The "Jenkinsfile" should live in your top playbook folder
Here is sample ( Jenkinsfile-example ). You will update the paramList and the stage() sections. The rest is static for now.
See existing playbooks for more complex examples
#! groovy
// Standard job properties
def jobProps = [
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '50')),
[$class: 'RebuildSettings', autoRebuild: false, rebuildDisabled: false]
def paramsList = [
string(name: 'API_Server_URL', defaultValue: "api.", description: 'clustre api server url'),
string(name: 'API_Server_Port', defaultValue: "6443", description: 'clustrer api serfver port number'),
string(name: 'cluster_admin', defaultValue: "kubeadmin", description: 'clustrer admin user'),
password(name: 'cluster_admin_password', description: 'cluster admin password'),
string(name: 'ocp_client_version', defaultValue: "4.2.0"),
string(name: 'machine_config', description: 'machine config found from oc get mc, newest version')
timestamps {
ansiColor('xterm') {
node ( 'kube_pod_slave' ) {
checkout scm
stage('Recover Machine Config') {
sh """
set +x # hide sensitive info being echo'd to log
cp ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/examples/mc_vars.yml ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/;\
cp ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/examples/inventory ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/;\
ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/inventory \
./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/recover-machine-config-play.yml \
-e kubeadmin_user=${params.cluster_admin} \
-e kubeadmin_password=${params.cluster_admin_password} \
-e ocp_api_url=${API_Server_URL}:${API_Server_Port} \
-e arch="linux" \
-e ocp_client_version=${ocp_client_version} \
-e machine_config=${machine_config} -vv
Must be in the community automation blue group (open and issue to request blue group access)
Community Jenkins Server
Login to jenkins server
Navigate to "Cluster Ops"
Select "New Item" from left nav.
Name your job.
Select "MultiBranch Pipeline" from list.
Enter "community-pipeline-template" in the "Copy from" field.
Select "OK"
Select "Single repository & branch" from "Add Source" dropdown.
Enter your branch name in the "Name" field. Should be "master" most of the time.
Update Credentials, using github username and token. Working to get a FUNCTIONAL_ID.
Under "Build Configuration" update "Script Path"
Select "Save"