## Sample code using the sample SDK.php file
// Include the SDK file
include "SDK.php";
// Prepare some configuration values
$clientId = 'my-client-id';
$clientSecret = 'my-client-secret';
$redirectUri = 'https://myapp.io/redirectUri.php';
$scope = ['profile', 'groups'];
$gdc = new GDC\SDK($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri, $scope);
$accessToken = $gdc->getAccessToken();
// If we do not have a token, we will redirect user to the authorization page
if (!$accessToken) {
$authorizationUrl = $gdc->getLoginUrl();
header("Location: ".$authorizationUrl);
// We will retrieve informations about the Member
$infos = $gdc->getInfos();
echo sprintf('Welcome %s', $infos->firstName);
$refreshToken = $gdc->getRefreshToken();
echo sprintf('My refresh token is %s', $gdc->getRefreshToken());
// To refresh the access token
echo sprintf('My new token is %s', $gdc->getAccessToken());
echo sprintf('My new refresh token is %s', $gdc->getRefreshToken());