A separate and dedicated Google Cloud project is created and set up.
Note Do not use a project that has already been created. Terraform creates a new project for us.
Create variable file terraform.tfvars
# Google Cloud project ID
# Changing this forces a new project to be created
project = "[PROJECT_ID]"
# The alphanumeric ID of the billing account this project belongs to
billing_account = "[BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]"
# The numeric ID of the folder this project should be created under
folder = "[FOLDER_ID]"
# Google Cloud DNS domain name suffix for managed zone
# This domain is used for the VMs
# Name field must end with trailing dot, for example myzone.example.com. (note the trailing dot)
dns-domain = "subdomain.domain.tld."
Please verify the ownership of the domain (or a parent) at http://www.google.com/webmasters/verification/.
To initiate authorization, enter the following command:
gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser
Copy the long URL that begins with
Paste this URL into the browser with which you are currently logged in with your admin account.
Copy the authorization code from the web browser.
Paste the authorization code back to the prompt, "Enter authorization code", and press Enter to complete the authorization.
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project [EXISTING-GOOGLE-PROJECT]
terraform init
terraform apply
Copy variables.sh
and pi-private-key.json
to pi
cp variables.sh ../pi/
cp pi-private-key.json ../pi/
Add all name servers from file dns-name-servers.txt
to your DNS (registrar setup) as type NS.
cat dns-name-servers.txt
Example of configuration with Cloudflare DNS management and domain name (dns-domain
) suffix soda.nkn-it.de.
Repeat with all four DNS servers.
dig ns soda.nkn-it.de
Copy this repo to Google Cloud Source.
Add Cloud Source repository as remote repo:
bash sourcerepo-url.sh
git push cloudsource
View repository:
If you want to log out again, follow these steps: Revoke cookies
After pushing this repo to Google Cloud Source, a Google Cloud Build is triggered that creates the custom OS images.
List OS images:
gcloud compute images list \
--no-standard-images \
custom-debian debian-12 READY
custom-fedora fedora-cloud-38 READY
custom-suse opensuse-leap READY
custom-ubuntu ubuntu-2204-lts READY
Your Google Cloud Platform is now configured. Continue with the Raspberry Pi.
cd ../pi/
If you want to delete everything, Terraform can destroy everything for you:
terraform apply -destroy
rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl terraform.tfstate
Because everything is set up in an extra project, you can also just delete the whole project.