diff --git a/Ran Xin-visual design.jpeg b/Ran Xin-visual design.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f272b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Ran Xin-visual design.jpeg differ
diff --git a/Ran Xin-wireframe.jpeg b/Ran Xin-wireframe.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69320b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/Ran Xin-wireframe.jpeg differ
diff --git a/assignment/index.html b/assignment/index.html
index 42cf30d..bfc5825 100644
--- a/assignment/index.html
+++ b/assignment/index.html
@@ -12,6 +12,19 @@
diff --git a/assignment/js/main.js b/assignment/js/main.js
index c43a026..188d3fd 100644
--- a/assignment/js/main.js
+++ b/assignment/js/main.js
@@ -1,3 +1,111 @@
/* =====================
Copy your code from Week 4 Lab 2 Part 2 part2-app-state.js in this space
===================== */
+// Use the data source URL from lab 1 in this 'ajax' function:
+var downloadData = $.ajax("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MUSA611-CPLN692-spring2020/datasets/master/json/world-country-capitals.json");
+// Write a function to prepare your data (clean it up, organize it
+// as you like, create fields, etc)
+var parseData = function(data) {
+ return JSON.parse(data);
+// Write a function to use your parsed data to create a bunch of
+// marker objects (don't plot them!)
+//Refer to part1-ajax-calls
+var makeMarkers = function(dict) {
+ return _.map(dict,function (x) {
+ return L.marker([x.CapitalLatitude,x.CapitalLongitude]);
+// Now we need a function that takes this collection of markers
+// and puts them on the map
+var plotMarkers = function(dict) {
+ return _.each(dict,function(y){
+ y.addTo(map);
+ });
+// At this point you should see a bunch of markers on your map if
+// things went well.
+// Don't continue on until you can make them appear!
+/* =====================
+ Define the function removeData so that it clears the markers you've written
+ from the map. You'll know you've succeeded when the markers that were
+ previously displayed are (nearly) immediately removed from the map.
+ In Leaflet, the syntax for removing one specific marker looks like this:
+ map.removeLayer(marker);
+ In real applications, this will typically happen in response to changes to the
+ user's input.
+===================== */
+// Look to the bottom of this file and try to reason about what this
+// function should look like
+var removeMarkers = function(dict) {
+ return _.each(dict,function(z){
+ map.removeLayer(z);
+ });
+/* =====================
+ Optional, stretch goal
+ Write the necessary code (however you can) to plot a filtered down version of
+ the downloaded and parsed data.
+ Note: You can add or remove from the code at the bottom of this file
+ for the stretch goal.
+===================== */
+/* =====================
+ Leaflet setup - feel free to ignore this
+===================== */
+var map = L.map('map', {
+ center: [39.9522, -75.1639],
+ zoom: 2
+var Stamen_TonerLite = L.tileLayer('http://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner-lite/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}', {
+ attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, CC BY 3.0 — Map data © OpenStreetMap',
+ subdomains: 'abcd',
+ minZoom: 0,
+ maxZoom: 20,
+ ext: 'png'
+/* =====================
+===================== */
+//Filtered version (capitals with positive longitude)
+downloadData.done(function(data) {
+ var parsed = parseData(data);
+ var markers = makeMarkers(parsed);
+ plotMarkers(markers);
+ removeMarkers(markers); //Comment it out to show the markers
+$('index.html').ready(function() {
+ $('button').click(function(){
+ var url=$('#text1-input').val();
+ var lat=$('#text2-input').val();
+ var lon=$('#text3-input').val();
+ console.log(url);
+ console.log(lat);
+ console.log(lon);
+ $.ajax(url).done(function(data){
+ var parsed = parseData(data);
+ var markers = makeMarkers(parsed);
+ plotMarkers(markers);
+ });
diff --git a/lab/js/part1-jquery.js b/lab/js/part1-jquery.js
index 59e5224..4d024d6 100644
--- a/lab/js/part1-jquery.js
+++ b/lab/js/part1-jquery.js
@@ -170,6 +170,95 @@ var Stamen_TonerLite = L.tileLayer('http://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/ton
// This is a popular pattern that you'll run into in programs that run jQuery. It says not to run
// the function passed to `ready` until the HTML document is fully loaded and all scripts have
// been interpreted. It is, therefore, an example of asynchronous behavior.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Do your stuff here
+ // Task 1 selector.text()
+ $('h1').text('PROFILE');
+ $("#text-label1").text('NAME');
+ $("#text-label2").text('AGE');
+ $("#text-label3").text('HOMETOWN');
+ $("#number-label").text('NUMBER OF FAMILIES');
+ $('#checkbox-label1').text('MALE');
+ $('#checkbox-label2').text('FEMALE');
+ $('#color-label').text('Favorite COLOR');
+ $('button').text('SUBMIT');
+ // Task 2 use selector.val()
+ $('#text-input1').val('Ran');
+ $('#text-input2').val(24);
+ $('#text-input3').val('CHINA');
+ $("#numeric-input").val(5);
+ $('#cbox-input2').prop("checked", true); //Check the box
+ $('#color-input').val('#2ca25f');
+ // Task 3 and Task 5
+ elem=$('button');
+ //elem.click(function (x) {
+ //alert('SUCCESS');
+ //} );
+var getConsole=function(name,age,hometown,numberoffamilies,favoriteColor,male,female)
+ {
+ return{
+ "name":name,
+ "age":age,
+ "hometown":hometown,
+ "numberoffamilies":numberoffamilies,
+ "favoriteColor":favoriteColor,
+ "Male":male,
+ "Female":female
+ };
+//Click button and console
+ console.log(getConsole($('#text-input1').val(),
+ $('#text-input2').val(),
+ $('#text-input3').val(),
+ $("#numeric-input").val(),
+ $('#color-input').val(),
+ $('#cbox-input1[type=checkbox]').prop('checked'),
+ $('#cbox-input2[type=checkbox]').prop('checked')
+ alert('submitted!');
+ // Task 4
+ $('#text-input1').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#text-input2').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#text-input3').prop('disabled', false);
+ $("#numeric-input").prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#cbox-input1').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#cbox-input2').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#color-input').prop('disabled', false);
+// Task 6
+//Modify this form to include at least a lat (number), long (number), description (text), and color (color) inputs.
', '
','', '',
', '
', '', '',
', '
', '', '',
', '
', '','');
+//Found a coordinate
+ console.log($('#color-input2').val());
+ alert('SUBMITTED!');
+ L.circleMarker([$('#latitude-input').val(), $('#longitude-input').val()],{
+ color: $('#color-input2').val(),
+ radius:15
+ }).addTo(map).bindPopup($('#description-input').val());
+ });