diff --git a/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements.sp b/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements.sp index 2bd835c..d604dca 100644 --- a/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements.sp +++ b/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements.sp @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include -#include #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include +#include "advertisements/chatcolors.sp" #include "advertisements/topcolors.sp" #pragma newdecls required @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public void OnPluginStart() RegServerCmd("sm_advertisements_reload", Command_ReloadAds, "Reload the advertisements"); + AddChatColors(); AddTopColors(); if (LibraryExists("updater")) { @@ -119,7 +120,6 @@ public Action Timer_DisplayAd(Handle timer) if (sCenter[0]) { ProcessVariables(sCenter); - CRemoveColors(sCenter, sizeof(sCenter)); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && @@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ public Action Timer_DisplayAd(Handle timer) } if (sHint[0]) { ProcessVariables(sHint); - CRemoveColors(sHint, sizeof(sHint)); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && @@ -148,7 +147,6 @@ public Action Timer_DisplayAd(Handle timer) } if (sMenu[0]) { ProcessVariables(sMenu); - CRemoveColors(sMenu, sizeof(sMenu)); Panel hPl = new Panel(); hPl.DrawText(sMenu); @@ -167,19 +165,18 @@ public Action Timer_DisplayAd(Handle timer) if (sChat[0]) { bool bTeamColor = StrContains(sChat, "{teamcolor}", false) != -1; - Format(sChat, sizeof(sChat), "%c%s", 1, sChat); - ProcessVariables(sChat); - CProcessVariables(sChat, sizeof(sChat)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sChat, sizeof(sChat)); + char sBuffer[1024]; + ProcessChatColors(sChat, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); + ProcessVariables(sBuffer); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && ((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) || (bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) { if (bTeamColor) { - CSayText2(i, sChat, i); + SayText2(i, sBuffer); } else { - PrintToChat(i, sChat); + PrintToChat(i, sBuffer); } } } diff --git a/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements/chatcolors.sp b/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements/chatcolors.sp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faf391a --- /dev/null +++ b/addons/sourcemod/scripting/advertisements/chatcolors.sp @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +StringMap g_hChatColors; + +void AddChatColors() +{ + if (!g_hChatColors) { + g_hChatColors = new StringMap(); + } + + AddChatColor("default", "\x01"); + AddChatColor("teamcolor", "\x03"); + + switch (GetEngineVersion()) { + case Engine_CSS, Engine_DODS, Engine_HL2DM, Engine_TF2: { + AddChatColor("aliceblue", "\x07F0F8FF"); + AddChatColor("allies", "\x074D7942"); + AddChatColor("ancient", "\x07EB4B4B"); + AddChatColor("antiquewhite", "\x07FAEBD7"); + AddChatColor("aqua", "\x0700FFFF"); + AddChatColor("aquamarine", "\x077FFFD4"); + AddChatColor("arcana", "\x07ADE55C"); + AddChatColor("axis", "\x07FF4040"); + AddChatColor("azure", "\x07007FFF"); + AddChatColor("beige", "\x07F5F5DC"); + AddChatColor("bisque", "\x07FFE4C4"); + AddChatColor("black", "\x07000000"); + AddChatColor("blanchedalmond", "\x07FFEBCD"); + AddChatColor("blue", "\x0799CCFF"); + AddChatColor("blueviolet", "\x078A2BE2"); + AddChatColor("brown", "\x07A52A2A"); + AddChatColor("burlywood", "\x07DEB887"); + AddChatColor("cadetblue", "\x075F9EA0"); + AddChatColor("chartreuse", "\x077FFF00"); + AddChatColor("chocolate", "\x07D2691E"); + AddChatColor("collectors", "\x07AA0000"); + AddChatColor("common", "\x07B0C3D9"); + AddChatColor("community", "\x0770B04A"); + AddChatColor("coral", "\x07FF7F50"); + AddChatColor("cornflowerblue", "\x076495ED"); + AddChatColor("cornsilk", "\x07FFF8DC"); + AddChatColor("corrupted", "\x07A32C2E"); + AddChatColor("crimson", "\x07DC143C"); + AddChatColor("cyan", "\x0700FFFF"); + AddChatColor("darkblue", "\x0700008B"); + AddChatColor("darkcyan", "\x07008B8B"); + AddChatColor("darkgoldenrod", "\x07B8860B"); + AddChatColor("darkgray", "\x07A9A9A9"); + AddChatColor("darkgrey", "\x07A9A9A9"); + AddChatColor("darkgreen", "\x07006400"); + AddChatColor("darkkhaki", "\x07BDB76B"); + AddChatColor("darkmagenta", "\x078B008B"); + AddChatColor("darkolivegreen", "\x07556B2F"); + AddChatColor("darkorange", "\x07FF8C00"); + AddChatColor("darkorchid", "\x079932CC"); + AddChatColor("darkred", "\x078B0000"); + AddChatColor("darksalmon", "\x07E9967A"); + AddChatColor("darkseagreen", "\x078FBC8F"); + AddChatColor("darkslateblue", "\x07483D8B"); + AddChatColor("darkslategray", "\x072F4F4F"); + AddChatColor("darkslategrey", "\x072F4F4F"); + AddChatColor("darkturquoise", "\x0700CED1"); + AddChatColor("darkviolet", "\x079400D3"); + AddChatColor("deeppink", "\x07FF1493"); + AddChatColor("deepskyblue", "\x0700BFFF"); + AddChatColor("dimgray", "\x07696969"); + AddChatColor("dimgrey", "\x07696969"); + AddChatColor("dodgerblue", "\x071E90FF"); + AddChatColor("exalted", "\x07CCCCCD"); + AddChatColor("firebrick", "\x07B22222"); + AddChatColor("floralwhite", "\x07FFFAF0"); + AddChatColor("forestgreen", "\x07228B22"); + AddChatColor("frozen", "\x074983B3"); + AddChatColor("fuchsia", "\x07FF00FF"); + AddChatColor("fullblue", "\x070000FF"); + AddChatColor("fullred", "\x07FF0000"); + AddChatColor("gainsboro", "\x07DCDCDC"); + AddChatColor("genuine", "\x074D7455"); + AddChatColor("ghostwhite", "\x07F8F8FF"); + AddChatColor("gold", "\x07FFD700"); + AddChatColor("goldenrod", "\x07DAA520"); + AddChatColor("gray", "\x07CCCCCC"); + AddChatColor("grey", "\x07CCCCCC"); + AddChatColor("green", "\x073EFF3E"); + AddChatColor("greenyellow", "\x07ADFF2F"); + AddChatColor("haunted", "\x0738F3AB"); + AddChatColor("honeydew", "\x07F0FFF0"); + AddChatColor("hotpink", "\x07FF69B4"); + AddChatColor("immortal", "\x07E4AE33"); + AddChatColor("indianred", "\x07CD5C5C"); + AddChatColor("indigo", "\x074B0082"); + AddChatColor("ivory", "\x07FFFFF