All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Hits resource sorting and concurrentbag data structure reordered results issue fixed
- Using the new gsearch service from at
- Response parsing using regex operations to avoid challenge with loading libraries under ArcMap 10.8.1
- Now using the stednavne_v3 service instead of stednavne_v2 service.
- Built with .net 4.5 since this is the framework version that is supported by esri.
- The size of the search bar is now adjustable.
- Built with ArcGIS 10.4.1 and .net 4.6.1
- Default selected search engines is now changed to
- Default selected search engines is now changed to
- Named places can now be selected individually even if they have the same presentation name.
- The dropdown list with search results can contain 1000 items (in stead of 20).
- Problem with the mouse being invisable when search result is viewed in the dropdown fixed.
- Information button has been added to the toolbar.
- It is possible til select with the cursor in the dropdown, and the it zoom to that.
- It is possible til tapdown with the arrow keys in the result dropdown, while zooming to the selected in the list.
button is added to configuration window.
- All result is showen from the seachresult in the dropdown
- The zoom button is removed.
- Downgraded to run in .net version 3.5 rather then 4.5.
- Only the version number is changed to se if that fix the problem of deploying a new version.
Problem of searching on text that contain a slash fixed.
Problem of searching on place name in the new data model, fix by adding search resource 'stednavne_v2'.
- The zoom to feature functionality is changed to have a minimum extent in meters
- The zoom to feature functionality is changed to have a minimum extent.
- tooltips and tool naming is improved.
- Change the name-space to distinguish the dll.
- Added possibility for configuration of witch resources to search on.
- First version of the PlaceFinder.