The following are RECOMMENDED guidelines for QA (quality assurance) of DINA-Web modules.
This should be used as a checklist that is helping quality assurance, not as a list of todo items with intrinsic value.
When adding a feature issue to sprint backlog, include acceptance criteria: requirements that are specific to that issue, describing in detail how the feature should work. These must be met for the issue be accepted.
For example:
- Workflows to be supported
- Validations needed
- Common and special cases that must be handled
When an issue is resolved for testing (or even before), following things should be done. (Common definition of done.)
If tests are passed, move issue to resolved. If problems are found, put the issue back in progress. Write result of testing to issue comments.
- Acceptance criteria for the issue are met (i.e. feature works as expected)
- DINA UI guidelines are followed.
- UI shows clear instructions, labels and success/error messages to the user, pointing their attention to correct place. (e.g. error messages highlight the affected field.)
- UI is in English and Swedish. Email messages have subject and body in both English and Swedish.
- Important user actions are either logged or permantently saved into a database.
- Database and log files are backed up according to backup policy. TBD
- Documentation is updated, if applicable *
- Manual updated
- Technical manual updated
- Data handbook updated, if feature adds new data fields or changes their meaning
- Compatibility testing
- Works with IE 11 and two most recent versions of Firefox and Chrome
- Responds well to different screen sizes, down to 1024 x 800px TBD
- Check that automated tests are passed
- Check test coverage? TBD
- Do security testing, see Security guidelines TBD
- Unit tests - how much coverage? TBD
- Add Travis and codecov badges
- Integration testing? TBD
- Testing that database contains expected data after entering/editing/deleting items? (Query database, export and test the exported file?)
- TODO: Add more?
These can be skipped as applicable. TBD
- Usability testing
- Content (text) should be relevant to the operation, easy to understand and grammatically correct (in all applicable languages)
- Incorrect input is handled correctly
- Links lead to correct locations
- Delete operations require confirmation
- Forms can be used with keyboard only, including submit buttons
- Form fields can be tabbed through in logical order
- Error messages clearly point to the error
- Public pages have proper titles
- No content is truncated (e.g. in dropdown lists)
- Functional testing
- Handling negative numbers & zeroes
- Handling overly long content
- Handling special characters (test string: ÅÄÖåäö ÁáÐðÞþ русский алфавит)
- Sorting
- Button functionality
- Email functionality (emails arriving properly)
- User clearing cookies
- User working (editing, loggin in/out) on several tabs / browsers simultaneously
- Several users working on same data simultaneously
- Compatibility testing
- No JavaScript errors (in the console)
- Database testing
- Verify that CRUD operations work correctly
- Verify that data is saved to and retrieved from the database correctly, and that no data is lost
- Test that stored procedures, triggers etc. work correctly
- Security testing
- SSL is used everywhere
- No certification warnings or errors
- All user input is filtered correctly (e.g. SQL injection attacs)
- Users can only access features they are allowed to
- Users can only see sensitive information they are allowed to
- Improtant operations are logged
- Performance testing
- TBD later
During review, check that:
- Acceptance criteria for the issue are met (i.e. feature works as expected)
- Proper testing done and passed
TBD: How collection managers are involved in testing?
- Demonstrate new features at sprint review meetings
- Demonstrate important features as they are developed
- Organize user testing sessions
- Encourage users to test and send feedback on their own
- Record feedback
- Include feedback about in-progress issues to the issues and/or developers themselves
- File bugs to issue tracking system
- Add ideas and feaure requests to wishbucket or to issue tracking system
Released modules will run through a more thorough QA check before being packaged upstream into higher level packages which integrate several different modules into a coherent system.
- Check that Security guidelines are met
- Check that sources are available openly under acceptable license, in included
file. - Take a note of GitHub URL - Check that local builds work and Makefile has relevant targets for building, cleaning etc
- Check that repo shows Green badge for building with Travis CI
- Check that semantic versioning used - take a note of the version nr
- Check that Tests are OK
- Check that
- documentation is provided that explains the module and its usage - take a note of the URL - If the module exposes an API, Check that API documentation exists in API-Blueprint format - take a note of the URL
- Validate the .apib file and API against it
- Determine Accessibility Guidelines compliance by running tools and looking at results
- Determine Security OWASP compliance by running tools and looking at results
- Determine performance/scalability compliance by running load testing tools
- If checks fail, provide results to the module maintainer and kindly ask for specific issues to be fixed. Register issues on relevant repository along with discovered details.
- If checks pass then Announce the release passing QA checks to the mailing list and bundle it into integration projects. TODO: Clarify
These tools have been recommended by collaborators:
- W3C HTML/CSS unified validator
- Jenkins Unicorn validator
- ???
- TODO: get updated recommendation
- TODO: get updated recommendation
- jmeter
- selenium - with the IDE plugin for browsers: which allows recording a session and then which allows running such a session repeatedly
- ab - the apache webserver benchmarking tool - sudo apt-get install apache2-utils - example usage at
- httping - simple and nice way to ping an http endpoint, see also and
- siege - http regression testing and benchmarking utility, can do multiple concurrent users, puts your app "under siege"
- pylot - alternative JMeter but implemented in Python... CLI tool with GUI, also whole framework available:
- httpperf - linux CLI-tool to measure performance under load, docs, manual at