Here are a few tops we have to discuss for tomorow:
data structure (festlegen, gemeinsame Metatabelle erstellen) -> Tanja, Katrin
map -> is on Github
standart measurement procedure (how to measure?) -> measure every 2 seconds -> measurement timespan: 10 min (first 1,5 min will be cut of afterwards) -> file format: JSON and CSV (both) -> for every measurment point save one file -> merging will be done afterwards "Log-id""Obs-id".csv and "Log-id""Obs-id".json -> Hight: ~bike hight (~0.8m) -> building distance: > 0.5m (-> Metafile) -> Picture of every Point: "Log-id"_"Obs-id".jpg -> Felix does a file with explanations
fix time for the measurement? -> friday 11 am (after lecture) to ~1 pm
Contact exchange, split up Groups -> one table with group spliting 2 tel. numbers -> Basti, Matze