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Notebooks |
Last update: 2020-11-23
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An overview and introduction for new users. TopoFlow Getting Started
How to prepare almost all of the input files that are needed to apply the TopoFlow hydrologic model to a new geographic region. TopoFlow_Prepare_Input_Data
How to create visualizations (optimized color plots and animations) from TopoFlow output files (netCDF). TopoFlow_Visualization
How to do basic model calibration with gauging station data. TopoFlow_Calibration_Gauge_Data
How to do basic model calibration with remote sensing data. TopoFlow_Calibration_Remote_Sensing
How to prepare rainfall data for a river basin, using the Baro River as an example. TopoFlow_Baro_Rainfall_Prep
A comparison of multiple, global, remotely-sensed rainfall products (GPM, GLDAS, CHIRPS). TopoFlow_Rainfall_Inputs
Several other notebooks can be found in the TopoFlow Notebooks Folder. These notebooks show how to use numerous utilities in the TopoFlow 3.6 Python package.
The MINT Data Catalog (see overview) provides access to a curated collection of a datasets in the MINT Data Catalog.
The MINT Data Catalog API provides a programmatic way of interacting with the datasets. Some of this functionality is demonstrated in the following:
A Python notebook for registering a dataset using the MINT Data Catalog API
A Python notebook for searching for a dataset using the MINT Data Catalog API
- A Python notebook for performing scientific variable searches/exploration and generating SVO-compatible knowledge graphs grounded to SVO variables and WM indicators.