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Feature Extraction



Feature extraction plays a key role in image recognition, which serves to transform the input image into a fixed dimensional feature vector for subsequent vector search. Good features boast great similarity preservation, i.e., in the feature space, pairs of images with high similarity should have higher feature similarity (closer together), and pairs of images with low similarity should have less feature similarity (further apart). Deep Metric Learning is applied to explore how to obtain features with high representational power through deep learning.

2.Network Structure

In order to customize the image recognition task flexibly, the whole network is divided into Backbone, Neck, Head, and Loss. The figure below illustrates the overall structure:


Functions of the above modules :

  • Backbone: Specifies the backbone network to be used. It is worth noting that the ImageNet-based pre-training model provided by PaddleClas has an output of 1000 for the last layer, which demands for customization according to the required feature dimensions.
  • Neck: Used for feature augmentation and feature dimension transformation. Here it can be a simple Linear Layer for feature dimension transformation, or a more complex FPN structure for feature augmentation.
  • Head: Used to transform features into logits. In addition to the common Fc Layer, cosmargin, arcmargin, circlemargin and other modules are all available choices.
  • Loss: Specifies the Loss function to be used. It is designed as a combined form to facilitate the combination of Classification Loss and Pair_wise Loss.

3.General Recognition Models

In PP-Shitu, we have PP_LCNet_x2_5 as the backbone network, Linear Layer for Neck, ArcMargin for Head, and CELoss for Loss. See the details in General Recognition_configuration files. The involved training data covers the following seven public datasets:

Datasets Data Size Class Number Scenarios URL
Aliproduct 2498771 50030 Commodities URL
GLDv2 1580470 81313 Landmarks URL
VeRI-Wild 277797 30671 Vehicle URL
LogoDet-3K 155427 3000 Logo URL
iCartoonFace 389678 5013 Cartoon Characters URL
SOP 59551 11318 Commodities URL
Inshop 25882 3997 Commodities URL
Total 5M 185K ---- ----

The results are shown in the table below:

Model Aliproduct VeRI-Wild LogoDet-3K iCartoonFace SOP Inshop Latency(ms)
PP-LCNet-2.5x 0.839 0.888 0.861 0.841 0.793 0.892 5.0
  • Evaluation metric: Recall@1
  • CPU of the speed evaluation machine: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz.
  • Evaluation conditions for the speed metric: MKLDNN enabled, number of threads set to 10
  • Address of the pre-training model: General recognition pre-training model

4.Customized Feature Extraction

Customized feature extraction refers to retraining the feature extraction model based on one's own task. It consists of four main steps: 1) data preparation, 2) model training, 3) model evaluation, and 4) model inference.

4.1 Data Preparation

To start with, customize your dataset based on the task (See Format description for the dataset format). Before initiating the model training, modify the data-related content in the configuration files, including the address of the dataset and the class number. The corresponding locations in configuration files are shown below:

    name: ArcMargin
    embedding_size: 512
    class_num: 185341    #Number of class
      name: ImageNetDataset
      image_root: ./dataset/     #The directory where the train dataset is located
      cls_label_path: ./dataset/train_reg_all_data.txt  #The address of label file for train dataset
        name: VeriWild
        image_root: ./dataset/Aliproduct/.    #The directory where the query dataset is located
        cls_label_path: ./dataset/Aliproduct/val_list.txt.    #The address of label file for query dataset
        name: VeriWild
        image_root: ./dataset/Aliproduct/    #The directory where the gallery dataset is located
        cls_label_path: ./dataset/Aliproduct/val_list.txt.   #The address of label file for gallery dataset

4.2 Model Training

  • Single machine single card training
python tools/ -c ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml
  • Single machine multi card training
python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
    --gpus="0,1,2,3" tools/ \
    -c ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml

Note: The configuration file adopts online evaluation by default, if you want to speed up the training and remove online evaluation, just add -o eval_during_train=False after the above command. After training, the final model files latest, best_model and the training log file train.log will be generated under the directory output. Among them, best_model is utilized to store the best model under the current evaluation metrics whilelatest is adopted to store the latest generated model, making it convenient to resume the training from where it was interrupted.

  • Resumption of Training:
python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
    --gpus="0,1,2,3" tools/ \
    -c ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml \
    -o Global.checkpoint="output/RecModel/latest"

4.3 Model Evaluation

  • Single Card Evaluation
python tools/ \
-c ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"
  • Multi Card Evaluation
python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
    --gpus="0,1,2,3" tools/ \
    -c  ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml \
    -o  Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"

Recommendation: It is suggested to employ multi-card evaluation, which can quickly obtain the feature set of the overall dataset using multi-card parallel computing, accelerating the evaluation process.

4.4 Model Inference

Two steps are included in the inference: 1)exporting the inference model; 2)obtaining the feature vector.

4.4.1 Export Inference Model

python tools/ \
-c ppcls/configs/GeneralRecognition/GeneralRecognition_PPLCNet_x2_5.yaml \
-o Global.pretrained_model="output/RecModel/best_model"

The generated inference models are under the directory inference, which comprises three files, namely, Among them, inference.pdmodel serves to store the structure of inference model while inference.pdiparams and are mobilized to store model-related parameters.

4.4.2 Obtain Feature Vector

cd deploy
python python/ \
-c configs/inference_rec.yaml \
-o Global.rec_inference_model_dir="../inference"

The output format of the obtained features is shown in the figure below:img

In practical use, however, business operations require more than simply obtaining features. To further perform image recognition by feature retrieval, please refer to the document vector search.