9:00 AM - Daily Stand Up [Morning meetup]
Behavioural Competencies presentation made with my group, includes all the different behavioural competencies that are essential.
- Analytic
- Critical thinker, researcher, strategic, optimise, implementer
- Independent
- Accountability, courageous, disciplined, networker, self-starter
- Determined
- Motivated, goal-oriented, endurance, positivity, focused
- Professional
- Communication, reliability, demeanor, appearance, poise
- Studious
- Life-long leaner, curious, cognitive ability, reflection, iterative growth
- Imaginative
- Divergent thinker, creative, open minded, sharing ideas, value driven
These are the 6 Behavioural competencies that make a person a great colleague and general person as it helps them be successful, innovative and approachable
" Growth is about how likely we are to go seek fresh ideas, perspectives inputs, and idea to help you success at that thing. "
" Resilience is about bouncing back from adversity and being able to use adversity to your advantage "
" Instinct is about going about after our goals the best way, not the hardest way "
" Tenacity is that perseverance, persistence, never say die never ay quit dimension of GRIT. "
11:20 AM - Time management & Task Management [Late-Morning]
Tooling - The kind of software's are available to utilise:
Office 365
Files in Engineering 67 Teams chat
This is a professional email client - Remember to be formal and write professional emailsOne-Tab
Helps to keep tab counts down on your computer by squishing them into a single tab with a list of those tabs.
Time Management
Time Boxing - Define a timeline and use the time effectively to do each one - the range of skills, tools and technique utilised to accomplish specified tasks, projects and goals. Staying focused and make sure to look at what is coming up, plan how you are going to accomplish each task.
Task Management - the process of managing a task during its lifecycle, including planning, tracking and reporting. Plan the tasks that need to be done in a way that starts from the most urgent, to the most important taking into consideration; time-to-complete, requirements, and the overall task completion-plan
[#] The 2 Minute Rule [#]
- The gist of the 2-minute rule is that if something will take two minutes or less to complete, you should just do it. Don't think about it, don't add it to your to-do list, don't put it off for later. Knock it out.
Ubiquitous Capture :
- It is a task that needs to be captured in a way that will remind you of What is needed to be done, for example calendar, notes or Trello. Keep notes of a presentation that reminds you to ask anything you are curious on for example. This can be good because it can remind you of a task in its intierty, to avoid missing bits and pieces
Granularity :
- Find a new place to live, new flat within 20 minutes
- Call estate management call the letting company
- Organise viewing and decide on who to sell the house to
" To look at set of tasks and organise them in order of priority, this priority is determined by requirements to complete the task and the amount of time that it would take to complete as well.
Priority Order > Break Tasks into grain-size > Most Important task first
Important - For example turning up to class everyday is an important part of my day!
- Important activities have an outcome that leads to us achieving our goals,
whether these are professional or personal.
- DO (Do it now)
- DECIDE (Schedule a time to do it)
Urgent - If there was a fire then that is urgent and you need to leave. This is a task that takes priority over any important tasks as it is a task or action that will usually have an immediate affect.
- Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated with achieving someone else's goals.
- DELEGATE (Who can do it for you)
- DELETE (Eliminate it)
Urgent and Importance matrix:
13:40 AM - Communication 1 [Afternoon]
[Group Activity] - Research what Pareto Principle is : 80% of the effects come from 20% of causes.
The Pareto Principle is very simple, yet very important. It is named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Also known as the 80/20 Principle - because in Italy 80% of the land was owned by only 20% of the population. Meaning that 80% of the population is left with 20% of the and to live on.
- Use case : In bank, 20% of the clients can account for 80% of the banks overall stakeholders with money in their banks. These clients are high-value and need special attention as they supply a huge part of the business clients.
- Extra : 20% of the work is usually the bulk of the operation, however behind that 80% is supporting of the real work.
Discipline / Motivation - The discipline and motivation of an individual
- To keep yourself disciplined is important as it can lead to Motivation and make you want to achieve a goal more, this can help reduce the chance of losing focus.
- Dedicated space can help get an individual into a routine and keep them focused
14:15 AM - Communication 1 Continued... [Afternoon]
Continuation of communication : The definition of Communication is to transfer the information to another person. There are lots of different ways to do this. But it is important to make sure it is effective communication. If the person you talking to does not understand something you have said then you have not communicated your information properly.
in Programming comments that trails the code is supposed to effectively explain what that piece of code does in a couple lines.
