* Mandatory, per-network, cannot be declared/overridden on per-server basis *
//Configuration IP for the network
//Domain to use on the network
//Password storage/generation GPG key
"gpg":"[email protected]",
//Email to use for alerts
"adminemail":"[email protected]",
* Optional, per-network, cannot be declared/overridden on per-server basis *
//Upstream DNS server IP (default
"dns":["", ""],
//DNS over TLS? (default false)
//Whether to ad-block at the router. Uses Steven Black's hosts list, use wisely. (default false)
//Whether to auto-generate secure passphrases for VMs if they don't already have one in the password store. (default false)
//Where to put all ThornSec-related files on the hypervisor (default /srv/VMs)
* Optional, server defaults, can be overridden on a per-server basis *
//*nix login user name (default thornsec)
//Default SSH connection type (default direct)
//Default SSH connection port (default 22)
//Default SSH listening port (default 22)
//Run updates on server if require (default false)
//Default "external" interface for a given server. (default enp0s17)
//Amount of RAM, in mb, to assign to a service (default 1024)
//Non-exclusive number of cpus to assign to a service (default 1) - this should be <= the number of *physical* CPUs in the hypervisor
//Disk size, in mb, to be allocated to the root filesystem of a service (default 8096)
//Disk size, in mb, to be allocated to the data storage of a service (default 8096)
//URL of the debian ISO you wish to use to build VMs (>= 9.0 supported, default is pulled from the latest netinst on cdimage.debian.org)
//Known-good sha512 checksum of the above ISO (this comes from debian.org, default is pulled from the SHA512SUM file on cdimage.debian.org)
//Debian mirror to be used for packages (default free.hands.com)
//Subdirectory to be used for pulling packages (default /debian)
//Admins (accounts to create on our services)
"admins":["admin1", "admin2"],
* Server definitions *
//Example of a router configured using _PPPoE_
//This is probably your default setup for a router if you're using ADSL, VDSL or point-to-point tunnel
//Declare it's a router
//Declare the PPPoE iface on WAN
"wan":[ {"iface":"enp0s0", "inettype":"ppp"} ],
//Declare the LAN iface (bridged to lan0 internally)
"lan":[ {"iface":"enp2s2"} ],
//Verbose logging from iptables
//Example of a router configured using dhcp
//This is probably only used if you're trying to create a network inside your main network (VMs, perhaps)
//Also likely if you're connected using coax, Ethernet over the last mile, or LTE/3G/WiMax etc
//Declare it's a router
"wan":[ {"iface":"enp1s2", "inettype":"dhcp"} ],
"lan":[ {"iface":"enp4s2"} ],
//Example of a router configured statically
//You'll probably only use this for externally hosted networks
//Declare it's a router
//Tell it to use static external connection(s)
{ "iface":"eno1", "inettype":"static", "address":"", "netmask":"", "broadcast":"", "gateway":"" },
{ "iface":"eno1", "inettype":"static", "address":"", "netmask":"", "broadcast":""}
"lan":[ { "iface":"eno2" } ],
//Tell it to be a hypervisor machine
"lan":[ {"iface":"enp1s0f0", "mac":"de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"} ],
"allowegress": [
{"destination":"backupserver.com", "ports":"443"}
//This is a service
//On our hypervisor
//Which is a reverse proxy
//Proxying the following web services
"proxy":[ "etherpad",
//Override the data storage for this machine
//As it's Nextcloud
//Which has many names
"cnames":["www.nextcloud", "contacts", "calendar", "documents"]
//We want a different set of admins on this machine
"admins":["admin2", "admin3"],
//This machine needs to be able to call out to some other destinations, because reasons
"allowegress":[{"destination":"", "ports":"22,80,443"},
{"destination":"google.com", "ports":"443"}
//We want to DNAT external traffic coming into the hypervisor directly to this machine on its VPN UDP ports
* Device definitions; superusers, users, internal and external-only devicen *
//Setting "throttle" to "false" switches off QoS throttling
//Manage will open up :80 for devices which are managed via a web browser
//Internal connections only, but can be managed by admins on ports {22|80}
"printer": {"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"], "throttle":"true", "managed":"true", "ports":"22,80"},
//Interwebs only
"guest_wifi": {"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"], "throttle":"false"},
"staff_wifi": {"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"]}
"fullname":"Dr McNuggets",
"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe", "de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"],
"sshkey":"ssh-ed25519 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba fake-ssh-key"
"fullname":"The Incredible Mr Hong",
"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe", "de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"],
"sshkey":"ssh-ed25519 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba fake-ssh-key"
"macs":["de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe", "de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe"],
"sshkey":"ssh-ed25519 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba fake-ssh-key"