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308 lines (240 loc) · 9.34 KB

track availability of tickets for events from

How it works

  1. open new tab for in running Mozilla Firefox instance
  2. retrieve cookies from running instance
  3. call Ticketmaster API
  4. write response to /logs/tracking_history.csv, /logs/tracking_history.jsonl and /logs/data.db
  5. if ticket is available, response with ticket details will be written to /logs/picks.json
  6. if ticket under price limit from config.json is available, alert sound rings and new tab to event pops up
  7. when cookies expire after about 15 Minutes, start from beginning


Get Started

  1. install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. setup config.json (sample can be found here sample.config.json)
  3. setup init.json (sample can be found here sample.init.sql)

Ticketmaster API

API to retrieve list of available tickets of an event



URL Parameters

Name Value Description
EVENT_ID 23006130DAB40C0B ID of Event

How to get Event ID

  1. search for Event on (e.g.
  2. go to Ticket Site (e.g.
  3. get Event ID (e.g. 23006130DAB40C0B) from URL

GET Parameters

Name Value Description
resale true if true, only resale tickets will be returned
qty 1 number of tickets you're looking for
offset 0 position from where to start returning results
limit 100 number of maxium returned results
sort price attribute to sort results
primary true n/a
defaultToOne true n/a
tids 000000000004 n/a

Request Headers

see sample.config.json



Name Domain


Name Domain


HTTP Status Codes

Status Descripton How Tracker handles it
200 Request successful write response to logs\<EVENT_ID>.csv
401 Cookie expired write status to logs\<EVENT_ID>.csv, retrieve new cookie
403 Headers invalid write error to logs\<EVENT_ID>.html, cancel execution
404 Event not found write error to logs\<EVENT_ID>.html, cancel execution
503 Event temporarily not available replace failing event id with new event id
504 Timeout replace failing event id with new event id

Body when no Ticket is available

	"quantity": 0,
	"total": 0,
	"picks": [],
	"descriptions": []

Body when 1 Ticket is available

	"quantity": 1,
	"eventId": "23006113B5E30BFD",
	"total": 1,
	"picks": [
			"id": "lg899kjn6",
			"type": "general-seating",
			"section": "PITCH",
			"originalPrice": 396.93,
			"description": "",
			"areaName": "",
			"placeDescriptionId": "IE5DCNJMHE",
			"hasSpecialDescription": false,
			"offerIds": [
			"snapshotImageUrl": "image?systemId=HOST_UK&segmentIds=s_168",
			"quality": 0.97235,
			"sellerBusinessType": "private",
			"resaleListingId": "lg899kjn6",
			"sellerAffiliationType": "unaffiliated",
			"attributes": []
	"descriptions": [
			"id": "IE5DCNJMHE",
			"descriptions": [
				"No U14s. Under 18s with adult 18+",
				"Incl. 2.75 Facility Fee"


Schema tracking_history.csv

uses CSV Format

each line represents the availability at the given time


quantity total picks descriptions status eventId time date
0 0 [] [] 200 23006130DAB40C0B 23:59:59 01.01.2024

Schema tracking_history.jsonl

uses JSON Lines Format

each line represents the availability at the given time


{"quantity": 0, "total": 0, "picks": [], "descriptions": [], "status": 200, "eventId": "23006130DAB40C0B", "isoDate": "2024-01-01T23:59:59.999999"}

Schema picks.json

uses JSON Format

each object represents unique available pick for a single event at the given time


	"picks": [
            "id": "lwchvgnt4",
            "type": "general-seating",
            "section": "PITCH",
            "originalPrice": 395.42,
            "description": "",
            "areaName": "",
            "placeDescriptionId": "IE5DCNJMHE",
            "hasSpecialDescription": false,
            "offerIds": [
            "snapshotImageUrl": "image?systemId=HOST_UK&segmentIds=s_168",
            "quality": 0.97235,
            "sellerBusinessType": "private",
            "resaleListingId": "lwchvgnt4",
            "sellerAffiliationType": "unaffiliated",
            "attributes": [],
            "eventId": "23006130DAB40C0B",
            "isoDate": "2024-01-01T23:59:59.999999"
            "id": "lwhdbh7jv",
            "type": "seat",
            "section": "120",
            "row": "24",
            "seatFrom": "243",
            "seatTo": "244",
            "originalPrice": 540.18,
            "description": "Level 1",
            "areaName": "L1",
            "placeDescriptionId": "IE5DCNRMHE",
            "hasSpecialDescription": false,
            "offerIds": [
            "snapshotImageUrl": "image?systemId=HOST_UK&sectionNames=120&placeId=GEZDAORSGQ5DENBU",
            "quality": 0.88172,
            "sellerBusinessType": "private",
            "resaleListingId": "lwhdbh7jv",
            "sellerAffiliationType": "unaffiliated",
            "attributes": [],
            "eventId": "23006130DAB40C0B",
            "isoDate": "2024-01-01T23:59:59.999999"

SQLite Database

events, logs, picks and cookies are all written in SQLite database logs\data.db


init.sql creates data.db database and all required tables (events, cookies, logs, picks). Also it inserts all relevant information about events (ID, Artist, City, Vanue, Date)

ER Diagram

database schema

generated with dbeaver


create config.json with following attributes:

Name Description Available Values
firefox_executable absolute path to Mozialla Firefox executable n/a
selenium NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! chrome, firefox
cookies Cookie String or cookies.txt File, if empty Cookie from running Firefox instance will be used String: "eps_sid=XXX; BID=XXX; reese84=XXX; SID=XXX; sticky=XXX", File: sample.cookies.txt
headers Array of required Request Headers see sample.config.json
domain Ticketmaster domain
api_path API path /api/quickpicks/
primary_events Array of Event IDs which will be tracked see sample.config.json
secondary_events Array of Event IDs which will be used if primary Event fails see sample.config.json
method API method incl. query parameters list?resale=true&qty=1&offset=0&limit=100&sort=price
request_delay delay between requests (in seconds) 30
refresh_delay delay until new loaded cookies will be used (in seconds) 15
price_limit price limit for ticket alert e.g. 500.00
response_sample load API response sample for testing see list_ticket.json

for further sample values see sample.config.json

Console Output

console output

Line 1: Execution Time (hh:mm:ss) HTTP Status
Line 2: Current Event ID
Line 3: Number for Events which returned HTTP 503 or 504
Line 4 - 12: Table of used Cookies including Name, Expiration (hh:mm:ss dd.MM.YYYY) and Domain
Last Line: Countdown until the Execution continues



curl.bat - basic cURL command of sample request from Chrome Dev Tools - simple Python request sample with hardcoded headers and cookies

Load Response Sample

Load Cookie String

Load cookies.txt


  • bypass queue / add to basket
  • implement headless browser
    • selenium
    • playwright
  • add entries to cookies_per_log table
  • Exception Hanlding / Error Logging
  • add UI to view results

Ticketmaster Troubleshooting

Error Reason Solution
Let's Get Your Identity Verified malicious browsing behavior resolve captcha
Your Session Has Been Suspended too many requests automatically unsupended by ticketmaster after about 30 days
Pardon the Interruption malicious browsing behavior n/a