In a typical jekyll site, the jekyll project's site is built into the _site/
├── _drafts/
├── _includes/
├── _layouts/
├── _posts/
├── _site/
├── _archive/
├── assets/
| |── css/
| |── img/
| |── js/
| └── scss/
├── _config.yml
├── archive.html
└── index.html
Inside the _site/
dir, posts are built out into a year/month/day/
folder structure:
| |── 2018/
| | |── 11/
| | | └── 26/*.md
| | | └── 30/*.md
| | └── 12/
| | └── 11/*.md
| | └── 17/*.md
| | └── 20/*.md
| └── 2019/
| └── 1/
| |── 6/*.md
| └── 11/*.md
First copy the entire year/month/day/
folder structure into newsroom's archive/
dir. Any items and folders in a jekyll project that are not the default jekyll dir structure, or not included in the _config.yml
file get copied, as-is, into the _site/
Instead of jekyll processing and iterating over all the old posts, it can instead copy it like any other asset. Grabbing the posts out of the _site/
dir gives us the built-out static html pages, ready for web-display, in a "pretty permalink" directory style.
{% comment %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% assign currentDate = | date: "%Y" %}
{% if currentDate != myDate %}
{% unless forloop.first %}</ul>{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ currentDate }}</h2>
<ul class="archive__list">
{% assign myDate = currentDate %}
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{ post.url }}" class="archive__link-item"><span class="archive__post-meta">{{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}</span> - {{ post.title }}</a></li>
{% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcomment %}