Emblem applications and tools are expected to interact with application data through the Content API. They can operate that API via HTTP requests directly or use a client library.
The Content API is specified using the OpenAPI specification, in this case, using the file openapi.yaml.
One benefit of documenting an API this is the ability to automatically generate code compatible with it. We used one such tool, OpenAPI Generator, to create a Python client library for Emblem. See the link for the various options for installing the tool.
Once the tool is generated, open a shell and navigate to the client-libs/python directory, and run the command:
rm -rf generated && openapi-generator-cli generate -g python -i ../../content-api/openapi.yaml
Python programs can directly import from the newly generated library, or use an Emblem-specific shim that imports and wraps that library:
import emblem_client
client = emblem_client.EmblemClient(API_SERVER_URL, **kwargs)