Utility to work with GCP App Integration & Connectors
This command lets you interact with GCP Application Integration and Integration Connector APIs.
-a, --account string Path Service Account private key in JSON
--api api Sets the control plane API. Must be one of prod, staging or autopush; default is prod
--default-token Use Google default application credentials access token
--disable-check Disable check for newer versions
-h, --help help for integrationcli
--metadata-token Metadata OAuth2 access token
--no-output Disable printing all statements to stdout
--print-output Control printing of info log statements (default true)
--suppress-warnings Disable printing warning statements to stderr
-t, --token string Google OAuth Token
--verbose Enable verbose output from integrationcli
- integrationcli authconfigs - Manage integration auth configurations
- integrationcli certificates - Manage certificates used by Integration
- integrationcli connectors - Manage connections for Integration Connectors
- integrationcli endpoints - Manage endpoint attachments for connections
- integrationcli integrations - Manage integrations in a GCP project
- integrationcli preferences - Manage integrationcli preferences
- integrationcli provision - Provisions application integration
- integrationcli render - Renders a default manifest.txt and results.json for Cloud Deploy
- integrationcli sfdcchannels - Manage SFDC channels in Application Integration
- integrationcli sfdcinstances - Manage SFDC instances in Application Integration
- integrationcli token - Manage OAuth 2.0 access tokens
- integrationcli tree - Prints integrationcli command Tree