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Installation & Administration Guide


There are three ways of installing the JSON IoT Agent: using Git, RPMs or Docker image.

Using GIT

In order to install the TT Agent, just clone the project and install the dependencies:

git clone
npm install

In order to start the IoT Agent, from the root folder of the project, type:


Using RPM

The project contains a script for generating an RPM that can be installed in Red Hat 6.5 compatible Linux distributions. The RPM depends on Node.js 0.10 version, so EPEL repositories are advisable.

In order to create the RPM, execute the following scritp, inside the /rpm folder: -v <versionNumber> -r <releaseNumber>

Once the RPM is generated, it can be installed using the followogin command:

yum localinstall --nogpg <nameOfTheRPM>.rpm

The IoTA will then be installed as a linux service, and can ve started with the service command as usual:

service iotaJSON start

Using Docker

A docker container is available on docker hub. It will start the container with the default settings defined in config.js.

docker run -it --init fiware/iotagent-json

To use your own configuration you can mount a local configuration file:

docker run -it --init -v <path-to-configuration-file>:/opt/iotajson/new_config.js fiware/iotagent-json  -- new_config.js

As an alternative, it is also possible to pass configuration using environmental variables, as explained in Configuration with environment variables subsection.


In order to execute the JSON IoT Agent just execute the following command from the root folder:


This will start the JSON IoT Agent in the foreground. Use standard linux commands to start it in background.

When started with no arguments, the IoT Agent will expect to find a config.js file with the configuration in the root folder. An argument can be passed with the path to a new configuration file (relative to the application folder) to be used instead of the default one.



All the configuration for the IoT Agent is stored in a single configuration file (typically installed in the root folder).

This configuration file is a JavaScript file and contains three configuration chapters:

  • iota: this object stores the configuration of the North Port of the IoT Agent, and is completely managed by the IoT Agent library. More information about this options can be found here.
  • mqtt: this object stores MQTT's specific configuration. A detailed description can be found in the next section.
  • http: this object stores HTTP's specific configuration. A detailed description can be found in the next section.

There are also some global configuration options:

  • configRetrieval: this flag indicates whether the incoming notifications to the IoTAgent should be processed using the bidirectionality plugin from the latest versions of the library or the JSON-specific configuration retrieval mechanism (described in the User Manual). Simultaneous use of both mechanisms is not allowed.
  • config.defaultKey: default API Key, for devices lacking a provided Configuration.
  • config.defaultTransport: code of the MQTT transport that will be used to resolve incoming commands and lazy attributes in case a transport protocol could not be inferred for the device.
  • compressTimestamp: this flag enables the timestamp compression mechanism, described in the User Manual.

MQTT configuration

These are the currently available MQTT configuration options:

  • protocol: protocol to use for connecting with the MQTT broker (mqtt, mqtts, tcp, tls, ws, wss). The default is mqtt
  • host: host of the MQTT broker.
  • port: port where the MQTT broker is listening.
  • defaultKey: default API Key to use when a device is provisioned without a configuration.
  • ca: ca certificates to use for validating server certificates (optional). Default is to trust the well-known CAs curated by Mozilla. Mozilla's CAs are completely replaced when CAs are explicitly specified using this option.
  • cert: cert chains in PEM format to use for authenticating into the MQTT broker (optional). Only used when using mqtts, tls or wss as connnection protocol.
  • key: optional private keys in PEM format to use on the client-side for connecting with the MQTT broker (optional). Only used when using mqtts, tls or wss as connection protocol. The included CA list will be used to determine if server is authorized.
  • rejectUnauthorized whether to reject any connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs. This option only has an effect when using mqtts, tls or wss protocols (default is true). Set to false if using a self-signed certificate but beware that you are exposing yourself to man in the middle attacks, so it is a configuration that is not recommended for production environments.
  • username: username that identifies the IOTA against the MQTT broker (optional).
  • password: password to be used if the username is provided (optional).
  • qos: QoS level: at most once (0), at least once (1), exactly once (2). (default is 0).
  • retain: retain flag (default is false).
  • retries: Number of MQTT connection error retries (default is 5).
  • retryTime: Time between MQTT connection retries (default is 5 seconds).
  • keepalive: Time to keep connection open between client and MQTT broker (default is 60 seconds). If you experience disconnnection problems using 0 (as the one described in this case) a value greater than 0 is recommended.
  • avoidLeadingSlash: this flag sets whether the agent publishes commands to topics starting with slash (default in order versions) or without the slash. See discussion.
  • clean: this flag is by default true, set to false to receive QoS 1 and 2 messages while offline.
  • clientId: string ID which identifies client in mqtt broker. By default is using a string composed by a fixed prefix iotajson_ and a random suffix, i.e. iotajson_43bf8a3a.

