Current Samples: NOTE: (Most of the samples are very simple and rudimentary)
- Ruby Tutorial
- Rendering Basics
- Input Basics
- Rendering Sprites
- Physics and Collisions
- Mouse and coodrinate systems
- Save/Load
- Advanced Rendering:
- Targets, Tile Manip, Target Viewports, Primitive Hiarchies, Primitives as hash, Pixel Arrays, Splitscreen Camera
- Tweening, Lerping, Easing functions
- Performance:
- Sprites as --> hash, entities, classes, etc.
- Collision limits
- Advanced Debugging:
- Trace debugging classes, Unit Test
- http --> retrive images
- C extensions
- Path finding algorithms
- Genre:
- 3D, Arcade, Crafting, Dev Tools, Lowrez, Platformer, Roguelike, Tatical, Topdown
- Narrative: Text Choose Your Own Adventure, Other: (Walk around env text game)
Game Ideas Not Yet Covered:
- Tetris
- Double jump, smooth, quick platformer
- Isometric RPG/Combat
- Combat of almost any kind
- Inventory System
- Text wrapping and response system
- Turn based action rpg
- Smooth 2D Character Animations
- Card Game
- More Advanced Physics
- 2D GUI System
- Menu System
- Particle/etc effects:
- Weather, Blood, Magic
- Pet Battle Game (Pokemon)
- Terminal/Hacking Game
- Roguelite rpg
- Diagonals/Ramps
- Loop-de-loops
- Screen Shake
- Cake mechanic
- Barrel Rolling
- On rails 2D movement - (minecart in Donkey Kong???)
- HP, Magic/Mana systems, etc.
- Destructable Terrain
- Procedural Generation
- Collosion against diagnonal walls
- Supply Chain Genre Game
- Vaulting/Z-Changing - 2.5D Stuff
- Wall sliding (Celeste)
- Puzzle Game --> Moveble terrain