0"); + AddChatColor("khaki", "\x07F0E68C"); + AddChatColor("lavender", "\x07E6E6FA"); + AddChatColor("lavenderblush", "\x07FFF0F5"); + AddChatColor("lawngreen", "\x077CFC00"); + AddChatColor("legendary", "\x07D32CE6"); + AddChatColor("lemonchiffon", "\x07FFFACD"); + AddChatColor("lightblue", "\x07ADD8E6"); + AddChatColor("lightcoral", "\x07F08080"); + AddChatColor("lightcyan", "\x07E0FFFF"); + AddChatColor("lightgoldenrodyellow", "\x07FAFAD2"); + AddChatColor("lightgray", "\x07D3D3D3"); + AddChatColor("lightgrey", "\x07D3D3D3"); + AddChatColor("lightgreen", "\x0799FF99"); + AddChatColor("lightpink", "\x07FFB6C1"); + AddChatColor("lightsalmon", "\x07FFA07A"); + AddChatColor("lightseagreen", "\x0720B2AA"); + AddChatColor("lightskyblue", "\x0787CEFA"); + AddChatColor("lightslategray", "\x07778899"); + AddChatColor("lightslategrey", "\x07778899"); + AddChatColor("lightsteelblue", "\x07B0C4DE"); + AddChatColor("lightyellow", "\x07FFFFE0"); + AddChatColor("lime", "\x0700FF00"); + AddChatColor("limegreen", "\x0732CD32"); + AddChatColor("linen", "\x07FAF0E6"); + AddChatColor("magenta", "\x07FF00FF"); + AddChatColor("maroon", "\x07800000"); + AddChatColor("mediumaquamarine", "\x0766CDAA"); + AddChatColor("mediumblue", "\x070000CD"); + AddChatColor("mediumorchid", "\x07BA55D3"); + AddChatColor("mediumpurple", "\x079370D8"); + AddChatColor("mediumseagreen", "\x073CB371"); + AddChatColor("mediumslateblue", "\x077B68EE"); + AddChatColor("mediumspringgreen", "\x0700FA9A"); + AddChatColor("mediumturquoise", "\x0748D1CC"); + AddChatColor("mediumvioletred", "\x07C71585"); + AddChatColor("midnightblue", "\x07191970"); + AddChatColor("mintcream", "\x07F5FFFA"); + AddChatColor("mistyrose", "\x07FFE4E1"); + AddChatColor("moccasin", "\x07FFE4B5"); + AddChatColor("mythical", "\x078847FF"); + AddChatColor("navajowhite", "\x07FFDEAD"); + AddChatColor("navy", "\x07000080"); + AddChatColor("normal", "\x07B2B2B2"); + AddChatColor("oldlace", "\x07FDF5E6"); + AddChatColor("olive", "\x079EC34F"); + AddChatColor("olivedrab", "\x076B8E23"); + AddChatColor("orange", "\x07FFA500"); + AddChatColor("orangered", "\x07FF4500"); + AddChatColor("orchid", "\x07DA70D6"); + AddChatColor("palegoldenrod", "\x07EEE8AA"); + AddChatColor("palegreen", "\x0798FB98"); + AddChatColor("paleturquoise", "\x07AFEEEE"); + AddChatColor("palevioletred", "\x07D87093"); + AddChatColor("papayawhip", "\x07FFEFD5"); + AddChatColor("peachpuff", "\x07FFDAB9"); + AddChatColor("peru", "\x07CD853F"); + AddChatColor("pink", "\x07FFC0CB"); + AddChatColor("plum", "\x07DDA0DD"); + AddChatColor("powderblue", "\x07B0E0E6"); + AddChatColor("purple", "\x07800080"); + AddChatColor("rare", "\x074B69FF"); + AddChatColor("red", "\x07FF4040"); + AddChatColor("rosybrown", "\x07BC8F8F"); + AddChatColor("royalblue", "\x074169E1"); + AddChatColor("saddlebrown", "\x078B4513"); + AddChatColor("salmon", "\x07FA8072"); + AddChatColor("sandybrown", "\x07F4A460"); + AddChatColor("seagreen", "\x072E8B57"); + AddChatColor("seashell", "\x07FFF5EE"); + AddChatColor("selfmade", "\x0770B04A"); + AddChatColor("sienna", "\x07A0522D"); + AddChatColor("silver", "\x07C0C0C0"); + AddChatColor("skyblue", "\x0787CEEB"); + AddChatColor("slateblue", "\x076A5ACD"); + AddChatColor("slategray", "\x07708090"); + AddChatColor("slategrey", "\x07708090"); + AddChatColor("snow", "\x07FFFAFA"); + AddChatColor("springgreen", "\x0700FF7F"); + AddChatColor("steelblue", "\x074682B4"); + AddChatColor("strange", "\x07CF6A32"); + AddChatColor("tan", "\x07D2B48C"); + AddChatColor("teal", "\x07008080"); + AddChatColor("thistle", "\x07D8BFD8"); + AddChatColor("tomato", "\x07FF6347"); + AddChatColor("turquoise", "\x0740E0D0"); + AddChatColor("uncommon", "\x07B0C3D9"); + AddChatColor("unique", "\x07FFD700"); + AddChatColor("unusual", "\x078650AC"); + AddChatColor("valve", "\x07A50F79"); + AddChatColor("vintage", "\x07476291"); + AddChatColor("violet", "\x07EE82EE"); + AddChatColor("wheat", "\x07F5DEB3"); + AddChatColor("white", "\x07FFFFFF"); + AddChatColor("whitesmoke", "\x07F5F5F5"); + AddChatColor("yellow", "\x07FFFF00"); + AddChatColor("yellowgreen", "\x079ACD32"); + } + case Engine_Left4Dead, Engine_Left4Dead2: { + AddChatColor("lightgreen", "\x03"); + AddChatColor("yellow", "\x04"); + AddChatColor("green", "\x05"); + } + default: { + AddChatColor("red", "\x07"); + AddChatColor("lightred", "\x0F"); + AddChatColor("darkred", "\x02"); + AddChatColor("bluegrey", "\x0A"); + AddChatColor("blue", "\x0B"); + AddChatColor("darkblue", "\x0C"); + AddChatColor("purple", "\x03"); + AddChatColor("orchid", "\x0E"); + AddChatColor("yellow", "\x09"); + AddChatColor("gold", "\x10"); + AddChatColor("lightgreen", "\x05"); + AddChatColor("green", "\x04"); + AddChatColor("lime", "\x06"); + AddChatColor("grey", "\x08"); + AddChatColor("grey2", "\x0D"); + } + } + + AddChatColor("engine 1", "\x01"); + AddChatColor("engine 2", "\x02"); + AddChatColor("engine 3", "\x03"); + AddChatColor("engine 4", "\x04"); + AddChatColor("engine 5", "\x05"); + AddChatColor("engine 6", "\x06"); + AddChatColor("engine 7", "\x07"); + AddChatColor("engine 8", "\x08"); + AddChatColor("engine 9", "\x09"); + AddChatColor("engine 10", "\x0A"); + AddChatColor("engine 11", "\x0B"); + AddChatColor("engine 12", "\x0C"); + AddChatColor("engine 13", "\x0D"); + AddChatColor("engine 14", "\x0E"); + AddChatColor("engine 15", "\x0F"); + AddChatColor("engine 16", "\x10"); +} + +static void AddChatColor(const char[] name, const char[] color) +{ + g_hChatColors.SetString(name, color); +} + +static int PreFormat(char[] buffer, int maxlength) +{ + if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSGO) { + return FormatEx(buffer, maxlength, " %c", 1); + } + + return FormatEx(buffer, maxlength, "%c", 1); +} + +void ProcessChatColors(const char[] message, char[] buffer, int maxlength) +{ + char name[32], color[10]; + int buf_idx = PreFormat(buffer, maxlength); + int i, name_len; + + while (message[i]) { + if (message[i] != '{' || (name_len = FindCharInString(message[i + 1], '}')) == -1) { + buffer[buf_idx++] = message[i++]; + continue; + } + + strcopy(name, name_len + 1, message[i + 1]); + + if (name[0] == '#') { + buf_idx += FormatEx(buffer[buf_idx], maxlength - buf_idx, "%c%s", (name_len == 9) ? 