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QualiCharge Dashboard

The dashboard allows operators to manage all of their data related to qualicharge.

Access the dashboard

The qualicharge dashboard is available from the url: http://localhost:8030.

Shortcut to use Django script

./bin/manage <your_command>

Useful commands

Bootstrap dashboard project:

make bootstrap-dashboard
make run-dashboard

Perform a Django migration ( migrate):

make migrate-dashboard-db

Create superuser:

You can connect with username: admin / password: admin. (The credentials are defined in env.d/dashboard.)

make create-dashboard-superuser

Display dashboard logs:

make logs-dashboard

Reset dashboard db:

make drop-dashboard-db
make reset-dashboard-db

Project specific naming convention

For each Django application, the application config label (present in my_apps.apps.MyAppConfig) must be of type qcd_myapp.

i.e. for the home app:

class HomeConfig(AppConfig):
    """Home app config."""

    default_auto_field = "django.db.models.BigAutoField"
    name = "apps.home"
    label = "qcd_home"  # prefix app name with 'qcd_'



There is a signal on the creation of a delivery point (apps.core.models.DeliveryPoint). This signal allows the creation of a consent (apps.consent.models.Consent) corresponding to the delivery_point.

Business logic

Consent management

3 different status types exist for consents with different management rules:


Consent awaiting validation by the user.

  • Users can change consent without restriction.


Consent validated by the user.
It can only be modified under conditions:

  • users cannot modify validated consents,
  • administrators can change a validated consent to REVOKED,
  • the updated values are restricted to the status, revoked_date and updated_at fields,
  • validated consent cannot be deleted.


Consent revoked.

  • It cannot be modified.
  • It cannot be deleted.


This work is released under the MIT License (see LICENSE).