You can extract the names of all of the targets from the Makefile
using the command:
cat Makefile | grep ":" | cut -d':' -f1 > makefile_targets.txt
Then, you can make a list of what all of the make targets print out by using the wonderful bash loop:
touch makefile_output; for entry in `cat makefile_targets.txt`; do (make $entry | grep -v "Leaving directory" | grep -v "echo" | grep -v "make" | tr '\n' '' >> output.txt); echo "" >> makefile_output.txt; done;
Please note that you will have to remove targets Ja56c77a6
, n103193b0
, and l6f83d9ad
, since those will get you caught in an infinite loop of make targets that call each other/themselves.
Then, you can use the command grep "1111111l11lll1ll11l11111111l" -n makefile_output.txt
to find the line number that the target is on in makefile_targets.txt
. This command will give you 720
, and the 720th make target is y2f45206c
Flag - byuctf{y2f45206c}