183 · Wood Cut
Given n pieces of wood with length L[i] (integer array). Cut them into small pieces to guarantee you could have equal or more than k pieces with the same length. What is the longest length you can get from the n pieces of wood? Given L & k, return the maximum length of the small pieces.
The unit of length is centimeter.The length of the woods are all positive integers,you couldn't cut wood into float length.If you couldn't get >= k pieces, return 0.
Example 1
L = [232, 124, 456]
k = 7
Output: 114
Explanation: We can cut it into 7 pieces if any piece is 114 long, however we can't cut it into 7 pieces if any piece is 115 long.
And for the 124 logs, the excess can be discarded and not used in its entirety.
Example 2
L = [1, 2, 3]
k = 7
Output: 0
Explanation: It is obvious we can't make it.
O(n log Len), where Len is the longest length of the wood.
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- 如果切长度为1的木头,可以切812块。(232+124+456=812)
- 如果切长度为2的木头,可以切406块。其中232切出116块,124切出62块,456切出228块。共116+62+228=406.
- 。。。
- <= max(L). 如果要切L+1长度的木头,一根都切不出来
- <= sum(L) // k
from typing import (
class Solution:
@param l: Given n pieces of wood with length L[i]
@param k: An integer
@return: The maximum length of the small pieces
def wood_cut(self, l: List[int], k: int) -> int:
# write your code here
if not l:
return 0
lengstart, lengend = 1, min(max(l), sum(l)//k)
if lengstart > lengend:
return 0
# BS on the answer set, which is length-K table
while lengstart + 1 < lengend:
lengmid = (lengstart + lengend) // 2
if self.get_pieces(l, lengmid) >= k:
lengstart = lengmid
lengend = lengmid
if self.get_pieces(l, lengend) >= k:
return lengend
if self.get_pieces(l, lengstart) >= k:
return lengstart
return 0
# O(n)
def get_pieces(self, L, length):
return sum(l // length for l in L)