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Building Images and Starting Deployments with Red Hat® Ansible®

In the following we describe how to build the images and deploy containers based on the images for running an SAP® system in a Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform using the Red Hat Ansible CLI.


Table of Contents

Getting Started with Red Hat Ansible

To get started you need to set up your work environment and install the Red Hat Ansible CLI. For detailed information on how to install the Red Hat Ansible CLI refer to the Red Hat Ansible installation documentation.

Start by cloning this GitHub repository to your build LPAR:

  $ git clone

Change working directory into the repository clone. This directory will be referenced as <path_to_ocp_tool> later on.

  $ cd containerization-for-sap-s4hana

Directory ansible/ of your repository clone contains the following components for building images:

  $ tree -L 1 ansible
  ├── ...
  ├── ocp-deployment-ansible-tower.yml
  ├── ocp-deployment.yml
  ├── roles
  │   ├── build-images
  │   ├── copy-hdb-nfs
  │   ├── create-overlay-share
  │   ├── deploy-images
  │   ├── ocp-prerequisites
  │   ├── os-prerequisites
  │   └── push-images
  ├── tasks
  │   └── ...
  └── vars
      └── ocp-extra-vars.yml

The roles/ directory contains Ansible roles that are reusable and are included in the playbook ocp-deployment.yml. The following roles are used to build images of your reference SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA system:

  • os-prerequisites installs packages like podman, git, python3, python3-devel. This role also verifies if the oc tool is installed and checks the connection to the NFS server and OCP cluster. It generates the configuration file config.yaml and credentials file creds.yaml as well as secret for distributed SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA systems.

  • ocp-prerequisites creates a new project on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, sets up permissions and generates the service-account. The role verifies that all configuration settings in config.yaml and creds.yaml are set up correctly.

  • copy-hdb-nfs creates a snapshot copy of your SAP HANA data/ and log/ directories on the NFS server.

  • build-images runs the process for building the Init, SAP AppServer and SAP HANA images.

The following roles are used to deploy the built images into the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform:

  • push-images executes a task to push all images (soos-init, soos-<nws4-sid>, soos-<hdb-sid>) from the local registry to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Here, <nws4-sid> is the SAP system ID of your reference SAP NetWeaver or SAP S/4HANA system and <hdb-sid> is the SAP system ID of your reference database system.

  • create-overlay-share creates an SAP HANA overlay share on the NFS server.

  • deploy-images generates a deployment description file which describes the container setup and environment in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and starts the deployment on the cluster.

Performing Manual Tasks before Running the Playbook

The following tasks are not automated and need to be performed manually (find more details in document Prerequisites):

  • See section Additional Directories on the Build LPAR to

    • Ensure that your file system for image build on the build LPAR has at least 500 GB capacity.

    • Create symbolic links to the directories under which the container images are built.

  • Ensure that the hostname(s) of the reference SAP system can be resolved, and local name resolution via the /etc/hosts file is enabled also on your build LPAR.

  • See section Distributing the SSH Keys to configure SSH connections between different hosts.

Setting up the Inventory for the Playbook

Before running the ocp-deployment.yml playbook, you need to set up your inventory file on your build LPAR:

  • Create a new file ansible/hosts in the ansible/ directory of your repository clone and add the name of your build LPAR to the file.

  • Create a new directory ansible/host_vars/ in the ansible/ directory

  • Create a file ansible/host_vars/<build-LPAR-name>.yml where <build-LPAR-name> is the name of your build LPAR as specified in the ansible/hosts file.

  • Add your remote user name and SSH key to ansible/host_vars/<build-LPAR-name>.yml:

    ansible_user: <username>
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/<your_rsa_key>
  • Check connectivity to the target host by running:

     $ ansible -i hosts -m ping <build-LPAR-name>

    If connection to the build LPAR fails with message: "fatal: [<build-LPAR-name>]: UNREACHABLE! ..." then add as mentioned previously <your_rsa_key> public-key to the authorized_keys of the target host. Finally, try again to ping the build LPAR.

Specifying your Settings

The file vars/ocp-extra-vars.yml in the vars/ directory contains all required variables that are used in the playbooks. Some variables may contain sensitive information like IP addresses, passwords, usernames. As an option you can use the Ansible Vault utility to encrypt this sensitive content. See the Red Hat Ansible documentation for a details on how to set up Ansible Vault.