8 : 7, name[1]); + } else if (g_hChatColors.GetString(name, color, sizeof(color))) { + buf_idx += StrCat(buffer[buf_idx], maxlength - buf_idx, color); + } else { + buf_idx += FormatEx(buffer[buf_idx], maxlength - buf_idx, "{%s}", name); + } + + i += name_len + 2; + } + + buffer[buf_idx] = '\0'; +} + +void SayText2(int client, const char[] message) +{ + Handle msg = StartMessageOne("SayText2", client, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); + + if (GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf) { + Protobuf pb = UserMessageToProtobuf(msg); + pb.SetInt("ent_idx", client); + pb.SetBool("chat", true); + pb.SetString("msg_name", message); + pb.AddString("params", ""); + pb.AddString("params", ""); + pb.AddString("params", ""); + pb.AddString("params", ""); + } else { + BfWrite bf = UserMessageToBfWrite(msg); + bf.WriteByte(client); + bf.WriteByte(true); + bf.WriteString(message); + } + + EndMessage(); +} diff --git a/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/colorvariables.inc b/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/colorvariables.inc deleted file mode 100644 index fdb9a95..0000000 --- a/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/colorvariables.inc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1053 +0,0 @@ -#if defined _colorvariables_included - #endinput -#endif -#define _colorvariables_included "1.3" - -// Author: Raska aka KissLick - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#define _CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH 1024 -#define _CV_MAX_VARIABLE_REDIRECTS 10 -#define _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY "configs/colorvariables" - -static bool:g_bInit = false; -static Handle:g_hColors = INVALID_HANDLE; -static String:g_sConfigGlobal[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; -static String:g_sConfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; -static String:g_sChatPrefix[64] = ""; - -static bool:g_bIgnorePrefix = false; -static g_iAuthor; -static bool:g_bSkipPlayers[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false, ...}; - -static Handle:g_hForwardedVariable; - -enum triple { - unknown = -1, - yes = true, - no = false -} - -static triple:g_IsLeft4Dead = unknown; -static triple:g_IsSource2009 = unknown; -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -forward COnForwardedVariable(String:sCode[], String:sData[], iDataSize, String:sColor[], iColorSize); - -stock CSetPrefix(const String:sPrefix[], any:...) -{ - VFormat(g_sChatPrefix, sizeof(g_sChatPrefix), sPrefix, 2); -} - -stock CSavePrefix(const String:sPrefix[], any:...) -{ - new String:m_sPrefix[64]; - VFormat(m_sPrefix, sizeof(m_sPrefix), sPrefix, 2); - - CAddVariable("&prefix", m_sPrefix, true); -} - -stock CSkipNextPrefix() -{ - g_bIgnorePrefix = true; -} - -stock CSetNextAuthor(iClient) -{ - if (iClient < 1 || iClient > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", iClient); - } - g_iAuthor = iClient; -} - -stock CSkipNextClient(iClient) -{ - if (iClient < 1 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", iClient); - } - g_bSkipPlayers[iClient] = true; -} - -stock CPrintToChat(iClient, const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - if (iClient < 1 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - } - - if (!IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", iClient); - } - - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 3); - - AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - g_bIgnorePrefix = false; - - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - - SendPlayerMessage(iClient, sBuffer, g_iAuthor); - g_iAuthor = 0; -} - -stock CPrintToChatAll(const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - - for (new iClient = 1; iClient <= MaxClients; iClient++) { - if (!IsClientInGame(iClient) || g_bSkipPlayers[iClient]) { - g_bSkipPlayers[iClient] = false; - continue; - } - - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 2); - - AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - g_bIgnorePrefix = false; - - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - - SendPlayerMessage(iClient, sBuffer, g_iAuthor); - } - g_iAuthor = 0; -} - -stock CPrintToChatTeam(iTeam, const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - - for (new iClient = 1; iClient <= MaxClients; iClient++) { - if (!IsClientInGame(iClient) || GetClientTeam(iClient) != iTeam || g_bSkipPlayers[iClient]) { - g_bSkipPlayers[iClient] = false; - continue; - } - - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 3); - - AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - g_bIgnorePrefix = false; - - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - - SendPlayerMessage(iClient, sBuffer, g_iAuthor); - } - g_iAuthor = 0; -} - -stock CPrintToChatAdmins(iBitFlags, const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - new AdminId:iAdminID; - - for (new iClient = 1; iClient <= MaxClients; iClient++) { - if (!IsClientInGame(iClient) || GetClientTeam(iClient) != iTeam || g_bSkipPlayers[iClient]) { - g_bSkipPlayers[iClient] = false; - continue; - } - - iAdminID = GetUserAdmin(iClient); - if (iAdminID == INVALID_ADMIN_ID || GetAdminFlags(iAdminID, Access_Effective) ~ iBitFlags) { - continue; - } - - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 3); - - AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - g_bIgnorePrefix = false; - - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - - SendPlayerMessage(iClient, sBuffer, g_iAuthor); - } - g_iAuthor = 0; -} - -stock CReplyToCommand(iClient, const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - if (iClient < 0 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - } - - if (iClient != 0 && !