-The `Image` component is used to display images with optional width and alt text (text displayed in case the image fails to load).
-Type: Self-closing & Regular
-- src: URL to the image.
-- width: A value between 1 and 7. A value of 7 means it will take up the full available width, and otherwise it will take up .
-- id: Gives an id to the image so it can be linked to in within the current page or from other pages. Optional.
-- alt: The text to display in place of the image if it fails to load. Optional but recommended for accessibility reasons.
-- class_: Give the image extra classes for styling. Optional.
-Will just display the image.
-` />
-Anything contained within the `Image` tag will be treated as a caption.
- Wow that's a beautiful image
-` />
- Wow that's a beautiful image
Used to create tables. This element ensures mobile responsiveness, default HTML tables might break the look of the page if they contain a lot of content, or if they feel like it.