TLS options (i.e. ca, cert, key, rejectUnauthorized) are directly linked with the ones supported by the tls module of Node.js.

AMQP Binding configuration

The config.amqp section of the config file contains all the information needed to connect to the AMQP Broker from the IoT Agent. The following attributes are accepted:

  • host: Host where the AMQP Broker is located.
  • port: Port where the AMQP Broker is listening
  • username: username that identifies the IOTA against the AMQP broker (optional).
  • password: password to be used if the username is provided (optional).
  • exchange: Exchange in the AMQP broker
  • queue: Queue in the AMQP broker
  • durable: durable queue flag (default is false).
  • retries: Number of AMQP connection error retries (default is 5).
  • retryTime: Time between AMQP connection retries (default is 5 seconds).

HTTP Binding configuration

The config.http section of the config file contains all the information needed to start the HTTP server for the HTTP transport protocol binding. The following options are accepted:

  • port: South Port where the HTTP listener will be listening for information from the devices.
  • timeout: HTTP Timeout for the HTTP endpoint (in miliseconds).
  • key: Path to your private key for HTTPS binding
  • cert: Path to your certificate for HTTPS binding

Configuration with environment variables

Some of the more common variables can be configured using environment variables. The ones overriding general parameters in the config.iota set are described in the IoTA Library Configuration manual.

The ones relating global configuration described in the following table.

Environment variable Configuration attribute

The ones relating specific JSON bindings are described in the following table.

Environment variable Configuration attribute
IOTA_MQTT_PROTOCOL mqtt.protocol
IOTA_MQTT_PORT mqtt.port
IOTA_MQTT_CERT mqtt.cert
IOTA_MQTT_KEY mqtt.key
IOTA_MQTT_USERNAME mqtt.username
IOTA_MQTT_PASSWORD mqtt.password
IOTA_MQTT_QOS mqtt.qos
IOTA_MQTT_RETAIN mqtt.retain
IOTA_MQTT_RETRIES mqtt.retries
IOTA_MQTT_KEEPALIVE mqtt.keepalive
IOTA_MQTT_CLEAN mqtt.clean
IOTA_MQTT_DISABLED mqtt.disabled
IOTA_AMQP_PORT amqp.port
IOTA_AMQP_USERNAME amqp.username
IOTA_AMQP_PASSWORD amqp.password
IOTA_AMQP_QUEUE amqp.queue
IOTA_AMQP_DURABLE amqp.durable
IOTA_AMQP_RETRIES amqp.retries
IOTA_AMQP_DISABLED amqp.disabled
IOTA_HTTP_PORT http.port
IOTA_HTTP_TIMEOUT http.timeout
IOTA_HTTP_KEY http.key
IOTA_HTTP_CERT http.cert

(HTTP-related environment variables will be used in the upcoming HTTP binding)

IOTA_MQTT_CA, IOTA_MQTT_CERT, IOTA_MQTT_KEY environment variables should provide the filename of the file whose contents will be used for the configuration attribute.

High performance configuration

Node.js is single‑threaded and uses nonblocking I/O, allowing it to scale up to tens of thousands of concurrent operations. Nevertheless, Node.js has a few weak points and vulnerabilities that can make Node.js‑based systems to offer underperformance behaviour, specially when a Node.js web application experiences rapid traffic growth.