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", iClient); - } - - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 3); - - AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "reply2cmd"); - g_bIgnorePrefix = false; - - if (GetCmdReplySource() == SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE) { - CRemoveColors(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - PrintToConsole(iClient, "%s", sBuffer); - } else { - CPrintToChat(iClient, "%s", sBuffer); - } -} - -stock CShowActivity(iClient, const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - if (iClient < 0 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - } - - if (iClient != 0 && !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", iClient); - } - - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 3); - Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "{showactivity}%s", sBuffer); - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - - ShowActivity(iClient, "%s", sBuffer); -} - -stock CShowActivityEx(iClient, const String:sTag[], const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - if (iClient < 0 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - } - - if (iClient != 0 && !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", iClient); - } - - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH], String:sBufferTag[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 4); - Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "{showactivity}%s", sBuffer); - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - Format(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag), "{prefix}%s", sTag); - CProcessVariables(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag)); - - ShowActivityEx(iClient, sBufferTag, " %s", sBuffer); -} - -stock CShowActivity2(iClient, const String:sTag[], const String:sMessage[], any:...) -{ - if (iClient < 0 || iClient > MaxClients) { - ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - } - - if (iClient != 0 && !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", iClient); - } - - decl String:sBuffer[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH], String:sBufferTag[_CV_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; - SetGlobalTransTarget(iClient); - VFormat(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sMessage, 4); - Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "{showactivity}%s", sBuffer); - CProcessVariables(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - Format(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag), "{prefix}%s", sTag); - CProcessVariables(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); - CAddWhiteSpace(sBufferTag, sizeof(sBufferTag)); - - ShowActivityEx(iClient, sBufferTag, " %s", sBuffer); -} - -stock CAddVariable(String:sName[], String:sValue[], bool:bOnlySaveToConfig = false) -{ - if (Init()) { - if (!FileExists(g_sConfig)) { - LogError("Cannot add color variable to '%s' - file doesn't exist!", g_sConfig); - return; - } - - new Handle:hKV = CreateKeyValues("colorvariables"); - - if (!FileToKeyValues(hKV, g_sConfig)) { - CloseHandle(hKV); - LogError("Cannot open file (for adding color variable) '%s' !", g_sConfig); - return; - } - - if (!KvJumpToKey(hKV, sName)) { - StringToLower(sName); - KvSetString(hKV, sName, sValue); - - if (!bOnlySaveToConfig) { - new Handle:hRedirect = CreateArray(64); - PushArrayString(hRedirect, sName); - SetTrieString(g_hColors, sName, sValue); - SolveRedirects(g_hColors, hRedirect); - CloseHandle(hRedirect); - } - } - - KvRewind(hKV); - KeyValuesToFile(hKV, g_sConfig); - CloseHandle(hKV); - } -} - -stock CLoadPluginConfig(const String:sPluginName[], bool:bAllowPrefix = true) -{ - if (Init()) { - new String:sConfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - strcopy(sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), sPluginName); - ReplaceStringEx(sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), ".smx", ""); - BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), "%s/plugin.%s.cfg", _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, sConfig); - - if (!FileExists(sConfig)) { - LogError("Cannot load color variables from file '%s' - file doesn't exist!", sConfig); - return; - } - - new Handle:hRedirect = CreateArray(64); - LoadConfigFile(g_hColors, sConfig, hRedirect, bAllowPrefix); - SolveRedirects(g_hColors, hRedirect); - CloseHandle(hRedirect); - } -} - -stock CLoadPluginVariables(const String:sPluginName[], const String:sVariables[][], iVariablesCount, bool:bAllowPrefix = true) -{ - if (Init() && iVariablesCount > 0) { - new String:sConfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - strcopy(sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), sPluginName); - ReplaceStringEx(sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), ".smx", ""); - BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfig, sizeof(sConfig), "%s/plugin.%s.cfg", _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, sConfig); - - if (!FileExists(sConfig)) { - LogError("Cannot load color variables from file '%s' - file doesn't exist!", sConfig); - return; - } - - new Handle:hVariables = CreateTrie(); - new Handle:hRedirect = CreateArray(64); - LoadConfigFile(hVariables, sConfig, hRedirect, bAllowPrefix); - SolveRedirects(hVariables, hRedirect); - ClearArray(hRedirect); - - new String:sCode[64], String:sColor[64]; - - for (new i = 0; i < iVariablesCount; i++) { - strcopy(sCode, sizeof(sCode), sVariables[i]); - StringToLower(sCode); - - if (GetTrieString(hVariables, sCode, sColor, sizeof(sColor))) { - SetTrieString(g_hColors, sCode, sColor); - PushArrayString(hRedirect, sCode); - } - } - - SolveRedirects(g_hColors, hRedirect); - CloseHandle(hRedirect); - CloseHandle(hVariables); - } -} - -stock CRemoveColors(String:sMsg[], iSize) -{ - CProcessVariables(sMsg, iSize, true); -} - -stock CProcessVariables(String:sMsg[], iSize, bool:bRemoveColors = false) -{ - if (!Init()) { - return; - } - - new String:sOut[iSize], String:sCode[iSize], String:sColor[iSize]; - new iOutPos = 0, iCodePos = -1; - new iMsgLen = strlen(sMsg); - - for (new i = 0; i < iMsgLen; i++) { - if (sMsg[i] == '{') { - iCodePos = 0; - } - - if (iCodePos > -1) { - sCode[iCodePos] = sMsg[i]; - sCode[iCodePos + 1] = '\0'; - - if (sMsg[i] == '}' || i == iMsgLen - 1) { - strcopy(sCode, strlen(sCode) - 