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## Welcome
-Here you will find documentation on usage tips, design information, plugin development and more.
+Here you will find documentation on usage tips, design information, plugin development, and more.
-If you have just started using Flow, please head over to the [Usage Tips](/usage-tips.md) section to find out how you can get the most out of Flow. Otherwise if you are completely new to Flow and want to find out its features and give it a spin, please visit [here](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher/#-features).
+If you have just started using Flow, please head over to the [Usage Tips](/usage-tips.md) section to find out how you can get the most out of Flow. Otherwise, if you are completely new to Flow and want to find out its features and give it a spin, please visit [here](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher/#-features).
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# Flow Launcher
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- [**Plugin references**](/nodejs-plugin-references.md)
- Testing Plugins
- [**Testing Guide**](/testing.md)
- - [**JSON RPC Introduction**](/json-rpc.md)
- - [**JSON RPC Plugin Settings**](/json-rpc-settings.md)
+ - [**Introduction**](/json-rpc.md)
+ - [**Plugin Settings**](/json-rpc-settings.md)
- [**Visual SettingsTemplate.yaml editor**](/json-rpc-visual-settingstemplate-editor.md)
- Porting Plugins
- [**Porting Plugins Guide**](/port-plugins.md)
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## Custom location list
This page contains the information for setting custom browser locations for the Bookmark plugin that are not included by default.
-- These locations may not be the exact path, but they are the typical bookmark location for each browser, you can use them as a reference guide.
-- If you are using a browser that is not listed here, please update this document. It will help others.
+- These locations may not be the exact path, but they are the typical bookmark location for each browser; you can use them as a reference guide.
+- If you are using a browser not listed here, please update this document. It will help others.
@@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ This page contains the information for setting custom browser locations for the
- Firefox Engine
- C:\Users\username\AppData\RoamingRoaming\librewolf\Profiles\1tyx98jn.default-default
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-Flow is written in C#, so plugins written in .Net platform can directly communicate with Flow without extra protocols.
+Flow is written in C#, so plugins written in .NET platform can directly communicate with Flow without extra protocols.
## Initialization
For C# Plugins, We recommend you use the [dotnet template](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/dotnet-template) to generate a plugin template.
-In order to be recognized as a Flow DotNet plugin, the directory needs to have at least two files
-1. [`plugin.json`](plugin.json.md)
-2. A Dotnet Assembly that implements **[IPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iplugin.md)** or **[IAsyncPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iasyncplugin.md)** (remember to reference [Flow.Launcher.Plugin](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/) by Nuget). The plugin template will add the reference and create a `Main.cs` that implements `IPlugin`.
+To be recognized as a Flow DotNet plugin, the directory needs to have at least two files
+1. [`plugin.json`](/plugin.json.md)
+2. A Dotnet Assembly that implements **[IPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IPlugin.md)** or **[IAsyncPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IAsyncPlugin.md)** (remember to reference [Flow.Launcher.Plugin](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/) by Nuget). The plugin template will add the reference and create a `Main.cs` that implements `IPlugin`.
-Find our API Reference [here](API-Reference/)
+Find our API Reference [here](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin.md)
A sample CSharp Plugin [here](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/plugin-samples)
## IPlugin/IAsyncPlugin
-The `Main`class that implements **[IPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iplugin.md)** or **[IAsyncPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iasyncplugin.md)** will handle the query search with Flow.
+The `Main`class that implements **[IPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IPlugin.md)** or **[IAsyncPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IAsyncPlugin.md)** will handle the query search with Flow.
-**[IPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iplugin.md)** interface contains two required methods:
+**[IPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IPlugin.md)** interface contains two required methods:
1. `void Init(PluginInitContext context)`
- - [PluginInitContext](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher/blob/master/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/PluginInitContext.cs) exposes some API from Flow and an metadata object for your plugin.
+ - [PluginInitContext](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/PluginInitContext.md) exposes some API from Flow and a metadata object for your plugin.
- It will be invoked before the invocation of `Query`, so you can do some preparation here.
- We recommend you do expensive operations in this method instead of Object Constructor because this method will be executed in parallel with other plugins.
2. `List Query(Query query)`
- - `Query` will be invoked when user activate this plugin with specific ActionKeyword.
- - A `List` of [Result](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/result.md) object should be returned.
+ - `Query` will be invoked when user activates this plugin with specific ActionKeyword.
+ - A `List` of [Result](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/Result.md) object should be returned.
- **[IAsyncPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iasyncplugin.md)** is the async version of **[IPlugin](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iplugin.md)**
+ **[IAsyncPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IAsyncPlugin.md)** is the async version of **[IPlugin](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IPlugin.md)**
- Instead of implementing `Init` and `Query`, you will need to implement `InitAsync`and `QueryAsync`, which use `Task`,`Task` as return value to allow using `async/await` strategy
- `QueryAsync` provides a `CancellationToken token` to allow you to check whether user has typed a new query.
## Additional interfaces
-Besides the basic implementation of **IPlugin/IAsyncPlugin**, plugins can also implement a series of interfaces that belongs to **IFeatures** to control more communication with Flow.
+Besides the basic implementation of **IPlugin/IAsyncPlugin**, plugins can also implement a series of interfaces that belong to **IFeatures** to control more communication with Flow.
**Remarks**: You should implement these interfaces in the same class that implements **IPlugin/IAsyncPlugin**.
-### [IContextMenu](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/icontextmenu.md)
+### [IContextMenu](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IContextMenu.md)
`LoadContextMenus` will be invoked when users expand the context menu of a specific Result.
The return value of `LoadContextMenus` is similar to Results from `Query/QueryAsync`.
