Readme.txt to accompany LUR variable scripts
Author: Andrew Larkin
Affiliation: Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Principal Investigator: Perry Hystad
Date last modified: September 23rd, 2018
The python scripts in LUR varaible scripts are designed to calcualte point and buffer variable values for a land use regression model. Multiple values are calculated in parallel for a single buffer distance. Intermediate products are saved in temporary folders.
Processing Scripts
- - contains functions used to create buffers and calculate buffer values for both raster and polyline varaible files
- - defines contants such as buffer distances, filepaths, and number of simulatenous threads
- - creates buffer estimates for a single shapefile and single varaible sequentially, as arcpy (as tested in version 10.3.1) does not accurately calculate values for overlapping buffers within the same shapefile. This is a modified version of a script provided by NOAA.
- - main python script. Calls all other scripts to partition the large shapefile in managemenable segments, create buffer and point estimates, and finally merge partitions back into a single file.