- Scalable language
- Object-oriented and functional (equal)
- Objects are modules for structuring large code bases
- Immutable by default
- First class functions, concise code and easier reuse
- Type inference
- Powerful type system
- Runs on the JVM (constrained by)
- All code is a method
- Everything is an object
- No primitives
- No static members (companion objects)
- Functions are objects too
- model.scala - anaemic data model
- case classes
- preconditions
- Algebraic data types
- OrderService.scala - simple ordering service
- traits
- scalactic Or
- Currency.scala - basic currency support
- tests - basic unit tests
$ sbt
> compile
> test
- Currency is not a string
- Preconditions everywhere
- These need tests
Initial Currency wrapper type
- private constructor
- val parameter
- value object
- public constructor via
method - Option forces you to handle failure
class Currency private (val code: String) extends AnyVal
object Currency extends AbstractCurrencyHelper {
val USD = new Currency("USD")
val EUR = new Currency("EUR")
val GBP = new Currency("GBP")
val JPY = new Currency("JPY")
val CHF = new Currency("CHF")
val AUD = new Currency("USD")
def from(code: String): Option[Currency] = {
if (isValid(code)) {
Some(new Currency("USD"))
} else {
Change signatures, fix compile errors, run tests.
Experiment in the REPL
$ sbt
> console
scala> import org.iainhull.funckats.types._
scala> Currency.USD
scala> Currency.from("USD")
scala> val Some(usd) = Currency.from("USD")
scala> usd == Currency.USD
scala> usd.hashCode == Currency.USD.hashCode
Override toString
class Currency private (val code: String) extends AnyVal {
override def toString: String = s"Currency($code)"
class MoneyAmount private (val value: BigDecimal) extends AnyVal {
def + (rhs: MoneyAmount): MoneyAmount = new MoneyAmount(value + rhs.value)
def * (rhs: Quantity) = new MoneyAmount(value * rhs.value)
def / (rhs: Quantity) = new MoneyAmount(value / rhs.value)
object MoneyAmount {
val Zero: MoneyAmount = new MoneyAmount(0)
def from(value: BigDecimal): MoneyAmount Or String = {
if (value >= 0) Good(new MoneyAmount(value))
else Bad(s"MoneyAmount($value) must be greater than or equal to zero")
class Quantity private (val value: Int) extends AnyVal
object Quantity {
def from(value: Int): Quantity Or String = {
if (value > 0) Good(new Quantity(value))
else Bad(s"Quantity($value) must be greater than zero")
Update sources and modelSpecs (delete lots of tests). Update the other tests (notice the how hard MoneyAmount is to use in the tests - this is not fun).
Add the EnableUnsafe
type class.
@implicitNotFound("Unsafe access not enabled for ${A}. import ${A}.Unsafe._")
trait EnableUnsafe[A]
object MoneyAmount {
// ...
object Unsafe {
implicit object Enable extends EnableUnsafe[MoneyAmount]
def apply(value: BigDecimal)(implicit ev: EnableUnsafe[MoneyAmount]): MoneyAmount = {
from(value) match {
case Good(amount) => amount
case Bad(message) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(message)
def apply(value: String)(implicit ev: EnableUnsafe[MoneyAmount]): MoneyAmount = {
Simplify MoneyAmount constructors in the unit tests.
Create WrapperValue.scala
package org.iainhull.funckats.types
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, Or}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
* Base class for defining wrapper types, used in conjunction with
* `WrappedValue.Companion`
trait WrappedValue[T] extends Any {
def value: T
override def toString = s"${this.getClass.getSimpleName}(${value})"
object WrappedValue {
trait Companion[A, W <: WrappedValue[A]] {
type ErrorMessage = String
def from(value: A): W Or ErrorMessage
def unapply(wrapped: W): Option[A] = Some(wrapped.value)
def apply(value: A)(implicit ev: EnableUnsafe[W]): W = {
from(value) match {
case Good(amount) => amount
case Bad(message) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(message)
@implicitNotFound("Unsafe access not enabled for ${B}. `import WrappedValue.Unsafe.enable` to enable it.")
trait EnableUnsafe[B]
object Unsafe {
implicit def enable[W]: EnableUnsafe[W] = new EnableUnsafe[W] {}
- Update the wrapper types to use
. - Update
to use unsafeQuantity
Replace Vector
in Order
with scalactic Every
(a non empty list with the same characteristics as Vector
Lets play in the REPL
$ sbt
> console
scala> import org.iainhull.funckats.types._
scala> import WrappedValue.Unsafe.enable
scala> Vector(2, 3, 1).sorted
scala> Vector("B", "C", "A").sorted
scala> Vector(Quantity(2), Quantity(3), Quantity(1)).sorted
scala> Vector(Currency.USD, Currency.EUR, Currency.AUD).sorted
Look at the Vector.sorted
Numbers and strings have an implicit ordering, add an implicit ordering to wrapper types, where the wrapped type has an implicit conversion.
implicit def ordering(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Ordering[W] = Ordering.by(a => a.value)
Now retry the REPL experiment.
trait PositiveRate[-A] {
def asBigDecimal(value: A): BigDecimal
def * [A](rhs: A)(implicit ev: PositiveRate[A]) = new MoneyAmount(value * ev.asBigDecimal(rhs))
def / [A](rhs: A)(implicit ev: PositiveRate[A]) = new MoneyAmount(value / ev.asBigDecimal(rhs))
implicit object ThePositiveRate extends PositiveRate[Quantity] {
def asBigDecimal(quantity: Quantity): BigDecimal = quantity.value