud Data Page
- PO.DAAC Earthdata Webinar (Aug 2021): Surfing Ocean Data in the Cloud - The Beginner's Guide to PO.DAAC in the NASA Earthdata Cloud
- PO.DAAC Github Repository
- NASA Earthdata Cloud Primer -AWS cloud primer: helpful tutorials for how to set up your own EC2 cloud instance in AWS, attach storeage, move files back and forth, and more.
- Setting up Jupyter Notebooks in a user EC2 instance in AWS - helpful blog post for setting up jupyter notebooks in an EC2 instance in AWS. (Builds on the Cloud Primer tutorials, which are missing that next step)
- Running the NASA Cloud Workshop notebooks with mybinder.org - by Eli Holmes, 2021 Cloud Hackathon Participant who then set up working in Binder
- Data_Access__Direct_S3_Access__PODAAC_ECCO_SSH using CMR-STAC API to retrieve S3 links
- Direct access to ECCO data in S3 (from us-west-2) - Direct S3 access example with netCDF data
- Direct_S3_Access__gdalvrt
- Direct_S3_Access__rioxarray_clipping
- Getting Started with Cloud-Native Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) Data in R
- Calculate black-sky, white-sky, and actual albedo (MCD43A) from MCD43A1 BRDF Parameters using R
- Xarray Zonal Statistics