// This is a comment in some languages
- Effective communication
- Active listening to promote requirement elicitation and business skills
- Understand the effect of body language
- Apply open and closed question to remove ambiguity
+ Delivery always affects the message outcome +
+ The real message is the one received, not the one intended +
Poor Communication
- can lead to dead-ends and also affect the development
of any product; for example it may lead to an incorrect product Meaning
more money and resources will be needed to correct that.
- Loss of Business
- Mistakes
- Lack of coordination
- Damage to corporate image
- Employee frustration
- Poor Morale
- can lead to dead-ends and also affect the development
of any product; for example it may lead to an incorrect product Meaning
more money and resources will be needed to correct that.
Aspects of Poor Communication Personal, Physical, Geographical, Cultural or Organisational
- Cultural - different places expect different behaviour (china, USA, UK)
- Personal - self-awareness of own behaviour (flailing hands), passionate presentation, body-language.
- Verbal - verbal communication is something that is said, it is tailored usually towards the audience (for example non-jargon) for non programmers
- Vocal - the tone of the voice, you need to make sure it is clear, harsh tone for rules and a soft tone for general communication
- Visual - the look and physical hand gestures, movements of the presenter can sometimes give someone an impression.
Perception is Projection : How we present ourselves, how we turn up and present ourselves when going to give a presentation. For example good expression, hand gestures and interaction with the presenter.
" It is not what you say, its how you say it "
- Body Language
- Sit or stand at right angles, on the same level
- Respect personal space
- Use open gestures
- Focus on the other person if they are presenting
- Lean in to show interest
- Lean further to apply pressure
- Lean back to relax
- Maintain appropriate eye contact
7 Habits of Effective people
- Be Proactive - Focus on the things you can control rather than things you can't.
- Begin with the end in mind - Beginning each day with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination.
- Put first things first - what we say vs how we allocate our time.
- Think win-win - For you to win they do not have to lose.
- Seek first to understand then to be understood - Does what you do offer value?
- Synergy - You can do more than just by yourself.
- Sharpen the Saw - Go the long way even if it takes time
15:20 AM - Communication 1 Continued... [Afternoon]
- Levels of listening:
[Cosmetic] ->
[Conversational] ->
[Active] ->
Good Questions
Closed Questions
- When did that happen?
- Did you receive the Python grade you expected?
Requires a straight forward yes
or no
, and get straight to the point.
Open Questions
- What led up to that?
- Tell me about yourself?
Open Questions allows you to explain yourself as much as you need to, explain yourself as this is usually an open discussion
Building Rapport
Starting at a new workplace it is important to become involved, mutual attentiveness, positivity, coordination. Being positive and likeable as well as having good communication and effective working can maybe help influence an employer to want to hire you in the future.
- Different Personalities
- Extroverts
- Introverts
- Supporter
- Director
- Analytical
None are good and none are bad but they are what is the differentiation within the workplace. Understanding personality types as a base can help influence if and how we get along with people, whether it be in the workplace or in everyday life.
Individual Activity
Write something about this image {Picture of an Apple}
" Its an extremely red ripe apple that has presumable just been picked, this indicated by the leaf on top. It also looks like it has been polished by the intense shine it is giving off - it looks like a very tasty apple that I want to eat. "
16:00 AM - Communication 2 Brief Look [Afternoon]
TED TALK The power of Listening
Courtesy of William Ury
- Notes from video
- successful negotiators listen more than they talk (listen twice as much as you speak)
- listening to where someone is coming from (human mind opening to listen)
- power of listening shifted his mood
- listening helps understand the other side (exercise influence to change someone's mind)
- helps connect with the other human, builds rapport and shows your care
- makes it more likely the other person will care what you say brings you to yes
Real Listening
- Listen within their frame of reference and not ours
- Listen to what is being said but also what is not being said the underlying feelings and needs
" It is something that is learned and practice everyday "
- Why it is so hard
- There is so much going on in our minds (noise and distraction) mental and emotional space to listen to the other side
- To listen to the other side we need to learn to listen to ourselves first, let emotions go and listen (moment of silence to tune in and see where we are)
- teach and learn to listen to each other better
# Extra Notes
List of techniques of active listening
Examples of active listening
- Wait to disclose my opinion
- Validation
- Demonstrating concern
- being ready to speak (won't be listening properly)
HARD techniques for me
- Vocal tone
- Attention to detail
- Respond judgment
- Appropriate time to insert my opinion
Take a personality test - 16 Personalities https://www.16personalities.com/
I got Adventurer - ISFP-a
[Artisan {Artisan, Pragmatic}] - According to Sparta Chart