The file vars/ocp-extra-vars.yml looks as follows - replace all placeholders of type <parameter> with your own settings:

Content of vars/ocp-extra-vars.yml
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2020, 2022 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# build LPAR parameter

# Path to the directory of the clone of this repository on the build LPAR,required
path_to_ocp_tool: <github_clone_dir>

# Debug level, the default value is warning,
# if it's needed change the logging level to critical, error, warning, info, debug, notset 
debug_level_ocp_tool: warning

# Directory under which the build contexts for image build are assembled
tmp_root: /data/tmp

# installs packages with ansible package module and state present
package_state: present

# install python3 or higher version
python3x_version: python3

# generate config file for automatic tools script execution with template config.j2.template
template_config_file: config.j2.template

# generate credentials file for automatic tools script execution with template creds.j2.template
template_creds_file: creds.j2.template

# Absolute path to the private SSH ID file which is used for SSH connect operations 
# from the build machine to remote systems, optional
# If the value is '' then the configured user ssh settings from ~/.ssh/ are used  
build_user_sshid: ''

# OpenShift cluster parameter

# Domain name of the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster - used for "oc" operations
# The build LPAR must be able to connect to api.<ocp_cluster_domain>, required
ocp_cluster_domain: <ocp4_cluster_domain_name>

# Admin user name of OCP cluster that will be used for setting up configuration, required
ocp_admin_name: <ocp4_admin>

# Password of the kubeadmin user in OCP cluster,required
ocp_admin_password: <admin_password>

# User in OCP cluster which is used for "oc" operations, required
ocp_user_name: <ocp4_userid>

# Password of ocp_user in OCP cluster, required
ocp_user_password: <ocp4_user_password>

# Name of the OCP project which will be created for the SAP workload (e.g. my-sap-project), required
ocp_project_name: <ocp4_project_name_for_SAP>

# Name of the host as seen in the intranet (*not* in the cluster network), required
ocp_helper_node: <ocp4_helper_node_name>

# User on the OCP helper host which is used for accessing the helper host via SSH (needs root permissions)
ocp_helper_node_user_name: <ocp4_helper_node_user_name>

# User password to connect to the host of OCP helper node, optional; 
# Specify '' if password-less access is configured
ocp_helper_node_user_password: <ocp4_helper_node_user_password>

# Absolute path to the private SSH ID file which is used for SSH connect operations 
# from the OCP helper node to the OCP worker nodes, optional
# If the value is '' then the configured user ssh settings from ~/.ssh/ are used 
ocp_helper_node_user_sshid: ''

# SAP NetWeaver or SAP S/4HANA parameter

# Host on which the original SAP NetWeaver or SAP S/4HANA system is installed, required
# The SAP instance profile must also have this hostname in its name
nws4_host_name: <reference_system_hostname>

# ASCS and Dialog instance, SAP system ID, required
nws4_sid: <AppServer_SID>

# ASCS and Dialog instance <sid>adm user, required
nws4_sidadm_name: <AppServer_sidadm_name>

# ASCS and Dialog <sid>adm user password, optional
# Specify '' if password-less access is configured
nws4_sidadm_password: <AppServer_sidadm_password>

# SAP HANA database user which is used by the application server instance to connect to the database,
# required if the reference system database is remote to the application server, otherwise
# specify '' if the reference system is a standard system
nws4_hdbconnect_name: SAPHANADB

# SAP HANA database user password which is used by the application server instance to connect to the database,
# required if the reference system database is remote to the application server, otherwise
# specify '' if the reference system is a standard system
nws4_hdbconnect_password: <HDB_connect_password>

# SAP system ID of the original SAP HANA system to generate deployment file name, required 
hdb_sid_deployment: <HDB_sid_name>

# SAP HANA database <sid>adm user name, required
hdb_sidadm_name: <HDB_sidadm_user_name>

# SAP HANA <sid>adm user password, optional
# Specify '' if password-less access is configured
hdb_sidadm_password: <HDB_sidadm_password>

# Requested memory for Dialog instance, optional; 
# Will be derived from the original instance if '' is specified
containers_di_requests_memory: ''

# Memory limit; must be >= requested memory, optional; 
# Will be derived from the original instance if '' is specified
containers_di_limits_memory: ''

# Requested memory for ASCS instance, required 
containers_ascs_requests_memory: 10Gi

# Memory limit; must be >= requested memory, required
containers_ascs_limits_memory: 10Gi

# set flag 'yes' for distributed SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA, required
distributed_sap_system: 'no'

