Releases: Kalmat/PyWinCtl
Releases · Kalmat/PyWinCtl
New typed version. Improved Window class to accept Window object or window id (int/str), added acceptInput(), added getTopWindowAt(), fixed and improved sendBehind() on Ubuntu 22.04+ and Mint/Cinnamon, improved watchdog, fixed Mint/Cinnamon sendBehind() method, added macOS AppScript alwaysOnTop() and alwaysOnBottom() methods
Improved watchdog, fixed Mint/Cinnamon sendBehind() method, added macOS AppScript alwaysOnTop() and alwaysOnBottom() methods
Fixed pynput version typo in requirements
Fixed crash in several methods when window title contains commas - Many thanks to Anthony Molinaro (djnym)!
macOS Apple Script version: fixed crash in some methods when permissions not granted and added checkPermissions() function
Added DIFFRATIO (difflib similarity ratio) to getWindowsWithTitle() and getAppsWithName(). Linux: fixed getAllScreens() for LXDE. macOS (Apple Script version): Fixed getWindowsWithTitle() and added updatedTitle property, improved watchdog to detect title changes and fixed isAlive property
Added getAppsWithName() function with regex-like options to search app names. Added param to getWindowsWithTitle() used to define app names in which search window titles
Added WinWatchDog class to hook to some window changes notifications. Added regex-like search options in getWindowsWithTitle() function. Fixed getMenu() method for menus with 5+ levels.
Added getAllScreens() function and getDisplay() method (not tested yet in Linux and macOS). Also added getExtraFrame(), getClientFrame() methods and isAlive property, and fixed isVisible for apps with limited AppScript support.