- Project Leads: form the Technical Steering Committee of the E4S Project.
- Maintainers: are administrators of E4S subproject repositories
- Team Members: Regular contributors to E4S
- Collaborators: Irregular contributors to E4S
- Determine project wide rules
- Decide on project priorities
- Assign Maintainer roles
- Tammy Dahlgren -- GitHub handle: tldahlgren
- Richard Gerber -- GitHub handle: ragerber
- Michael Heroux -- GitHub handle: maherou
- Luke Peyralans -- GitHub handle: eugeneswalker
- Sameer Shende -- GitHub handle: sameershende
- James Willenbring -- GitHub handle: jwillenbring
- Maintain 1 or more E4S repositories
- Control who has merge rights for their respective repository/repositories
- Determine Team Members of their respecitve repository/repositories
- Organize release process for their subproject
- Develop code
- Review Pull Requests
- Maintain documentation