Generator is a special type of function in Python that behaves as an iterator.
It is both easier to read and more efficient than using list.append
when building an iterable.
However in some cases a generator by itself may not fulfill what is needed. In this case it can be combined with decorators to achieve more complex functionality.
Example 1
(Script available)
def execute(type=tuple): """ Execute a generator and store results in a storage (default is tuple) """ def __decor(gen): @functools.wraps(gen) def __new_func(*args, **kwargs): return type(gen(*args, **kwargs)) return __new_func return __decor @execute() def read_all(path): for line in read_lines(path): if line.startswith('#'): continue yield line
Example 2
(Script available)
def partial( empty_error: Union[bool, Type[Exception]] = False ): """ Decorates a generator so that when called, it's partially executed until the first `yield` statement. If the result is empty (i.e. a `yield` statement is never reached), 0. The generator will be fully executed; and 1. If `empty_error` is False (default), an empty tuple will be returned; otherwise 2. If `empty_error` is True, a StopIteration will be raised; otherwise 3. `empty_error()` will be raised """ def __decor(gen): @functools.wraps(gen) def __new_func(*args, **kwargs): iterator = gen(*args, **kwargs) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: if not empty_error: return () elif isinstance(empty_error, bool): # empty_error = True raise else: raise empty_error() from None def __new_generator(): yield first for item in iterator: yield item return __new_generator() return __new_func return __decor class Float(Exception): pass @partial() def read_int(path): for line in read_lines(path): if line.startswith('#'): if 'float' in line: raise Float continue try: yield int(line) except ValueError: continue def read_float(path): for line in read_lines(path): if line.startswith('#'): continue try: yield float(line) except ValueError: continue def read(path): try: return read_int(path) except Float: return read_float(path)
Example 3
(Script available)
def report(log=print, name=None, interval=1000): """ Report progress of a generator """ def __decor(gen): _name = name or gen.__name__ @functools.wraps(gen) def __new_func(*args, **kwargs): count = 0 for item in gen(*args, **kwargs): yield item count += 1 if count % interval == 0: log("{}: yielded {} entries".format(_name, count)) log("{}: finished with {} entries".format(_name, count)) return __new_func return __decor @report() def read(path): for line in read_lines(path): if line.startswith('#'): continue yield line