-### [IReloadable](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/ireloadable.md)/[IAsyncReloadable](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iasyncreloadable.md)
+### [IReloadable](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IReloadable.md)/[IAsyncReloadable](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IAsyncReloadable.md)
`ReloadData/ReloadDataAsync` will be invoked when users click the `Reload Plugin Data` command from _sys_ plugin. Generally, it is used to reload some cache (such as the programs information cached in _Program_ plugin).
-### [IPluginI18n](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iplugini18n.md)
+### [IPluginI18n](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IPluginI18n.md)
**IPluginI18n** means the plugin has been internationalized. Therefore, Flow will load the additional language resources from `/Languages` when loading the plugin.
By implementing this interface with additional language files, Flow will be able to load plugin-specific localized language resources. You will be able to get the translated text with `IPublicAPI.GetTranslation(string key)`.
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ The Language Resource file will need to be a list of **key/value** pair. Follow
Plugins are required to implement **IPublicI18n** to let Flow load Language resources.
-### [IResultUpdated](API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/iresultupdated.md)
+### [IResultUpdated](/API-Reference/Flow.Launcher.Plugin/IResultUpdated.md)
-Implementing **IResultUpdated** provides a way to return part of the query results early. This is generally useful for plugins with long running queries.
+Implementing **IResultUpdated** provides a way to return part of the query results early. This is generally useful for plugins with long-running queries.
To early return a result to Flow, you will need to invoke `ResultUpdated` event with an `ResultUpdatedEventArgs`, which includes the current `Query` object and the List of `Result` objects similar to the return value in `Query(Async)`.
### [IDisposable](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.idisposable) *Flow 1.8.0 or higher*
-Implementing **IDisposable** to dispose unmanaged resource in the plugin. `Dispose()` will be called when Flow exit.
\ No newline at end of file
+Implementing **IDisposable** to dispose unmanaged resource in the plugin. `Dispose()` will be called when Flow exit.
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@@ -6,40 +6,40 @@ If you make a theme for the first time, refer to the existing theme. Copy the **
## ⛔ Caution ⛔
-Place the theme you created in the Theme folder inside the UserData directory, for roaming this is located at **%APPDATA%\\FlowLauncher\\Themes\\** (AppData Roaming path) and for portable it is by default **%localappdata%\\FlowLauncher\app-\\\\UserData\\Themes\\** (AppData Local path). Flow will read from the UserData directory for custom themes and its own app directory for default themes, so make sure you do not place in the location outside of UserData because it will be erased along with the default theme files after an update.
+Place the theme you created in the Theme folder inside the UserData directory, for roaming this is located at `%APPDATA%\FlowLauncher\Themes\` (AppData Roaming path) and for portable it is by default `%localappdata%\FlowLauncher\app-\UserData\Themes\` (AppData Local path). Flow will read from the UserData directory for custom themes and its own app directory for default themes. Make sure you do not place in the location outside UserData because it will be erased along with the default theme files after an update.
## Theme elements
-The theme file allows you to set the following parts. Each style has a key, and there are items that can be modified. If theme have a key that is not described in this document, we recommend you not to modify it separately.
+The theme file allows you to set the following parts. Each style has a key, and there are items that can be modified. If theme has a key not described in this document, we recommend you not to modify it separately.
(*There is a possibility of changing/deleting this part depending on the version.*)
+![Flow Launcher screenshot](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Flow-Launcher/docs@main/assets/themelayout.png)
### WindowBorderStyle
In this item, you can set the color, border size, border color, and corner radius of the basic window.
- ```
-Window border thickness is recommended from 1 or 2. Corner radius recommends 0, 5 or less.
+Window border thickness is recommended from 1 or 2. Recommended corner radius is 0, 5 or less.
### QueryBoxStyle
This is the style of the basic search window. You can set the font size, color of cursor, font color, input window height. If the font size is reduced, the height of the window is also reduced, so the height must be specified.
### QuerySuggestionBoxStyle
This is the style of the recommended search word that appears after the search word. The font size & Height should be the same as the QueryBoxStyle, and a more translucent color is recommended.
### PendingLineStyle
It is possible to set the color of the loading bar that is sometimes displayed.
### SearchIconStyle
This is the style of the magnifying glass icon displayed on the right side of the search window. Color & Size can be changed or hidden. (The picture change will be updated later.)
### ItemTitleSelectedStyle
You can specify a color that changes when the item is focused. The font size should be the same as ItemTitleStyle.
### ItemSubTitleStyle
This is the filepath part of the search result. The font size and color can be adjusted.
### ItemSubTitleSelectedStyle
You can specify a color that changes when the item is focused. The font size should be the same as ItemSubTitleStyle.
### ItemHotkeyStyle
Specifies the color and size of the Hotkey font.
### ItemHotkeySelectedStyle
-You can specify a color that changes when the item is focused. The font size should be the same as ItemHotkeyStyle.
+You can specify a color that changes when the item is focused. The font size should be the same as `ItemHotkeyStyle`.
### ItemSelectedBackgroundColor
-This is the background color that is emphasized when the item is selected.
+This is the background color emphasized when the item is selected.
### HighlightStyle
It emphasizes the part where the search word matches the result. Color and Font Weight can be set.
### ThumbStyle
Specifies the color and size of the scroll bar.
### SeparatorStyle
-Set the size, height, color, and margin of the horizontal line.If you don't think you need it, you can get rid of it.
+Set the size, height, color, and margin of the horizontal line. If you don't think you need it, you can get rid of it.
@@ -251,5 +255,4 @@ Specifies the color of the glyph icon.
## Let's share it!
Once you have crafted your perfect theme, why not share it with the community:
-[Theme Gallery](
+[Theme Gallery](https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher/discussions/1438)
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