- Now exporting TypeScript types. Thanks @athrunsun for the PR (#76)!
- Fixes react 18 strict mode compatability. See #73
- Fixes state update of unmounted component
- Unit-tests added, 100% coverage
- Up deps
- Correct types for some props
- Rewrite to Typescript
- Provide d.ts
- Switch dist output to CommonJS module
- Update docs
- Switch Webpack -> Rollup, dist size 2.5 Kb -> 1.5 Kb for ES Modules build.
- Added shouldCloseOnEsc props by @eyaldouwma
- Lil fix by @asliwinski
- Prop to allow customizing the close icon by @stanographer
Massive libs update. Webpack 4, babel 7.
Thanks to @zilahir component now supports openning from the bottom.
- Bundle - 2.5 Kb
- Updated to react-modal 3.0
- Remove dependency to react-css-transition-group
- Optimize bundle (via webpack 3)