Additionally, It is important to know the place in which the node.js server is running, because it has limitations. There are two types of limits on the host: hardware and software. Hardware limits can be easy to spot. Your application might be consuming all of the memory and needing to consume disk to continue working. Adding more memory by upgrading your host, whether physical or virtual, seems to be the right choice.

Moreover, Node.js applications have also a software memory limit (imposed by V8), therefore we cannot forget about these limitations when we execute a service. In this case of 64-bit environment, your application would be running by default at a 1 GB V8 limit. If your application is running in high traffic scenarios, you will need a higher limit. The same is applied to other parameters.

It means that we need to make some changes in the execution of node.js and in the configuration of the system:

  • Node.js flags

    • --use-idle-notification

      Turns of the use idle notification to reduce memory footprint.

    • --expose-gc

      Use the expose-gc command to enable manual control of the garbage collector from the own node.js server code. In case of the IoTAgent, it is not implemented because it is needed to implement the calls to the garbage collector inside the ser server, nevertheless the recommended value is every 30 seconds.

    • --max-old-space-size=xxxx

      In that case, we want to increase the limit for heap memory of each V8 node process in order to use max capacity that it is possible instead of the 1,4Gb default on 64-bit machines (512Mb on a 32-bit machine). The recommendation is at least to use half of the total memory of the physical or virtual instance.

  • User software limits

    Linux kernel provides some configuration about system related limits and maximums. In a distributed environment with multiple users, usually you need to take into control the resources that are available for each of the users. Nevertheless, when the case is that you have only one available user but this one request a lot of resources due to a high performance application the default limits are not proper configured and need to be changed to resolve the high performance requirements. These are like maximum file handler count, maximum file locks, maximum process count etc.

    You can see the limits of your system executing the command:

    ulimit -a

    You can detine the corresponding limits inside the file limits.conf. This description of the configuration file syntax applies to the /etc/security/limits.conf file and *.conf files in the /etc/security/limits.d directory. You can get more information about the limits.conf in the limits.con - linux man pages. The recommended values to be changes are the following:

    • core

      Limits of the core file size in KB, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft core unlimited
      * hard core unlimited
    • data

      Maximum data size in KB, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft data unlimited
      * hard data unlimited
    • fsize

      Maximum filesize in KB, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft fsize unlimited
      * hard fsize unlimited
    • memlock

      Maximum locked-in-memory address space in KB, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * memlock unlimited
      * memlock unlimited
    • nofile

      Maximum number of open file descriptors, we recommend to change to 65535 both hard and soft types.

      * soft nofile 65535
      * hard nofile 65535
    • rss

      Maximum resident set size in KB (ignored in Linux 2.4.30 and higher), we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft rss unlimited
      * hard rss unlimited
    • stack

      Maximum stack size in KB, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft stack unlimited
      * hard stack unlimited
    • nproc

      Maximum number of processes, we recommend to change to unlimited both hard and soft types.

      * soft nproc unlimited
      * hard nproc unlimited

    You can take a look to the limits.conf file provided in this folder with all the values provided.

  • Configure kernel parameters

    sysctl is used to modify kernel parameters at runtime. We plan to modify the corresponding /etc/sysctl.conf file. You can get more information in the corresponding man pages of sysctl and sysctl.conf. You can search all the kernel parameters by using the command sysctl -a

    • fs.file-max

      The maximum file handles that can be allocated, the recommended value is 1000000.

      fs.file-max = 1000000
    • fs.nr_open

      Max amount of file handles that can be opened, the recommended value is 1000000.

      fs.nr_open = 1000000
    • net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max

      Size of connection tracking table. Default value is nf_conntrack_buckets value * 4.

      net.nf_conntrack_max = 1048576

    For more details about any other kernel parameters, take a look to the example sysctl.conf file.


The only package type allowed is RPM. In order to execute the packaging scripts, the RPM Build Tools must be available in the system.

From the root folder of the project, create the RPM with the following commands:

cd rpm
./ -v <version-number> -r  <release-number>

Where <version-number> is the version (x.y.z) you want the package to have and <release-number> is an increasing number dependent in previous installations.