# Name of the OCP secret in which credentials of the SAP HANA database user (see creds.yaml) are stored for use within the Pod;
# required if the reference system database is remote to the application server, otherwise
# specify '' if the reference system is a standard system
containers_di_secret: <secret_name_for_HDB_credentials>

# Requested memory; will be derived from the original database size if '' is supplied, optional
containers_hdb_requests_memory: ''

# Memory limit; must be >= requested memory; will be derived from the original database size if '' is supplied, optional
containers_hdb_limits_memory: ''

# NFS parameter

# Host on which the NFS server is running, if '' is specified is used
nfs_host_name: ''

# User on which is used for ssh and rsync operations (needs root permissions)
# Password-less access for this user from build LPAR to NFS server must be configured, required 
nfs_user_name: root

# NFS user password, optional; 
# Specify '' if password-less access is configured
nfs_user_password: <NFS_user_password>

# Path on nfs_host where directories {data,log} of the original HANA system are copied to, required 
nfs_path_to_hdb_copy: <NFS_server_export_dir_for_hdb>

# Path on nfs_host under which overlay file systems for container instances are created, required
nfs_path_to_overlay: <NFS_server_export_dir_for_overlay>

# GitHub parameter

# GitHub repository URL for project containerization-for-sap-s4hana

Running the Playbook

To run the playbook execute

     $ cd ansible
     $ ansible-playbook -i hosts -e @vars/ocp-extra-vars.yml ocp-deployment.yml

The playbook

  • installs all prerequisites,

  • creates three container images soos-init, soos-<nws4-sid>, soos-<hdb-sid> which are stored in the local podman registry on your build LPAR and

  • uses the roles push-images, create-overlay-share, deploy-images to push the container images into the cluster and start the deployment of the SAP system.

If the playbook run completed without errors, all three images were successfully built and pushed into the local registry of your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and the deployment of the SAP system was started on the cluster.

Verifying the Deployment of the SAP System in the Cluster

To verify that SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA are running in the cluster use these commands:

    $ oc get all
    $ oc get pods
    $ oc describe pod soos-<nws4-sid>-<uuid>-<replicaset_id>-<pod_id>

For more information on verifying the successful deployment of the SAP system in the cluster see section Verifying Deployments. However, you can also use the following two options to use the tools provided with this project:

  1. Call the tools using our Python virtual environment and the credential file generated by the Ansible playbook.

    To do this, activate the virtual environment, use option -q creds.yaml and use the following command, where <path_to_ocp_tool> is the absolute system path to parent directory of your current working directory ansible :

    $ cd <path_to_ocp_tool> && source ./venv/bin/activate && ./tools/<tool_name> -q ./creds.yaml [tool_options]
  2. Call the tools using the tool shortcuts.

    To do this, activate the tool shortcuts using the following command and call all tools with the prefix soos-. The option [--add] can be used to permanent activate the tool shortcuts for bash shell users by adding it to ~/.bashrc.

    $ cd <path_to_ocp_tool> && source ./tools/tool_shortcuts [--add]
    $ soos-<tool_name> [tool_options]

    Complete list of tool shortcuts:

    soos-containerize             soos-nfs-overlay-setup        soos-ocp-haproxy-forwarding   soos-ocp-service-account-gen
    soos-gpg-key-gen              soos-nfs-overlay-teardown     soos-ocp-hdb-secret-gen       soos-sap-system-status
    soos-image-build              soos-ocp-container-login      soos-ocp-login                soos-ssh-key-gen
    soos-image-push               soos-ocp-container-run        soos-ocp-pod-meminfo          soos-ssh-keys
    soos-nfs-hdb-copy             soos-ocp-deployment           soos-ocp-pod-status           soos-verify-config
    soos-nfs-overlay-list         soos-ocp-etc-hosts            soos-ocp-port-forwarding      soos-verify-ocp-settings

    You can use the --help tool option to list all possible parameters for each tool and see also Tools.

Connecting to the SAP System

Section Managing Deployments describes how to connect to the SAP system.

See also Introducing Options for End-User GUI Access to the Containerized Systems.

Managing the SAP System in the Cluster

If you want to stop your SAP System or want to start additional SAP Systems based on the same database content see Managing Multiple Copies of the Reference SAP System.

For the final cleanup of unused resources see Cleaning up the Environment.