1, sCode[1]); - StringToLower(sCode); - - if (CGetColor(sCode, sColor, iSize)) { - if (!bRemoveColors) { - StrCat(sOut, iSize, sColor); - iOutPos += strlen(sColor); - } - } else { - Format(sOut, iSize, "%s{%s}", sOut, sCode); - iOutPos += strlen(sCode) + 2; - } - - iCodePos = -1; - strcopy(sCode, iSize, ""); - strcopy(sColor, iSize, ""); - } else { - iCodePos++; - } - - continue; - } - - sOut[iOutPos] = sMsg[i]; - iOutPos++; - sOut[iOutPos] = '\0'; - } - - strcopy(sMsg, iSize, sOut); -} - -stock bool:CGetColor(const String:sName[], String:sColor[], iColorSize) -{ - if (sName[0] == '\0') - return false; - - if (sName[0] == '@') { - new iSpace; - new String:sData[64], String:m_sName[64]; - strcopy(m_sName, sizeof(m_sName), sName[1]); - - if ((iSpace = FindCharInString(m_sName, ' ')) != -1 && (iSpace + 1 < strlen(m_sName))) { - strcopy(m_sName, iSpace + 1, m_sName); - strcopy(sData, sizeof(sData), m_sName[iSpace + 1]); - } - - Call_StartForward(g_hForwardedVariable); - Call_PushString(m_sName); - Call_PushStringEx(sData, sizeof(sData), SM_PARAM_STRING_UTF8|SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, 0); - Call_PushCell(sizeof(sData)); - Call_PushStringEx(sColor, iColorSize, SM_PARAM_STRING_UTF8|SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); - Call_PushCell(iColorSize); - Call_Finish(); - - if (sColor[0] != '\0') { - return true; - } - - } else if (sName[0] == '#') { - if (strlen(sName) == 7) { - Format(sColor, iColorSize, "\x07%s", sName[1]); - return true; - } - if (strlen(sName) == 9) { - Format(sColor, iColorSize, "\x08%s", sName[1]); - return true; - } - } else if (StrContains(sName, "player ", false) == 0 && strlen(sName) > 7) { - new iClient = StringToInt(sName[7]); - - if (iClient < 1 || iClient > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(iClient)) { - strcopy(sColor, iColorSize, "\x01"); - LogError("Invalid client index %d", iClient); - return false; - } - - strcopy(sColor, iColorSize, "\x01"); - switch (GetClientTeam(iClient)) { - case 1: {GetTrieString(g_hColors, "team0", sColor, iColorSize);} - case 2: {GetTrieString(g_hColors, "team1", sColor, iColorSize);} - case 3: {GetTrieString(g_hColors, "team2", sColor, iColorSize);} - } - return true; - } else { - return GetTrieString(g_hColors, sName, sColor, iColorSize); - } - - return false; -} - -stock bool:CExistColor(const String:sName[]) -{ - if (sName[0] == '\0' || sName[0] == '@' || sName[0] == '#') - return false; - - new String:sColor[64]; - return GetTrieString(g_hColors, sName, sColor, sizeof(sColor)); -} - -stock CSayText2(iClient, String:sMessage[], iAuthor) -{ - new Handle:hMsg = StartMessageOne("SayText2", iClient, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS); - if(GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetUserMessageType") == FeatureStatus_Available && GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf) { - PbSetInt(hMsg, "ent_idx", iAuthor); - PbSetBool(hMsg, "chat", true); - PbSetString(hMsg, "msg_name", sMessage); - PbAddString(hMsg, "params", ""); - PbAddString(hMsg, "params", ""); - PbAddString(hMsg, "params", ""); - PbAddString(hMsg, "params", ""); - } else { - BfWriteByte(hMsg, iAuthor); - BfWriteByte(hMsg, true); - BfWriteString(hMsg, sMessage); - } - EndMessage(); -} - -stock CAddWhiteSpace(String:sBuffer[], iSize) -{ - if (!IsSource2009() && !IsLeft4Dead()) { - Format(sBuffer, iSize, " %s", sBuffer); - } -} - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Private stuff -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -stock bool:Init() -{ - if (g_bInit) { - LoadColors(); - return true; - } - - new String:sPluginName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - new String:sDirectoryPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - new Handle:hConfig = INVALID_HANDLE; - GetPluginFilename(INVALID_HANDLE, sPluginName, sizeof(sPluginName)); - ReplaceStringEx(sPluginName, sizeof(sPluginName), "\\", "/"); - new iSlash = FindCharInString(sPluginName, '/', true); - if (iSlash > -1) { - strcopy(sPluginName, sizeof(sPluginName), sPluginName[iSlash + 1]); - } - ReplaceStringEx(sPluginName, sizeof(sPluginName), ".smx", ""); - - BuildPath(Path_SM, sDirectoryPath, sizeof(sDirectoryPath), "%s/", _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY); - if (!DirExists(sDirectoryPath)) - CreateDirectory(sDirectoryPath, 511); - - new String:sGlobalVariableList[15][2][64] = { - {"prefix", "{engine 2}"}, - {"default", "{engine 1}"}, - {"reply2cmd", "{engine 1}"}, - {"showactivity", "{engine 1}"}, - {"", ""}, - {"error", "{engine 3}"}, - {"", ""}, - {"highlight", "{engine 2}"}, - {"player", "{engine 2}"}, - {"settings", "{engine 2}"}, - {"command", "{engine 2}"}, - {"", ""}, - {"team0", "{engine 8}"}, - {"team1", "{engine 9}"}, - {"team2", "{engine 11}"} - }; - - if (IsSource2009()) { - strcopy(sGlobalVariableList[12][1], 64, "{#cccccc}"); - strcopy(sGlobalVariableList[13][1], 64, "{#ff4040}"); - strcopy(sGlobalVariableList[14][1], 64, "{#4d7942}"); - } - - BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sConfigGlobal, sizeof(g_sConfigGlobal), "%s/global.cfg", _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY); - if (!FileExists(g_sConfigGlobal)) { - hConfig = OpenFile(g_sConfigGlobal, "w"); - if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Cannot create file '%s' !", g_sConfigGlobal); - return false; - } - - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "// Version: %s", _colorvariables_included); - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "\"colorvariables\""); - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "{"); - for (new i = 0; i < 15; i++) { - if (sGlobalVariableList[i][0][0] == '\0') { - WriteFileLine(hConfig, ""); - } else { - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"", sGlobalVariableList[i][0], sGlobalVariableList[i][1]); - } - } - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "}"); - - CloseHandle(hConfig); - hConfig = INVALID_HANDLE; - } else { - hConfig = OpenFile(g_sConfigGlobal, "r"); - if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Cannot read from file '%s' !", g_sConfigGlobal); - return false; - } - - new String:sVersionLine[64]; - ReadFileLine(hConfig, sVersionLine, sizeof(sVersionLine)); - CloseHandle(hConfig); - - TrimString(sVersionLine); - strcopy(sVersionLine, sizeof(sVersionLine), sVersionLine[FindCharInString(sVersionLine, ':') + 2]); - - if (StringToFloat(sVersionLine) < StringToFloat(_colorvariables_included)) { - new Handle:hKV = CreateKeyValues("colorvariables"); - - if (!FileToKeyValues(hKV, g_sConfigGlobal) || !KvGotoFirstSubKey(hKV, false)) { - CloseHandle(hKV); - LogError("Cannot read variables from file '%s' !", g_sConfigGlobal); - return false; - } - - for (new i = 0; i < 15; i++) { - if (sGlobalVariableList[i][0][0] == '\0') - continue; - - if (!KvJumpToKey(hKV, sGlobalVariableList[i][0])) - KvSetString(hKV, sGlobalVariableList[i][0], sGlobalVariableList[i][1]); - } - - hConfig = OpenFile(g_sConfigGlobal, "w"); - if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Cannot write to file '%s' !", g_sConfigGlobal); - return false; - } - - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "// Version: %s", _colorvariables_included); - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "\"colorvariables\""); - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "{"); - - new String:sCode[64], String:sColor[64]; - - KvGotoFirstSubKey(hKV, false); - do - { - KvGetSectionName(hKV, sCode, sizeof(sCode)); - KvGetString(hKV, NULL_STRING, sColor, sizeof(sColor)); - StringToLower(sCode); - StringToLower(sColor); - - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"", sCode, sColor); - } while (KvGotoNextKey(hKV, false)); - - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "}"); - - CloseHandle(hConfig); - CloseHandle(hKV); - } - } - - BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sConfig, sizeof(g_sConfig), "%s/plugin.%s.cfg", _CV_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, sPluginName); - if (!FileExists(g_sConfig)) { - hConfig = OpenFile(g_sConfig, "w"); - if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Cannot create file '%s' !", g_sConfig); - return false; - } - - WriteFileLine(hConfig, "\"colorvariables\"\n{\n}"); - CloseHandle(hConfig); - hConfig = INVALID_HANDLE; - } - - for (new iClient = 1; iClient <= MaxClients; iClient++) { - g_bSkipPlayers[iClient] = false; - } - - g_hForwardedVariable = CreateGlobalForward("COnForwardedVariable", ET_Ignore, Param_String, Param_String, Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_Cell); - - LoadColors(); - g_bInit = true; - return true; -} - -stock static LoadColors() -{ - if (g_hColors == INVALID_HANDLE) { - g_hColors = CreateTrie(); - new Handle:hRedirect = CreateArray(64); - - AddColors(g_hColors); - LoadConfigFile(g_hColors, g_sConfigGlobal, hRedirect); - LoadConfigFile(g_hColors, g_sConfig, hRedirect); - - SolveRedirects(g_hColors, hRedirect); - CloseHandle(hRedirect); - } -} - -stock static LoadConfigFile(Handle:hTrie, String:sPath[], Handle:hRedirect, bool:bAllowPrefix = true) -{ - if (!FileExists(sPath)) { - LogError("Cannot load color variables from file '%s' - file doesn't exist!", sPath); - return; - } - - new Handle:hKV = CreateKeyValues("colorvariables"); - - if (!FileToKeyValues(hKV, sPath)) { - CloseHandle(hKV); - LogError("Cannot load color variables from file '%s' !", sPath); - return; - } - - if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(hKV, false)) { - CloseHandle(hKV); - return; - } - - new String:sCode[64], String:sColor[64]; - - do - { - KvGetSectionName(hKV, sCode, sizeof(sCode)); - KvGetString(hKV, NULL_STRING, sColor, sizeof(sColor)); - - if (bAllowPrefix && StrEqual(sCode, "&prefix", false)) { - CSetPrefix(sColor); - continue; - } - - StringToLower(sCode); - - if (HasBrackets(sColor) && sColor[1] == '@') { - LogError("Variables cannot be redirected to forwarded variables! (variable '%s')", sCode); - continue; - } - - if (HasBrackets(sColor)) { - if (sColor[1] == '#') { - Format(sColor, sizeof(sColor), "\x07%s", sColor[1]); - } else { - PushArrayString(hRedirect, sCode); - } - } - - SetTrieString(hTrie, sCode, sColor); - } while (KvGotoNextKey(hKV, false)); - - CloseHandle(hKV); -} - -stock static SolveRedirects(Handle:hTrie, Handle:hRedirect) -{ - new String:sCode[64], String:sRedirect[64], String:sColor[64], String:sFirstColor[64]; - new iRedirectLife, bool:bHasBrackets; - - for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(hRedirect); i++) { - GetArrayString(hRedirect, i, sRedirect, sizeof(sRedirect)); - strcopy(sCode, sizeof(sCode), sRedirect); - bHasBrackets = true; - - GetTrieString(hTrie, sRedirect, sColor, sizeof(sColor)); - strcopy(sFirstColor, sizeof(sFirstColor), sRedirect); - iRedirectLife = _CV_MAX_VARIABLE_REDIRECTS; - - do { - if (!HasBrackets(sColor)) { - strcopy(sRedirect, sizeof(sRedirect), sColor); - bHasBrackets = false; - break; - } - - strcopy(sColor, strlen(sColor) - 1, sColor[1]); - if (iRedirectLife > 0) { - strcopy(sRedirect, sizeof(sRedirect), sColor); - iRedirectLife--; - } else { - strcopy(sRedirect, sizeof(sRedirect), sFirstColor); - LogError("Too many redirects for variable '%s' !", sCode); - break; - } - } while (GetTrieString(hTrie, sRedirect, sColor, sizeof(sColor))); - - if (bHasBrackets) { - Format(sRedirect, sizeof(sRedirect), "{%s}", sRedirect); - } - - StringToLower(sCode); - StringToLower(sRedirect); - SetTrieString(hTrie, sCode, sRedirect); - } -} - -stock static HasBrackets(const String:sSource[]) -{ - return (sSource[0] == '{' && sSource[strlen(sSource) - 1] == '}'); -} - -stock static StringToLower(String:sSource[]) -{ - for (new i = 0; i < strlen(sSource); i++) { - if (sSource[i] == '\0') - break; - - sSource[i] = CharToLower(sSource[i]); - } -} - -stock static AddColors(Handle:hTrie) -{ - if (IsSource2009()) { - SetTrieString(hTrie, "default", "\x01"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "teamcolor", "\x03"); - - SetTrieString(hTrie, "aliceblue", "\x07F0F8FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "allies", "\x074D7942"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "ancient", "\x07EB4B4B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "antiquewhite", "\x07FAEBD7"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "aqua", "\x0700FFFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "aquamarine", "\x077FFFD4"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "arcana", "\x07ADE55C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "axis", "\x07FF4040"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "azure", "\x07007FFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "beige", "\x07F5F5DC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "bisque", "\x07FFE4C4"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "black", "\x07000000"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "blanchedalmond", "\x07FFEBCD"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "blue", "\x0799CCFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "blueviolet", "\x078A2BE2"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "brown", "\x07A52A2A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "burlywood", "\x07DEB887"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "cadetblue", "\x075F9EA0"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "chartreuse", "\x077FFF00"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "chocolate", "\x07D2691E"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "collectors", "\x07AA0000"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "common", "\x07B0C3D9"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "community", "\x0770B04A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "coral", "\x07FF7F50"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "cornflowerblue", "\x076495ED"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "cornsilk", "\x07FFF8DC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "corrupted", "\x07A32C2E"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "crimson", "\x07DC143C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "cyan", "\x0700FFFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkblue", "\x0700008B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkcyan", "\x07008B8B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkgoldenrod", "\x07B8860B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkgray", "\x07A9A9A9"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkgrey", "\x07A9A9A9"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkgreen", "\x07006400"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkkhaki", "\x07BDB76B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkmagenta", "\x078B008B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkolivegreen", "\x07556B2F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkorange", "\x07FF8C00"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkorchid", "\x079932CC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkred", "\x078B0000"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darksalmon", "\x07E9967A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkseagreen", "\x078FBC8F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkslateblue", "\x07483D8B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkslategray", "\x072F4F4F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkslategrey", "\x072F4F4F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkturquoise", "\x0700CED1"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkviolet", "\x079400D3"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "deeppink", "\x07FF1493"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "deepskyblue", "\x0700BFFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "dimgray", "\x07696969"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "dimgrey", "\x07696969"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "dodgerblue", "\x071E90FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "exalted", "\x07CCCCCD"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "firebrick", "\x07B22222"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "floralwhite", "\x07FFFAF0"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "forestgreen", "\x07228B22"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "frozen", "\x074983B3"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "fuchsia", "\x07FF00FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "fullblue", "\x070000FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "fullred", "\x07FF0000"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "gainsboro", "\x07DCDCDC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "genuine", "\x074D7455"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "ghostwhite", "\x07F8F8FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "gold", "\x07FFD700"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "goldenrod", "\x07DAA520"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "gray", "\x07CCCCCC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "grey", "\x07CCCCCC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "green", "\x073EFF3E"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "greenyellow", "\x07ADFF2F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "haunted", "\x0738F3AB"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "honeydew", "\x07F0FFF0"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "hotpink", "\x07FF69B4"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "immortal", "\x07E4AE33"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "indianred", "\x07CD5C5C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "indigo", "\x074B0082"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "ivory", "\x07FFFFF0"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "khaki", "\x07F0E68C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lavender", "\x07E6E6FA"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lavenderblush", "\x07FFF0F5"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lawngreen", "\x077CFC00"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "legendary", "\x07D32CE6"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lemonchiffon", "\x07FFFACD"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightblue", "\x07ADD8E6"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightcoral", "\x07F08080"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightcyan", "\x07E0FFFF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightgoldenrodyellow", "\x07FAFAD2"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightgray", "\x07D3D3D3"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightgrey", "\x07D3D3D3"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightgreen", "\x0799FF99"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightpink", "\x07FFB6C1"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightsalmon", "\x07FFA07A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightseagreen", "\x0720B2AA"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightskyblue", "\x0787CEFA"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightslategray", "\x07778899"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightslategrey", "\x07778899"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightsteelblue", "\x07B0C4DE"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightyellow", "\x07FFFFE0"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lime", "\x0700FF00"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "limegreen", "\x0732CD32"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "linen", "\x07FAF0E6"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "magenta", "\x07FF00FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "maroon", "\x07800000"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumaquamarine", "\x0766CDAA"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumblue", "\x070000CD"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumorchid", "\x07BA55D3"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumpurple", "\x079370D8"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumseagreen", "\x073CB371"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumslateblue", "\x077B68EE"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumspringgreen", "\x0700FA9A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumturquoise", "\x0748D1CC"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mediumvioletred", "\x07C71585"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "midnightblue", "\x07191970"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mintcream", "\x07F5FFFA"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mistyrose", "\x07FFE4E1"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "moccasin", "\x07FFE4B5"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "mythical", "\x078847FF"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "navajowhite", "\x07FFDEAD"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "navy", "\x07000080"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "normal", "\x07B2B2B2"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "oldlace", "\x07FDF5E6"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "olive", "\x079EC34F"); 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- SetTrieString(hTrie, "blue", "\x0B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "darkblue", "\x0C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "purple", "\x03"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "orchid", "\x0E"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "yellow", "\x09"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "gold", "\x10"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lightgreen", "\x05"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "green", "\x04"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "lime", "\x06"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "grey", "\x08"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "grey2", "\x0D"); - } - - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 1", "\x01"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 2", "\x02"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 3", "\x03"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 4", "\x04"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 5", "\x05"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 6", "\x06"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 7", "\x07"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 8", "\x08"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 9", "\x09"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 10", "\x0A"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 11", "\x0B"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 12", "\x0C"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 13", "\x0D"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 14", "\x0E"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 15", "\x0F"); - SetTrieString(hTrie, "engine 16", "\x10"); -} - -stock static bool:IsSource2009() -{ - if (g_IsSource2009 == unknown) { - new EngineVersion:iEngineVersion = GetEngineVersion(); - g_IsSource2009 = (iEngineVersion == Engine_CSS || iEngineVersion == Engine_TF2 || iEngineVersion == Engine_HL2DM || iEngineVersion == Engine_DODS) ? yes : no; - } - - return bool:g_IsSource2009; -} - -stock static bool:IsLeft4Dead() -{ - if (g_IsLeft4Dead == unknown) { - new EngineVersion:iEngineVersion = GetEngineVersion(); - g_IsLeft4Dead = (iEngineVersion == Engine_Left4Dead || iEngineVersion == Engine_Left4Dead2) ? yes : no; - } - - return bool:g_IsLeft4Dead; -} - -stock static AddPrefixAndDefaultColor(String:sMessage[], iSize, String:sDefaultColor[] = "default", String:sPrefixColor[] = "prefix") -{ - if (g_sChatPrefix[0] != '\0' && !g_bIgnorePrefix) { - Format(sMessage, iSize, "{%s}[%s]{%s} %s", sPrefixColor, g_sChatPrefix, sDefaultColor, sMessage); - } else { - Format(sMessage, iSize, "{%s}%s", sDefaultColor, sMessage); - } -} - -stock static SendPlayerMessage(iClient, String:sMessage[], iAuthor = 0) -{ - if (iAuthor < 1 || iAuthor > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(iAuthor)) { - PrintToChat(iClient, sMessage); - - if (iAuthor != 0) { - LogError("Client %d is not valid or in game", iAuthor); - } - } else { - CSayText2(iClient, sMessage, iAuthor); - } -}